
  • 网络the Hague Convention
  1. 关于国际货物销售适用法律的海牙公约

    Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to International Sales of Goods

  2. 关于在跨国收养方面保护儿童和进行合作的海牙公约

    Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption

  3. 国际儿童拐骗事件的民事问题海牙公约草案

    Hague Draft Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction

  4. 关于订立国际货物销售合同的统一法的海牙公约

    Convention on a Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International

  5. 关于和平解决国际争端的海牙公约

    Hague Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes

  6. 收养管辖权、法律适用和决定承认海牙公约;

    Hague Convention on jurisdiction , applicable law and recognition of decrees relating to adoptions ;

  7. 关于发生武装冲突时保护文化财产的海牙公约;

    Hague Convention for the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict ;

  8. 民商事外国判决的承认和执行海牙公约增补议定

    Supplementary Protocol to the Hague Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters

  9. 买方所在国加入了《海牙公约》,卖方所在国则没有。

    ( The country of the Buyer ) has adhered to the Hague convention , not ( the country of the Seller ) .

  10. 进而言之,海牙公约提供当事人一种有制度保障的选择,在国际仲裁之外选择诉讼亦可以获得争议的解决。

    Furthermore , the Hague Convention provides the parties a reliable option instead of international arbitration to oversea litigation to resolve their disputes .

  11. 中国是《海牙公约》的原始缔约国,与该法院的关系也有一段曲折。

    As one of the original Party States to the Hague Conventions , China resumed its normal relationship with the Court at the end of1980s .

  12. 斯里兰卡司法部门已收到美国联邦法庭签发的对总统拉贾帕克萨的传唤。拉贾帕克萨涉嫌与《海牙公约》提交的三宗案件有关。

    The Sri Lankan justice ministry has received a summons for President Rajapaksa issued by a United States federal court in connection with three cases filed under the Hague Convention .

  13. 32.我们意识到包括海牙公约在内的国际公认的国际私法文书在便利跨境贸易投资、提升运营便利、促进合同有效执行和商业纠纷便捷解决方面的作用。

    32 . We recognize the role of internationally recognized private international law instruments such as the Hague Conventions in facilitating cross-border trade and investment , enhancing ease of doing business , and fostering effective enforcement of contracts and efficient settlement of business disputes .

  14. 关于执行海牙送达公约的实施办法

    Implement Ways of Enforcement Service of Hague Convention

  15. 多次实施运送行为或者运送人数众多的域外送达依1970年的《送达法》和《海牙送达公约》进行。

    Repeatedly involving in transporting activities or transporting a large number of people ; The exterritorial service is made according to the Act on Service and the Hague Convention on Service .

  16. 对于中介持有体制下的冲突法问题,《海牙证券公约》为跨境证券交易的法律选择提供了法律适用规则。

    With respect to the conflicts law issues , the Hague Securities Convention provides for a set of conflicts law rules for the determination of the choice of law in the context of cross-border security trading .

  17. 第一章介绍了离岸信托的相关概念,着重评述了《海牙信托公约》对离岸信托法律适用的国际协调功能,并对离岸信托避税的方式、危害以及界定作了解释。

    The first chapter described the concepts of the offshore trust , focused his remarks on international coordination function of " the Hague Trust Convention " in offshore trust laws section , as well as explained offshore trust tax avoidance methods , hazards and the definition .

  18. 《海牙管辖权公约》草案所涉电子商务问题之建议

    Our Proposal on the E-commerce Issues in the Draft of Hague Jurisdiction Convention

  19. 海牙国际领养公约旨在规范国际领养。

    The Hague Convention on Inter Country Adoptions is intended to regulate international adoptions .

  20. 海牙儿童诱拐公约在确保安全返还儿童、抑制跨国儿童诱拐等方面具有十分重要的作用。

    Hague convention on children abduction has important function in guaranteeing returns of children , suppressing transnational children abduction etc.

  21. 本章认为,欧洲两公约特别是《布鲁塞尔公约》对《海牙管辖权公约》草案的拟定影响深远。

    This chapter holds the two European Conventions ( the Brussels Convention 1968 in particular ) produced a profound influence on the drafting of Hague Jurisdiction Convention .

  22. 对跨国收养的国际司法协助机制问题,包括跨国收养的承认制度、强制性规则实施问题和国籍问题,以及我国加入海牙跨国收养公约的重要意义进行了阐述。

    Discusses the international mutual legal assistance mechanisms including inter-country adoption recognition system , the implementation of mandatory rules and nationality issues , as well as the significance that China joined to Hague Adoption Convention on Inter-country Adoption .

  23. 年海牙国际货物销售公约

    Convention on the International Sale of Goods , Hague , 1964 1964

  24. 论海牙《域外送达公约》的适用范围

    On the Scope of Application of Hague Convention on Service

  25. 因此,中国需要从各方面进一步完善海牙儿童权利保护公约的履行机制。

    Therefore , China has much to do to perfect the honoring systems of The Hague Convention on the protection of Children .

  26. 海牙儿童权利保护公约的目标促成了其履约机制的建立,而履约机制的建立是影响公约能否良好实施的重要因素。

    The aim of the protection conventions helps to promote the establishment of the convention implementing mechanism , while at the same time , the system plays an important role in the effective implementation of the conventions .