
  • 网络anointment;Unction;Extreme Unction
  1. 教皇给他施了涂油礼,任命其为大主教。

    The Pope has anointed him as Archbishop .

  2. 通过其母亲拔示巴(Bathsheba)和先知拿单(Nathan)的努力,所罗门在大卫在世时被施以涂油礼。

    Through the efforts of his mother , Bathsheba , and the prophet Nathan , Solomon was anointed king while David was still alive .

  3. 神父在婴儿的前额上施涂油礼。

    The priest anointed the baby 's forehead .

  4. 大祭司施涂油礼,以示他已成为国王。

    The high priest anointed him king .

  5. 涂油礼作为宗教,典礼或治疗仪式本部分的涂油行为。

    The act of anointing as part of a religious , ceremonial , or healing ritual .

  6. 在复活节这天早上,她与另外两名妇女去为耶稣的尸体施涂油礼,发现坟墓已空。

    On Easter morning she went with two other women to anoint the corpse and found the tomb empty .

  7. 在涂油礼中,丹将油抹在汤姆的头顶。

    In this rite of anointing the sick , Dan rubbed oil on the crown of tom 's head .

  8. 因为没药是用作涂香油于(体,以作防腐)施以涂油礼,它是象征死亡,受难和悲哀。

    Because myrrh was used in the embalming or anointing of the dead , it came to represent mortality , suffering and sorrow .

  9. 在圣经有所提及的地方中,伯利恒的圣地有:雷切尔的坟墓,拿俄米与路得,撒母耳施以大卫王涂油礼,大卫的士兵为他送水的那口井。

    Among other Biblical mentions and Holy Sites in Bethlehem : Rachel 's tomb , Naomi and Ruth , Samuel anoints King David and the well from which David 's warriors brought him waters .

  10. 液体状的涂油被用作神圣的涂油,供祭司在涂油礼中使用,也是礼拜堂的物品。

    Liquid myrrh was used in the making of the holy Anointing oil for the Anointing of the priests and the articles of the Tabernacle .

  11. 牧师对临终人涂油的礼节:罗马天主教早期的一种圣礼,牧师为病人或受伤的人,尤其是生命垂危的人施以涂油礼和祝福。

    The rite formerly in practice in which a priest anointed and prayed for a sick or an injured person , especially one in danger of death.In1972 the name and rite were changed to Anointing of the Sick .