
  • 网络Songjiang prefecture
  1. 松江府宋氏家族世系及文学成就概述

    A Survey of Song Family 's Lineage in the Songjiang Prefecture and Their Achievements in Literary Creation

  2. 论明清时期松江府的农业发展及其地位&以粮食生产和供应为中心的考察

    The Agricultural Development of Songjiang Prefecture and Its Status in Ming and Qing Dynasty & A Research Centered on the Grain 's Manufacture and Supply

  3. 历史沿革主要包括松江府的地理位置、名称发展等内容。

    The history part focuses on the location and name changing of Songjiang County .

  4. 第三部分主要探讨松江府风俗变化的原因和影响,并涉及对其评价问题。

    The third part discusses the reasons of customs change in Songjiang County , and appraisals about them .

  5. 明后期松江府在经济文化等方面取得了令人瞩目的成就。

    In late Ming Dynasty , Songjiang County acquired great achievements in economy and culture around the whole country .

  6. 第一部分主要论述了松江府的历史沿革及其经济发展状况。

    The first part mainly talks about the history of Songjiang County , as well as its economical development .

  7. 从某种程度上说,松江府作为明后期经济文化最为发达的地区之一,其最早出现了近代文明的曙光。

    To some extent , as one of the most developed areas in late Ming Dynasty , Songjiang County witnessed the earliest modern civilization .

  8. 与此同时,松江府同江南的其它发达地区一样,社会生活也发生着急剧变动,这些变动体现在很多方面。

    At the same time , there were dramatic changes in the society just like other developed areas in South China , which are reflected in many aspects .

  9. 经济发展状况方面,首先概括总结明代之前松江府的经济发展状况,然后再重点阐述明代松江府经济发展情况。

    As for the economic development , this paper summarizes the economical status of Songjiang County before Ming Dynasty at the first part , then demonstrates the status in Ming Dynasty .

  10. 结论部分,对松江府议员选举各阶段的利弊进行总结,归纳这场选举能够较为顺利地完成的原因,分析产生种种问题的根源。

    The concluding part of the Songjiang government elections at all stages of summing up the advantages and disadvantages , summarized in this election will be the successful completion of more reasons , analysis of the root causes of problems .

  11. 由于种棉织布的兴起,清代前期松江府农民的商品性生产总值超过了自给性生产总值,农民家庭手工业生产总值与农业生产总值大体相当。

    Because of the rising of cotton - planting and weaving , the total value of commodity production sur surpasses that of self-sufficient - production , the total value of family-handicraft - production of peasants is equivalent to that of agricultural production on the whole .