
liú tōng zī běn
  • Circulating capital;working capital;operating funds;circulation/revolving/ operating fund
  1. 此外,研究表明,学生的家庭背景、学习成绩、行为表现和群体特征仍然是他人对其进行评定和贴标签的有效因素,各因素发挥的影响不同,其中学习成绩是最有效的流通资本。

    Except that , this research shows that , students ' family background , academic performance , behavior performance and the group characteristics are effective factors in assessing and label still .

  2. 对商品流通企业资本保全考核指标的探讨

    Discussion about examining index for capital preservation in goods circulation business

  3. 马克思说:商品流通是资本的起点。

    Marx said : commodity circulation is the starting point of capital .

  4. 市场经济的形成过程可以划分为物物交换、商品流通和资本流通三个阶段。

    The formative process of market economy can be divided into three phases : barter trade , commodity circulation , and capital circulation .

  5. 随后,通过阐述全流通后资本市场总体变化态势,并结合实践提炼出关联交易的新趋势。

    And then , it summarizes the new trends of related transactions by practice and by disclosing the overall changes of capital market when the shares are totally tradable .

  6. 论述了我国资本市场的服务方向、国有股的流通和资本市场的对外开放三个问题。

    The service orientation of the capital market , circulation of state-owned shares and the opening of the capital market to the outside have been discussed in the paper .

  7. 人民币境外流通与人民币资本外逃;

    RMB circulation abroad and capital flight ;

  8. 生产国际化、流通国际化、资本国际化、劳动力市场国际化和科学技术国际化大大加强了社会发展的国际化。

    Global production , communication , capital , labor market and scientific technology have strengthened the internationalization of the social development greatly .

  9. 一个健全、有效的股票市场对于加速资本流通、实现资本在整个经济中的有效配置也是意义深远的。

    A sound and efficient stock market has great significance in accelerating capital flow and efficiently allocating capital in the whole economy .

  10. 股权分置改革的若干理论问题&兼论全流通条件下中国资本市场的若干新变化

    Theoretical Problems in the Process of the Split Share Structure Reform & A Further Discussion on Recent Development of China 's Capital Market

  11. 发展现代物流产业可以加快资本周转,有效降低流通成本,提高资本运行质量,有利于我国经济持续快速增长。

    Developing modern logistics can speed up the capital flow while effectively lower the cost and improve the quality , and accordingly benefits the nation 's economy in maintaining a fast speed .

  12. 随着经济全球化的日益兴起,股权分置改革的基本完成,我国进入了一个股份全流通的时代,资本市场上的这一伟大创新成功的解决了企业改革所存在的缺乏资金的问题。

    With the growing of economic globalization , The basic completion of split share structure reform , China has entered an era of inclusive circulating shares . This great innovation in the capital markets solved the lack of enterprise reform funds successfully .

  13. 国家股、法人股的分类与不流通是我国资本市场的特有股权结构现象,它所导致的上市公司法人治理结构不完善和内部人控制等诸多问题使国有股减持成为必要。

    The classification and non-currency of the state stocks and artificial person 's stocks are the unique equity ownership structure phenomena of Chinese capital market , which resulting in the imperfection of the artificial person management system and " inter-persons control ", and making the state-owned stocks lessening necessary .

  14. 股权分置改革的核心就是解决尚未流通的国有股的减持、转让和上市流通问题,从而实现全流通,充分发挥资本市场在资源配置中的作用。

    The core of the reform of non-tradable shares is to clear up the problems of the non-circulating stocks , reducing , negotiating and push them into the stock market so as to realize the whole circulation and put the capital markets into full play in the allocation resources .