
  1. 实验结果验证了本文算法在处理海量数据方面的有效性。(2)将基于一次扫描的分区Apriori算法应用于海岸类型识别。

    The experimental results verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm when dealing with massive data . Secondly , partition Apriori algorithm based on one time scanning was used for coastline type classification .

  2. 小洋岛现代海岸类型及其特征

    Types And Features Of Modern Coast On Xiaoyang Island

  3. 潮汐汊道(tidalinlet)是一种重要的海岸类型。

    The tidal inlet is one of the important geomorphological types of tidal coast .

  4. 我国的海岸类型,按地面物质构成不同,可概括为基岩海岸、砂砾质海岸、淤泥质海岸和生物海岸;

    The coastal types of China , according to the composing matter of ground , could be generalized into the coasts of rock estuary , sand , mud-deposition and biogenic coast .

  5. 黄河三角洲海岸剖面类型与演变规律

    Coastal Profile Types and Evolution Regularities of the Yellow River Delta

  6. 探讨了油污染海滩的生物修复技术,以及适合采用该技术的海岸线类型。

    The shoreline types fit for bioremediation and the bioremediation technology were discussed .

  7. 我国台湾岛的海岸地貌类型

    Types of coastal morphology of taiwan , China

  8. 长江三角洲与苏北海岸动态类型划分及侵蚀危险度研究

    Determination of classification and risk in the coastal zone of Yangtze Delta and North Jiangsu

  9. 对我国海岸湿地类型、特点和分布进行了论述。

    The types , characteristics and distributions of the coastal wetlands of China are analyzed .

  10. 钦州湾海岸地貌类型及其开发利用自然条件评价

    Geomorphological Types in the Coast of the Qinzhou Bay and Their Assessment in Natural Conditions

  11. 砾石海滩是波浪作用下形成的海岸地貌类型。

    Gravel beaches are formed where the coast is dominated by waves with sufficient gravel supply .

  12. 从海岸地貌类型特征试谈山东海岸带的开发利用

    The exploitation and utilization of the Shandong coastal zone as viewed from characteristics of the coast patterns

  13. 本文对从小凌河口至山海关的辽西海岸地貌类型及其主要特征进行了讨论。

    The coastal geomorphic types and main characteristics of the west part of Liaoning Province were discussed in this paper .

  14. 潟湖是由沿岸沙嘴、沙坝或滨外坝等围拦海湾、河口或其它浅海水域而形成的半封闭或封闭性地貌体,是重要的海岸湿地类型之一。

    Lagoon is one of the most important types of coastal wetlands , which is separated from open sea by sand spits , sandbars or barriers .

  15. 海岸滩涂类型多样,沿海蟹类资源丰富,计有蟹类12科、25属、33种。日照沿海的蟹类共有4种生态类型。

    The resource of crabs is rich . The crabs belong to 12 families 25 genera 33 species , and belong to 4 kinds of ecotype .

  16. 砂矿的分布与滨海带的基岩性质、海岸带类型、地貌、水系、水动力条件、海底底质等密切相关。

    The distributions have a close relation with bed rock property , littoral zone types , geography , water systems , hydraulic conditions and bed property of sea bottom .

  17. 我国海岸带灾害类型划分及灾害信息系统设计

    Types of Coastal Disasters in China and Design of Coastal Disasters Information System

  18. 沙质海岸不同植被类型土壤水源涵养功能的研究

    Study on Water Conservation Capacity of Different Vegetation Types in Sandy Sea Coastal Area

  19. 中国海岸湿地的类型

    Classification of the Coastal Wetland in China

  20. 研究结果表明:1、对群落的调查发现,山东省沙质海岸不同群落类型中群落的组成和结构都发生了不同程度地变化。

    And the results showed : 1 . The investigation of community showe that composition and structure of community were changing to some degree .

  21. 中国海岸风沙地貌的类型及其分布规律

    The coastal aeolian geomorphic types and their distribution pattern in China

  22. 广西海岸沙生植被的类型及其分布和演潜

    Types , Distribution and Evolution of Sandy Vegetations along Coasts in Guangxi

  23. 沙质海岸5种植被类型土壤物理性状及其水源涵养功能

    Soil Properties and Water Conservation Function of 5 Types of Vegetation on Sandy Coast

  24. 通过对沙质海岸5种植被类型的土壤物理性状和水源涵养功能的研究,结果表明:(1)混交林和草地的土壤物理性状及贮水能力明显优于纯林地的土壤物理性状;

    The soil properties and water conservation function of 5 types of vegetation were studied on sandy coast , the results show as the follows : ( 1 ) Soil properties and the storing capacity of water of meadow and mixed forest were better than that of pure forests ;

  25. 接着采用理论与实证相结合、定性与定量相结合等研究方法对连云港市海岸带土地利用类型、数量分布和区位特征进行分析,然后对土地利用速度、程度和结构进行时空综合分析。

    It then analyzes Lianyungang coastal land use type , quantity distribution of location characteristics , with the combination of theoretical and empirical , qualitative and quantitative research methods . Afterwards the essay has a comprehensive analysis of land use speed , extent and the structure from time and space .

  26. 沙坝湖海岸是一种重要的海岸类型。

    Barrier lagoon coast is an important kind of coast .

  27. 根据海岸线的不同定义和海岸的不同类型的特点,结合潮汐对海岸的影响对结果进行了分析讨论。

    The results are discussed by considering different definations of coastline , the characters of the coasts of different types and the effects of tide .

  28. 海岸带(包括岛屿)造林地立地类型大尺度的分区,根据气温、水分条件、海岸类型分为7个带12个亚带55个区。

    The land division for afforestation is carried out by the principle of environmental heterogeneity among regions on large scale , according to the difference of ail temperature , moisture and type of coast geomorphy . It may be classified into 7 legions , 12 sub-regions and 55 districts .

  29. 辽宁省海岸线变化是自然、经济和社会因素与海岸带类型综合作用的结果。

    Changes in the coastline of Liaoning Province are combined result of natural , economic and social factors and types of coastal zone .

  30. 随着人们对海岸线开发力度的加大,海岸线的长度以及海岸线类型已经发生了变化。

    With the development and utilization of island , the length and the type of the coastline have changed .