
liú dònɡ zī běn
  • working capital;liquid capital;circulating capital;fluid capital;quick capital
  1. 因此,我们必须从国有商业银行自身的改革、银行经营外部环境的强化及对短期国际流动资本风险的防范入手,降低资本流动对我国商业银行体系脆弱性的影响。

    Therefore , we must from state-owned commercial bank own reform , the bank manage the external environment the strengthening and obtain to the short-term international circulating capital risk guard , reduces the influence of circulation of capital to our country commercial bank system vulnerable .

  2. 美联储迫使银行持有更多的股权和流动资本。

    It has forcedbanks to hold more equity and liquid capital .

  3. 事实上,中国的股票比它的GDP更高并没有什么经济上的重要性,因为它使用的是股票的流动资本进行比较的。

    The fact that China 's shares are worth more than its GDP has little economic significance , since it compares a stock with an annual flow .

  4. 请记住,EBITDA类似于先期的资本性支出、先期的流动资本现金投入。

    Remember that EBITDA is similar to pre capex , pre working capital cash generation .

  5. 证券是国际流动资本的主要形式。

    Stock is the main form of international capital flow .

  6. 国际短期流动资本的监管分析

    Analysis about the Controlling of International Short-term Capital Flow

  7. 经营资本,流动资本资本市场全球化和会计准则国际化:动向与对策

    Globalization of capital market and internationalization of accounting standards : trend and countermeasures

  8. 农户农地投入包括土地、劳动力、流动资本和固定资本投入。

    Farmland input includes land , labor , capital and fixed capital input .

  9. 这段视频可以帮助你降低费用,赚到更多流动资本。

    A great video to reduce bills , and gain some quick capital .

  10. 商业资金及其运用表流动资本来源及用途表

    Statement of mercantile funds and application statement of sources and uses of working capital

  11. 流动资本来源及用途表

    Statement of sources and uses of working capital

  12. 这个数目足够提供建设基金和流动资本。

    The figure is large enough to provide the construction funds and circulation capital .

  13. 在资本构成中,流动资本比固定资本作用更大。

    To the production function , the flow capital is more effective than constant capital .

  14. 试论我国高校内部流动资本和固定资本运作方式的创新

    On Innovation in Operation of the Internal Floating Capital and Fixed Capital of Colleges and Universities

  15. 从作用大小看,同一区域不同农产品的价格对农户亩均耕地总投入和流动资本投入不同。

    In the same region , impacts of the prices of different farm products on rural households ' inputs are different .

  16. 同时建立套汇国债市场以疏导国际流动资本的套汇压力。

    And also put forward an advice of establishing a market for arbitrage debt in order to leading the international hot money .

  17. 其次,在这个流动资本的世界里,对经常账户的可持续水平的定义越来越困难。

    Second , it is increasingly difficult to define the sustainable level of a current account in a world of mobile capital .

  18. 想吸引这些流动资本的国家必须通过建立稳定的通货和值得依赖的法律规则来获得经济的基本权利。

    Countries that want to attract these flows must get the economic fundamentals right by establishing a stable currency and having trustworthy legal roles .

  19. 其次,农产品价格对两个调查区域农户耕地流动资本投入的影响均不显著。

    Secondly , the impacts of the price of farm products on rural households ' inputs are not significant in the two surveyed regions .

  20. 现有流动资本5000万人民币,邀请海外客商与我们开展合作,共谋发展。

    At present the company liquidity , vacant capital of RMB50000000 , invite overseas merchants to cooperate with our business , and seek common development .

  21. 世界经济充满了违法和草率的行为,众多避税天堂和不受监管的地区迎合了全球流动资本的贪欲。

    The world economy is rife with lawlessness and recklessness , with tax havens and regulation-free zones catering to the avarice of globally mobile capital .

  22. 流动资本,游资:指企业资本中未投资于固定资产或其他资本资产、而是以流动资产形式存在的资本。

    Floating capital : That portion of the capital of an enterprise not invested in fixed or other capital assets but in current and working assets .

  23. 像超市这样的行业在其成长过程中会从其流动资本中产生现金,但大多数行业在其成长过程中都需要消耗现金,来为库存和应收收益提供支撑。

    Sectors such as Supermarkets generate cash from Working Capital as they grow but most sectors consume cash as they grow to fund inventory and receivables .

  24. 学生:若要使用公式a来计算流动资本,那么我们应如何看待意外事故的,准备金和其他长期负债?

    Student : To use the formula a to calculate the working capital how do we treat the provisions for contingencies and other long term liabilities ?

  25. 那是我第一次运用买股票的方法,即寻找那些股票价格远低于流动资本的公司,非常便宜但股票数量有限的公司。

    And it was the first way I went to stocks to buy stocks selling way below working capital . A very cheap , quantitative stocks .

  26. 此外流动资本投入和固定资产投资对企业带动农户就业增收的影响程度相对较大。

    In addition , the flow of capital and investment in fixed assets have relatively great influence on the enterprises to create employment opportunities for the farmers .

  27. 因此,本文对不变资本和可变资本的范围重新进行了界定:不变资本包括固定资本、流动资本和结构资本,可变资本则包括一般劳动补偿和人力资本收益。

    After redefining , constant capital includes fixed capital , floating capital and structural capital , while variable capital includes general labor compensation and human capital gains .

  28. 农矿产品价格上涨有很多原因:不同寻常的气候、新兴经济体快速增长的需求、过多流动资本进入商品市场,这些都会推高价格。

    For the phenomenon has many causes : unusual weather , rising demand from fast-growing emerging economies , and liquidity finding its way into commodity markets all conspire to drive prices up .

  29. 无论江汉平原还是大别山区,经济作物播种面积、劳动力和流动资本投入都对其产出效益产生了显著的影响。

    The sown area of cash crops per household , the labor force and current capital has a notable impact on economic benefit of cash crops in both hilly region and Jianghan Plain .

  30. 清代侨批业是一笔集腋成裘的巨额流动资本,也是一股足以操持商贸互动、盈亏互补的强大势力。

    The overseas remittance of Qing Dynasty is an enormous flowing capital , and it is also a huge power that could manipulate the interaction between business and trade , and the complementation between gains and losses .