
xiāo zhǒng
  • detumescence;subsidence of a swelling;apocatastasis
消肿 [xiāo zhǒng]
  • [detumescence] 肿块的缩小;肿胀的消退

消肿[xiāo zhǒng]
  1. 结果A,B两组较治疗前症状均明显好转,B组在消肿、止痛方面优于A组,有显著性差异。

    RESULTS A and B groups showed that symptoms were improved . Moreover , detumescence and acesodyne effect of bandage B was better than that of A , and it was statistically significant .

  2. 常用跌打损伤中药中消肿类药的Na元素均值最高,为9.44mg/g,与理气类、活血类中药中Na元素含量呈现显著性差异(P0.05)。

    Common traumatic injury in traditional Chinese medicine detumescence drugs Na elements average highest content , 9.44mg / g , and Qi , Chinese traditional drugs in the Na element content showed a significant difference ( P0.05 ) .

  3. 用冰敷消肿。

    Use ice to reduce the swelling .

  4. 我们会故意让大脑受伤的患者进入昏迷状态,以便镇定身体系统,让头脑在消肿的同时自行恢复功能。

    We purposely keep patients with traumatic brain injuries in a comatose2 state in order to calm their systems and allow the brain time to heal itself while the swelling3 subsides4 .

  5. 目的探讨大鼠鼠尾离断再植术后血管内皮细胞VEGF的表达,探讨消肿止痛合剂对再植术后VEGF、NO、ET表达的影响。

    Purpose : Objective to investigate the expression of vascular endothelial cells VEGF after the rat tail replantation .

  6. 【结论】三虎丸对类风湿关节炎有明显抗炎消肿作用,且能通过降低血清NO与iNOS水平来减轻炎症反应,保护关节软骨;

    Furthermore , by reducing the contents of NO and iNOS in serum , it could relieve inflammation and protect articular cartilage ;

  7. 同时,在磷酸根的存在下可以减弱Hoechst33258与DNA的非特异性作用.矿泉浴通过矿泉水对人体的特异性和非特异性作用,起到按摩、收敛、消肿和止痛的作用;

    The main interaction sites of Hoechst 33258 is between base pairs of A and T. Mineral bath make impacts on massage , restrain , repercussion and acesodyne by the specificity and non-specificity of mineral water on human body ;

  8. 消肿时间治疗组≤7d,与对照组差异显著。

    The time for the inflammation to subside of the treatment group was ≤ 7 days , showing a great disparity to the controll group .

  9. 板蓝根为十字花科菘蓝属植物菘蓝IsatisindigoticaFort的干燥根,性寒味苦,有清热解毒、凉血消肿的功效。

    Isatis indigotica Fort is the dried root of Isatis tinctoria . It has the effects of heat-clearing and detoxicating , cooling blood and detumescence .

  10. 结果:消肿祛瘀散眼罩外敷治疗眶周瘀血,敷药24h后,肿胀消除80%以上,总有效率为93%,对照组总有效率为37%(P<0.05)。

    Results : The symptom of swelling relieved 80 % after 24h of treatment . The effective rate of observed group was 93 % and control group 37 % ( P < 0.05 ) .

  11. 三七(PanaxnotoginsengF.H.Chen)为一传统中药,具有化淤止血,消肿定痛的功能。

    Sanqi ( Panax notoginseng F.H.Chen ), a kind of valuable Chinese traditional medicine , has its distinctive function on dispersing stasis , relieving pain and eliminating swelling .

  12. 结果:1.灸治AA大鼠能减轻炎症肿胀,降低IL-6,提高IL-2,与对照组比较差异显著(P0.01),表明灸疗能抗炎消肿,抑制炎症因子,提高机体免疫功能;

    Result : 1.Treatment of moxibustion alleviated the swelling , reduced IL-6 and increased IL-2 ( P0.01 , comparing with control group ), indicating that moxibustion can relieve inflammation , restrain the forming of inflammatory factors and raise the immunity of body .

  13. 臭牡丹(ClerodendrumBungei),马鞭草科,为常用的民族药材,具有活血化瘀、清热利湿、消肿止痛、解毒等功效。

    Clerodendrum bungei , verbenaceae , is the commonly used ethnic herbs which has the effect of promoting blood circulation , heat and dampness , swelling and pain , detoxification et al .

  14. 600mg/kg灌胃对大鼠足跖注射1%角叉菜0.1ml或鲜蛋清0.1ml致肿,也有明显消肿作用。

    CP 600mg / kg ig inhibited markedly the edema produced by injection of 1 % carrageenin 0.1 ml or fresh egg white 0.1 ml beneath the plantar surface of hind paw in rats .

  15. 术前、术后常规应用消肿药物治疗。

    Preoperative and postoperative routine application of swelling and drug therapy .

  16. 好啦!眼皮消肿啦,眼睛重又神采奕奕啦!

    Good ! Eyelid detumescence , the eye is heavy alight !

  17. 对照组予术后常规消肿止痛治疗。

    In the control group with conventional treatment of swelling pain .

  18. 局部封闭和紫色消肿膏外敷治疗肱骨外上髁炎疗效评价

    Evaluation of partial closure and purple trim to Plaster Humeral Epicondylitis

  19. 我给你一点药片来消肿。

    I 'll give you some tablets to reduce the swelling .

  20. 促进血液和淋巴循环,排毒、排水、消肿。

    Accelerate circulation of blood , clear away toxin and swell .

  21. 这次会议主要是研究军队“消肿”这个老问题。

    This old question is the chief topic of the present meeting .

  22. 用一点搽剂可使你那青肿的膝部消肿。

    A bit of embrocation will soothe your bruised knee .

  23. 把你的脚泡在冰水里以便消肿。

    Immerse your foot in ice cold water to reduce the swelling .

  24. 具有散瘀消肿;解毒;止血的功效。

    Have scattered stasis detumescence , Detoxification , Hemostatic effect .

  25. 结论:骨肌康搽剂有明显的抗炎、消肿作用。

    Conclusion : Gujikang liniment has obvious effects of antiinflammatory and detumescence .

  26. 而她却在努力消肿

    while she 's trying to fight her swelling down --

  27. 政府能消除贫穷吗?使用抗菌素能消肿。

    Can the government eliminate poverty ? Antibiotics will reduce the swelling .

  28. 消肿,减轻肌肉疼痛,诸如此类。

    Reduces swelling , helps relieve sore muscles and whatnot .

  29. 茶中的咖啡因和鞣酸都是可以消肿的收敛剂。

    The caffeine and tannin in tea are both astringents that reduces puffiness .

  30. 中药复方软坚消肿液抑瘤实验研究

    A Study of Antineoplastic Test of Herbal Medicinal Mixture