
  • 网络consumer advertising
  1. 做一些出格或怪异的举动,以此吸引媒体的关注,同时又能在狂轰乱炸的消费广告中脱颖而出。

    Do something outrageous or strange , grab some media attention and cut through the clutter of advertising messages that bombards consumers .

  2. 本研究试图了解快速消费品广告中所使用的说服技巧为何。

    The dissertation trys to research the persuasion in FMCG Advertisements .

  3. 快速消费品广告的说服研究

    The Research of Persuasion in FMCG Advertisements

  4. 商业杂志消费品广告

    Analysis of Commercial Consumer Advertisements in Magazines

  5. 消费品广告功能主旨分析

    Realization of Functional Tenor in Consumer Advertising

  6. 很多事例显示消费被广告语言所误导。

    Many cases show that the consumers are misled by the use of the advertising language .

  7. 符号消费与广告伦理

    Symbolic Consumption and Advertising Ethics

  8. 目前,国内学术界对广告中女性形象的分析大多采取女权主义或男权文化视角,没有对消费时代广告中女性形象的审美特性及意识形态作全面而系统的研究,失之片面。

    At present the analysis of female images in advertising are mostly in the feminist or masculine hegemony perspectives .

  9. 本文论及的广告用语仅限于出版于杂志中的消费类广告。

    In this thesis " advertising speech " is confined only to the speech in consumer advertising published in magazine .

  10. 该图表预计,在2007年某月之后,互联网广告支出才会超过消费杂志广告。

    It forecast that the amount of money spent on Internet advertising would not exceed that for consumer magazines until some time in 2007 .

  11. 产品包装是现代营销的重要手段之一,也是消费与广告心理学领域的研究热点之一。

    Product packaging was very important in modern market , becoming a hot topic of research in the field of Consumer and Advertisement Psychology .

  12. 将近90%的北京调查受访者表达了对于出现在消费产品广告中的科学家的信誉的怀疑,而将近1/3的被调查者说“完全不相信”他们。

    Sed survey respondents expressed doubts about the credibility of scientists appearing in advertisements for consumer products , and nearly one-third stated that they " definitely mistrust " them .

  13. 在智能手机用户人数居世界之最的背景下,中国已经同时成为了营销和科技公司的试验田,被它们用来测试那些旨在吸引消费者在线上和线下消费的广告方式。

    With the largest pool of smartphone users in the world , China has become a petri dish for marketers and technology companies alike to test ways to get consumers to buy both online and off .

  14. 根据上述原则,我们分析了以四类商品为代表的非耐用消费品广告的特征,根据其作用模式构建了两阶段测评概念模型。

    According to these principles , we analyze the characteristics of the advertising in the non-durable consumer goods category typified by four product types , and construct a two-staged evaluation model based on the function pattern of these advertising .

  15. 当然--我很了解电子商务生态系统,我见识过大量的消费公司和广告科技公司,但这都不比不上在谷歌(Google)工作几年。

    Sure -- I knew the e-commerce ecosystem cold , met with countless consumer companies , and quite a few adtech companies , but that doesn 't compare to spending several years working at Google .

  16. 论消费异化与广告伦理

    Consuming Alienation and Ethics of Advertisements A New Discussion on Alienation

  17. 中国快速消费品市场广告策略研究

    Research on Advertising Strategy of Fast Moving Consumer Goods in China

  18. 商品生产的最后一道工序&消费社会的广告

    The Last Procedure of Goods & Advertising in a Consumer Society

  19. 解读征服女性消费心理的广告策略

    Interpretation of Advertisement Strategies on How to Conquer the Female

  20. 消费社会下广告创意过程模式的建构

    The Foundation of the Advertising Creativity Process from the Semiotics in Consumptive Society

  21. 消费品行业广告沟通策略的研究

    Study on the Advertising Communication Strategy of FMCG Industry

  22. 试论消费文化与广告传播

    Consumer Culture and Advertising Communication

  23. 从市场规模、网民消费习惯、广告代理等方面研究了我国在线分类广告市场的特点,并对国内主要的在线分类广告网站作了比较分析。

    Studys the scope , user ' consume habit and Ads agents of national online classified Ads market , and compares dominating online classified Ads websites .

  24. 目前传统消费品网络广告份额逐年上升,许多行业已经看好网络广告的巨大媒体潜力。

    Current market partition of the traditional consumer goods cyber advertising increased year by year , many industries have been thinking highly of the great potential in online advertising media .

  25. 这也就意味着,在消费时代,广告看似有功利与非功利、理性与非理性的矛盾,实际上是更多的张力而不是矛盾。

    This also means in consumption age , advertising looks as if conflict between utilitarianism and non-utilitarianism and between rationality and non-rationality but it actually reflects flexibility rather than conflict .

  26. 本文拟从符号学的角度分析日常生活中的某些广告,联系人们的消费观念和广告对人们的观念可能造成的影响做出细致的分析并试图探讨隐藏在广告背后的文化内涵。

    Some daily advertisements are analysed from the perspective of semiotics , and the people 's consuming concept and the influence the advertisement may cause are expounded to probe into deep significance under the advertisement .

  27. 广告是社会经济生活中不可缺少的一部分,尤其在商品经济飞速发展的今天,广告充斥着大众的视听,影响着消费者的消费观念,广告已经成为现实生活的真实写照。

    Advertising is an indispensable part of social and economic life , especially in the rapid development of commodity economy , advertising is full of public audio-visuals and affects the concept of consuming . Advertising has become a true portrayal of real life .

  28. 在产品同质化趋势加剧的现代消费社会,广告不仅向受众传递商品信息,说服其采取购买行为,还影响着受众的生活方式、价值观念和精神取向,更成为了现代文化的传播者与创造者。

    In the modern Consumer Society , where the trend of product homogenization becomes more and more obvious , advertising does not only deliver commodity information to audience or persuade them to take purchasing action , but also affect their lifestyles , values and spiritual orientations .

  29. 论消费社会中影视广告类型化的趋向

    On the Trend of Typological Film & TV Advertisements in Consumptive Society

  30. 不同人生境界中消费观的比较广告传播与当代生活消费

    Comparison of consumption in different life environment Advertisement Dissemination And Modern Life Consumption