- 网络Consumer Logistics

Study on Logistics Service Pricing Method Based on Consumer Surplus Theory
Logistics Outsourcing and Enterprise 's Brand Profit and Loss Based on Customer Perception
Provide the most economical and most efficient logistics services to meet consumer demand is the primary objective of logistics enterprises .
Faced with the professional market , distribution logistics and distribution logistics to their customers two cities now are very delayed Foshan .
Distribution logistics plays an important role in the smooth development of the logistics activities , because distribution logistics activities as a direct link with consumers .
Yet as the retailers move inland from china 's coastal areas in search of new customers , they are facing huge challenges in ensuring the quality of their products because of primitive logistics infrastructure .
Candidate logistics providers should be increased ( to consumers right to choose a logistics company ), to improve the transparency of the logistics process to stop the logistics arbitrary charges , urged the logistics provider to honor a prior obligation to inform .
Moreover , 46.6 % consumers believe that online buying fresh produce would be attained completely . ( 2 ) The consumers ' expectation price is as same as traditional way , and even lower . But consumer request fast velocity of physical distribution and high quality of produce .