
xiāo shí
  • help digestion;help to digest
消食 [xiāo shí]
  • [help to digest] 消化食物,助消化

消食[xiāo shí]
  1. 山楂制品,和中消食。

    Hawthorn products have the function of pacifying the stomach and spleen , and promoting digestion .

  2. 结论:莱菔子行气消食的作用机制可能与促进MTL的分泌和作用于M受体有关。

    Conclusion : The mechanism of Semen Raphani may be related to increasing the secretion of MTL and affecting the M-receptor .

  3. 投资者们希望这种小药包能够像上世纪40年代的AlkaSeltzer消食片一样,成为家庭药箱中的必需品。

    The investors are hoping the packets will become a staple of home medicine cabinets & much like alka seltzer in the 1940s .

  4. 这类中药的药效是开胃消食。此药有利胆、消炎之功效。

    This kind of medicine has the cholagogic and anti-inflammatory function .

  5. 欲消食止呕,请服用保济丸。

    To promote digestion and stop vomiting , take Baoji Pills please .

  6. 那我再给你买消食片咯。

    I 'll buy you digestive pills , too .

  7. 莱菔子行气消食的机制研究

    Study on Mechanism of Semen Raphani in Moving qi and Removing Food Retention

  8. 结论本法处方合理,工艺简单,所制备的小儿健胃消食颗粒质量稳定。

    The quality of prepared granule was stable .

  9. 杀害一个念着消食经过路的老教士?

    An old goodman of a priest , who passes along mumbling his prayers ?

  10. 木瓜也有助于消食健胃。

    The papaya promotes good digestion too .

  11. 其中治疗组采用健脾助运推拿法治疗,对照组采用小儿消食片治疗。

    The treatment group was treated by massage therapy with strengthening spleen in transportation method .

  12. 目的:观察传统的消食导滞方剂保和丸和健脾丸对小鼠胃肠运动功能的影响。

    AIM : To investigate the effects of Jianpiwan and Baohewan on gastrointestinal motility in rats .

  13. 目的:建立健儿消食口服液制剂的质量控制标准。

    Objective : To establish a standard to control the quality of Jianer Xiaoshi oral liquid .

  14. 观察消食口服液治疗小儿厌食的临床疗效。

    To observe the therapeutic effect of Xiaoshi oral liquid ( XOL ) in treating child anorexia .

  15. 我国民间有利用老黑茶治疗腹胀、痢疾、不消食的传统。

    In China , people keep the tradition to utilize dark tea to cure dysentery and indigestion .

  16. 开胃消食糖浆对幼龄厌食大鼠β内啡肽的调节作用

    Modulation effect of increase appetite and promoting digestion syrup on β - endorphin of juvenile rats with anorexia

  17. 枳术丸为常用消食健胃经典方,对功能性消化不良有较好的疗效。

    In common use and digestive classic prescription , there is good curative effect to the function indigestion .

  18. 山楂用于消食时,其炮制温度最好控制在160~200℃范围内。

    For the hawthorn digestion , it 's best to control the temperature cooked at160 ~ 200 ℃ range .

  19. 本厂的果酸饮料,有利健脾、理气、消食。

    The fruit-acid drinks our factory makes are helpful in strengthening the spleen , regulating qi and aiding digestion .

  20. 但在此之后,摩根士丹利分析师更可能去拿香槟,而非消食片。

    But , in the aftermath , Morgan Stanley analysts are more likely to reach for champagne than Alka-Seltzer .

  21. 中枢性厌食动物模型的建立及健脾消食中药的干预作用

    Building of Central Anorexia Animal Model and Study of Therapeutic Action of Decoction of Jian Pi Xiao Shi in Treating Anorexia

  22. (对某人的健康或胃口)适合开胃消食,祝君健康&本酒家的保证。

    Suit sb 's health or digestion To stimulate your appetite and digestion and wish you good health are the guarantee of our restaurant .

  23. 说明急性胃黏膜损伤早期应用消食导滞的方法能起到积极的保护作用,是胃黏膜损伤类疾病的初始方剂。

    Digestion dredge acute gastric mucosal injury early application can play a positive role in the protection , the initial prescription of gastric mucosal injury-like illness .

  24. 目的:研究炒莱菔子行气消食的物质基础及其作用机理。

    Objective : The aim of study is to research the material basis and functional mechanism of Frying Semen Raphani which moves qi and removes food retention .

  25. 请问我该吃点别的什么药吗,比如说健胃消食片,乳酸菌嚼片等?

    Should excuse me I take bit of other what drug , feed e.g. disappear of be good at stomach piece , is lactobacillus chewed piece etc ?

  26. 本店为食欲不振,消化不良的病家提供各种健睥、理气、消食的中药。

    This drug store offers patients who have a poor appetite or suffer from indigestion various traditional Chinese medicines for invigorating the spleen , regulating qi , and aiding digestion .

  27. 为考察小儿康冲剂的健脾开胃、消食导滞、安神定惊功效,用健脾、消食、止痛、安神等方法对小儿康冲剂进行了药理研究。

    Studies on pharmacodynamics of Xiaoerkang Granule ( XEKG ) was carried out by using the methods of strengthening the spleen , promoting digestion , alleviating pain and tranquilizing the mind .

  28. 本实验研究焦米水消食止泻作用拟为山楂炒焦研究提供对照,为探寻、研究炒焦共性问题提供参考。

    Coked rice water digestion antidiarrheal effect of this experimental study is proposed for control of the study of the burnt hawthorn , provide a reference to explore frying coke common problems .

  29. 调气即健脾气、降胃气、疏肝气;活血即养血、活血、化瘀;解毒即化痰、除湿、清热、消食。

    Transfer gas that health temper down the Stomach , liver qi ; that is , nourishing and promoting blood circulation , blood circulation , blood circulation ; detoxification phlegm , dampness , heat , digestion .

  30. 其中,笃斯越桔酒色泽鲜艳、优雅和谐、浓郁醇厚、具有滋补健身、消食健脾、延缓衰老、提高视力、防癌抗癌多种功效。

    Of these , the Vaccinium uliginosum wine has bright color , graceful harmony , rich mellow , which has many health functions such as with nourishing body , promoting digestion , improving vision , anti-aging and anticancer .