
  1. 必须针对具体的市场环境,从各个时间段上,认真研究LNG的潜在市场、潜在消费规模和潜在气价承受能力,确定天然气利用的启动项目和发展方向;

    We should make a careful study of the potential LNG market , potential gas consumption and rational gas prices for each specific market and their different stages of development , and determine what projects could increase the use of natural gas ;

  2. Krugman市场潜能以上述因素为权重,将各目标市场消费规模进行加总,从而度量一地制造业产品的需求规模。

    Krugman market potential uses the above factors as the weight of the demand from all target markets , so as to measure the demand scale for the manufacturing products of the production place .

  3. 从消费规模看消费波动与经济波动是互相作用的;

    We demonstrated that consumption demand and economic fluctuation is interactive from consumption scale aspect .

  4. 阿根廷的婴儿配方奶粉消费规模仅为中国的1%。

      Argentine consumption of infant formula is only 1 per cent of that recorded in China .

  5. 研究政府消费规模对居民消费需求的影响,要考察特定的国家和地区,以及特定的时期,本文主要是研究我国从1978到2003年25年间的政府消费规模的变化对居民消费需求的影响。

    To study this impact one should investigate the situation in particular countries and regions , and in particular period .

  6. 收入差距扩大已经成为影响消费规模扩大、社会安定的重要因素之一。一般认为,经济发展会进一步扩大收入差距。

    The enlarging income gap in China exerts negative influence on the expansion of consumption , and the social stability as well .

  7. 伴随着区域差距的变化,消费规模以及消费结构会在空间上表现出显著的差异。

    Accompany the change of the regional gap , consumer scale as well as consumer structure can show notable discrepancy on space .

  8. 然后对我国农民居民的消费规模、消费结构、消费行为等现状进行了剖析。

    And then to our country rural residents ' consumption scale , consumption structure , consumer behavior , etc. Analyzes the status quo .

  9. 世界各大奢侈品厂商纷纷瞄准中国市场,各种与奢侈相关的会展也移师中国举办,中国的奢侈消费规模一跃名列世界前茅。

    International luxury brands collimate Chinese market , luxury-related expositions turn to be China-hosted , and the scale of luxury consumption of China bounded into worldly tops .

  10. 关于政府消费规模对居民消费需求的影响,从理论上讲,可以是替代关系,也可以是互补关系。

    As the core . The impact on households ' consumption demand of government 's consumption scale , theoretically , can be either substituted relation or complementary relation .

  11. 所以,为了帮助发展中国家走出历史的困境,发达国家在扩大国际贸易的同时,必须根据自己的消费规模支付“生态税”。

    Hence , developed countries must pay ecological tax based on their consumption at the foreign trade shares so as to help developing countries overcome their historical difficulties .

  12. 随着经济的发展,社会交往越发频繁,消费规模日益增大,从而导致大规模人身侵权案件层出不穷。

    With the development of economy , social interactions become more frequent , which increase the scale of consumption and lead to an endless stream of massive personal infringement cases .

  13. 同时随着消费规模的扩大,信息化水平的发展,商户们更愿意给具有电子商务平台的批发市场以更高评价。

    At the same time as the expansion of the scale of consumption , the level of informationization development , traders are more willing to give with e-commerce platform in the wholesale market higher evaluation .

  14. 老年人口的大量增加将对湖南省消费规模、消费结构产生明显的影响,本研究发现:人口年龄结构变化带来的老龄化程度的提高,使得人均收入提高所带来的消费水平提高的速度将会减小。

    The thesis finds that the high degree of population aging brought about by the change of population age structure will reduce the speed of the increase of consumption , though per capita incomes rises .

  15. 与100年前相比,我们现在要富有得多得多,但工作时间的降幅却比生产率的增幅小不少,我们的消费规模比以往任何时候都大。

    We are much , much richer than we were 100 years ago , but hours of work have not fallen nearly as much as productivity has risen , and we go on consuming more than ever .

  16. 而本地制成品的需求不仅取决于该地内部的消费规模,还取决于其对所有市场的通达性,二者相加即为市场潜能。

    And the demand for manufacturing products depends not only on local demand , but also on the access to all the other markets . Market potential is defined as the aggregation of access to all target markets .

  17. 研究指出,要素间收入差距扩大会显著恶化人际收入分配格局,且不利于消费规模的增长,因此对于要素收入分配问题的研究就显得极为重要。

    Research indicates that the income gap between the elements will significantly improve the deterioration of interpersonal income distribution pattern , and not conducive to the scale of consumption growth , so the research of income distribution for the elements is extremely important .

  18. 本文试图从政府消费规模的扩大对居民消费需求的影响入手进行研究,以期为政府干预经济增长和财政政策的有效性提供理论依据。

    This paper attempts to research this problem from the impact which the enlargement of consumption scale by government makes on resident 's consumption demand , in the hope of providing theoretical foundation for economic growth and validity of the financial policy of government interference .

  19. 本文通过对百年中国文学的深刻嬗变的论述,认为从19世纪到20世纪,我国文学产生了观念、对象、形态、性质和生产与消费规模的深刻变化。

    By reviewing the profound evolution Chinese literature underwent in the past one hundred years , the author finds that from 19th to 20th century , Chinese literature experienced great changes in its concept , object , form , nature , and scale of production and consumption .

  20. 上海城市居民消费信贷规模研究

    A Study on the Potential Consumer Credits Level of Shanghai 's Citizens

  21. 一是消费总规模不断扩大。

    First , the scale of consumption has expanded continuously .

  22. 国际贸易活动的开展扩大了生产和消费活动规模,加剧了环境退化。

    International trade activities enlarge the scale of production and consumption , and aggravate this deterioration .

  23. 体育消费的规模、结构、层次等决定着体育产业的发展与规模。

    Sports consumption scale , structure , level determines the development of the sports industry and scale .

  24. 氧化锑是中国锑行业的主要产品,这主要是由于下游阻燃剂产品对氧化锑的消费需求规模较大。

    Antimony oxide is the primary product of Chinese antimony industry now that the downstream flame retardants are massively needy of antimony oxide .

  25. 敏捷的开发周期的迭代特性令系统测试团队以较小的且更容易消费的规模在较长的时间内理解产品。

    The iterative nature of the agile development cycle allowed the system test team to understand the product over a longer timeframe in smaller , more readily consumable pieces .

  26. 目前这种影响已经表现出来:一是国内市场消费需求规模较小。

    In fact , we have witnessed the adverse effect even at present , which is shown from the following aspects : Consumption demand in domestic market is relatively small .

  27. 近年来,我国个人消费信贷规模急剧扩大,借债消费已经成为中国居民一个重要消费选择。

    The main topic of the paper is household debt in our country . In recent years , the scale of the individual consumer credit has dramatically expanded in China . For Chinese residents , consumer loans have already become an important consumption choice .

  28. 2009年,整个消费电子行业规模缩减了30%,而我们的Sonos同比增长超过50%,与此同时我们还降低了运营成本。

    SONOS grew more than 50 % year-over-year in 2009 in a consumer electronics industry that was shrinking by 30 % while we lowered our operating expenses .

  29. 以及其消费市场的规模迅速扩大。

    The size of its consumer market has expanded rapidly as well .

  30. 其次,婚姻还能带来消费中的规模经济,花园如此,厨房亦是如此。

    Second , there are economies of scale in consumption . One garden will do , so will one kitchen .