
  1. 国际商事仲裁权的性态分析。

    State analysis of international commercial arbitration right ( power ) .

  2. 国际商事仲裁权的概念和特征。

    The definition and characteristics of international commercial arbitration right ( power ) .

  3. 论商事仲裁权

    On Commercial Arbitration Power

  4. 国际商事仲裁权的权力属性是一种社会司法权力,是当事人的授权和国家法律的确认、支持所形成的综合性权力,权力的拟制和运行充满了二元色彩。

    It is also a social judicial power which is confirmed by the parties and recognized by the law .

  5. 从这两大关系中可引申出国际商事仲裁权的两类性态,即程序选择权和社会司法权。

    From the " two relationships " two natures , that is , procedure-choosing right and social judicial power are derived .

  6. 最大难题在制度方面:哪家机构能够、也应该掌握决策权和仲裁权?

    The most difficult question is institutional : who could and should be entrusted with the power of decision and arbitration ?

  7. 商事仲裁权是商事仲裁的基础和核心,是推动商事仲裁程序的枢纽。

    Commercial arbitration power ( CAP ) is the basic and core of CA , and the pivot of promoting the procedure of CA.

  8. 因此,国际商事仲裁权的性质是权利和权力的综合体,具体而言,是程序选择权利和社会司法权力的综合体,外化为契约性与司法性的交互辨证运动。

    Therefore , international commercial arbitration right ( power ) is a combination of right and power , and the interaction between contract and judicature .

  9. 救济性权利主要有:契约上的请求权与抗辩权、行政申诉权、申请仲裁权、诉讼请求权。

    The latter include right of contractual petition and counter - plea , right of administrative complain , right to claim arbitration and right of petition for litigation .

  10. 权利性与权力性、契约性和司法性构成国际商事仲裁权性质的两对基本范畴,在历史进程和仲裁进程中展现出国际商事仲裁权性态的交互辩证运动。

    Thus , international commercial arbitration is characterized by two basic natures ( right and power , contractual and judicial ) which interact positively in the historical and arbitral process .

  11. 商事仲裁权的行使主体是商事仲裁庭,由其根据程序公正、效益、秘密等原则,具体行使仲裁管辖权、程序指挥权、证据认定权、仲裁裁决权。

    On the basis of principles of procedure justice , benefits and secrecy , etc. , the court performs concretely arbitration jurisdiction , procedure command Power , evidence confirmation right , arbitration adjudication Power .

  12. 笔者认为,对国际商事仲裁权的研究是对国际商事仲裁公正性的研究,也是对国际商事仲裁权的当事人主体权利保护的研究。

    The author believes that the study for arbitral power is to make a research on the impartiality of international commercial arbitration and also is to make a research on the protection of parties ' rights concerned .

  13. 其次,在第二章里对国际商事仲裁权的产生基础-仲裁协议进行了阐述,包括仲裁协议的生效要件及基本内容,也对仲裁权的法律性质进行了论述;

    In Chapter 2 , this chapter clarifies the basis of international commercial arbitration , that is to say , the arbitral agreement , analyzes the validness of the arbitration agreement and the completeness and correctness of form and also discuss the legal nature of arbitral power ;

  14. CAS奥运会特别仲裁管辖权研究

    The Study on Special Arbitration Jurisdiction of CAS Olympic Games

  15. 第一章为投资争议仲裁管辖权概述。

    Chapter ⅰ is a general introduction of state-investor arbitration .

  16. 国际商事仲裁管辖权异议研究

    Research on the Challenge of Jurisdiction in International Commercial Arbitration

  17. 单方仲裁选择权条款效力探析

    Analysis of alternative right provision effect of unilateral arbitration

  18. 试论仲裁管辖权

    Direct command ; On the Jurisdiction of Arbitration

  19. 第二,关于商事仲裁管辖权异议的权力归属问题。

    Second , about the problem of the power ownership of commercial arbitration jurisdiction challenge .

  20. 仲裁管辖权若干问题探析

    Problems concerning jurisdiction over arbitration

  21. 强制履行请求权和仲裁申请权。

    The right of arbitration .

  22. 论仲裁管辖权冲突

    Conflicts of Arbitral Jurisdiction Arbitration

  23. 本文以东道国与他国私人投资者投资争议仲裁管辖权为研究对象,对与之相关问题进行系统的分析和研究。

    This article concentrates on the jurisdiction of state-investor arbitration , and deeply examines the relevant issues .

  24. 第三章,完善我国在线仲裁管辖权制度的建议。

    In the third chapter , about to improve the proposal of online arbitration jurisdiction system in our country .

  25. 第二章说明了投资争议仲裁管辖权基础,并进一步论述了其与一般商事仲裁协议的区别。

    Chapter ⅱ demonstrates the legal basis of state-investor arbitration jurisdiction , and discusses its differences with commercial arbitration agreement .

  26. 授权法院对明显缺乏仲裁管辖权做出决定;

    If an arbitral tribunal has no jurisdiction over a dispute obviously , the court should be authorized to make a decision .

  27. 仲裁管辖权冲突涉及仲裁与法院两种管辖权的冲突和不同仲裁机构之间的管辖权冲突。

    Conflicts of arbitral jurisdiction include conflicts ot jurisdiction between arbitral agency and court , and conflicts of jurisdiction between different arbitral agencies .

  28. 本文主要阐述了三个问题,即第一,关于提出时商事仲裁管辖权异议的时限问题。

    This article mainly talks about three aspects , that is : first , about the problem of the time limit of raising commercial arbitration jurisdiction challenge .

  29. 通过对在线仲裁管辖权的基础与范围进行分析论证,从而提出完善我国在线仲裁管辖权制度的建议。

    By the Analysis and demonstration of the basis and scope of online arbitration jurisdiction , this made recommendations to improve online arbitration system of jurisdiction of our country .

  30. 文章就仲裁管辖权的意义、抗辩、抗辩的裁决方式、抗辩的确认以及仲裁管辖权与法院管辖权的冲突与协调等问题试作分析探讨。

    This paper makes an analysis into the significance of jurisdiction over arbitration , the counterplea and its adjudication , and the conflict between the tribunal and the court and its coordination .