
  • 网络Consumption Ethic;consumer ethics
  1. 西方的消费伦理反省

    The Introspection of Consumption Ethic in the West

  2. 最终,文章指出节俭作为一种传统美德对于构建现代科学消费伦理具有宝贵的借鉴意义,得出节俭作为消费的中道具有恒久理论价值的结论。

    Finally , the paper indicates clearly that frugality as a traditional virtue has valuable significance in building the system of modern scientific consumption ethic and makes a constant theoretical conclusion that frugality is a kind of mediocre way of consumption .

  3. 加入WTO后我国居民消费伦理的建构

    Building of residential consumption morality in china after entering WTO

  4. 墨子消费伦理观对休闲体育消费的启示

    Influence of Mozi ′ s Consumptive Ethics on Leisure Sport Consumption

  5. 消费伦理的实质及其对传统伦理的超越

    The Essence of Consumption Ethics and the Transcend to Conventional Ethics

  6. 消费伦理与保护生态环境

    The Ethics of Consumption and the Protection of Ecological Environment

  7. 现代消费伦理与节约型社会建设

    The Value of Modern Consumption Ethics in the Construction of Economy Society

  8. 现代性消费伦理的演变与生态消费伦理的提出

    The Evolution of Modernity Consuming Ethics and the Advancement of Ecological Consuming Ethics

  9. 第四部分,中国可持续发展消费伦理困境的根源。

    The fourth part is the resource of Chinese sustainable consumption ethics plight .

  10. 王夫之的消费伦理思想探论

    On the Wang Fu-zhi ' Consume Ethics Thoughts

  11. 浅议当代青年学生的消费伦理教育

    Study on Consumer Education of Contemporary Chinese Students

  12. 论大学生消费伦理观的培养

    The Cultivation of University Students ' Consumption Ethics

  13. 因此,必一须以新的消费伦理原则来指导人们进行合理消费。

    Thus we should consume reasonably with the instruction of the new consumption ethics .

  14. 论凯恩斯的高消费伦理思想

    Study on Keynes ' High Consumption Ethics Thoughts

  15. 中国传统家庭消费伦理观良莠并存;

    The development of traditional Chinese family consumptive ethic takes on a picture of mixture .

  16. 消费伦理问题的思考对消费的伦理追问

    The Thought on Consumption Ethics An Enquiry into Consumption from a Moral Point of View

  17. 消费伦理与消费方式改革

    Consuming Ethics and Reform on Consuming Mode

  18. 先秦儒家的消费伦理精神解析

    On the Pre-Qin Confucian Consumption Moral Principles

  19. 消费伦理的现状探究

    The Present Condition Investigates of Consuming Ethics

  20. 论建设节约型社会条件下的消费伦理

    Establishing Consumption Ethics of the Resource-efficient Society

  21. 节约型社会中消费伦理观探析

    Ethics Views of Consumption in Economized Society

  22. 西方消费伦理思想溯源;

    The second part is mainly to trace the origin of the western consumption ethics thoughts ;

  23. 关于消费伦理的几个问题

    The Analysis on the Consume Ethics

  24. 凯恩斯的高消费伦理思想及其提出的时代背景和理论基础;

    The third part mainly introduces the high consumption ethics thoughts and its background and theoretical basis ;

  25. 消费伦理问题的思考

    The Thought on Consumption Ethics

  26. 技术垄断批判:大众传媒与消费伦理关系研究金六福媒体策略投放回顾&对突破传播总经理叶保伦先生的专访

    Criticizing the Technological Monoply : On the Relationship between Mass Media and Consuming Ethics Retrospect In Jinliufu Media Strategy

  27. 家庭经济伦理由家庭收入伦理,家庭分配伦理,家庭消费伦理三部分组成。

    The family economic ethics by the ethics of family income , family allocation ethics , household consumption ethics .

  28. 环境伦理、经济伦理、消费伦理分别对生态消费提供了理论上的道德支持。

    Furthermore , for ecological consumption , environmental ethics , economic ethics and consumption ethics provide theoretical moral support .

  29. 第三部分分析了国内外传统和现实存在的主流消费伦理。

    The third part involves the traditional and modern mainstream ethic of consumption existing in both domestic and foreign countries .

  30. 这是一种新型的消费伦理,其道德规范是符合可持续发展的。

    Combinatorial Identities of the New Type This is a new consumption ethics , its codes apply to sustainable development .