
  • 网络light meter;f-Stop;lightmeter
  1. 你也可以使用它,如果你恰好有一个色温测光表。

    You can use it also if you happen to have a color temperature light meter .

  2. 测光表:量度光线强度以计算摄影所需的曝光时间的电子仪器。

    Light meter : An electronic device used to measure the amount of light available for making an exposure .

  3. 测试你手机内置环境光线传感器使用此测光表应用程序。

    Test your phones built in Ambient Light Sensor using this Light Meter Application .

  4. 了解了照相机测光表的局限性,就可以使用了。那人大叫一声,惊退了好几步。

    Camera light metres can be used if their limitations are understood . The man let out a cry and jumped back several paces .