
There are many schemes to upgrade the computer controlled logging equipment .
Several Schemes for Upgrading the Computerized Logging Equipment
Therefore , the information transmission system of logging while drilling has become the key technology of logging system .
Compares with traditional well logging devices , this system is superior in aspects of diversity , stability , expansibility and development period .
With development of the IT , the scheme proposed in this paper may meet the needs of logging equipment in the future , including the high performance image logging system .
Generally they can be classified as two kinds : One is to improve the software without adjusting the hardware , the other is to upgrade both the software and the hardware .
This article gives a thorough overview of the schemes of upgrading the computer controlled logging equipment , and explains the basic knowledge and the qualification for the engineers to realize these schemes .
Malfunction appeared frequently in actual exploring .
Through to set forth the design tenets of in vibration isolation in electronic equipment , make a concrete analysis of absorbing shock and concussion in truck-borne equipment for numerical control well logging computer system , prove this equipment reliable and practical , have a certain value .
The DDL - ⅲ direct digital logging system is an advanced logging tool in China at present . The oil production is often seriously influenced because the system ′ s plotter has already aged and always does not work properly and its maintenance cost is too higher .
In order to simplify the design of carbon oxygen ratio n logging software , we finished the software running on a carbon oxygen ratio logging device with several design patterns and object oriented methods of analyzing designing and programming .