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liú lí
  • become homeless and wander from place to place;be forced to leave home and wander about;to become homeless and wander from place to place;live the life of a refugee
流离 [liú lí]
  • (1) [to become homeless and wander from place to place;be forced to leave home and wander about; live the life of a refugee] 因饥荒战祸而居无定所,到处逃难

  • 黎民流离,困于道路。--《后汉书.和殇帝纪》

  • 流离失散

  • (2) 另有淋漓之义

流离[liú lí]
  1. 连年战乱,百姓流离,田园荒芜。

    Long years of war caused people to leave their homes and the land to lie waste .

  2. 方法:采用Langendorff灌流离体大鼠心脏模型,记录左室发展压(LVDP)、左室压上升/下降最大速率(±dp/dtmax)和左室舒张末期压力(LVEDP)。

    METHODS : Intraventricular balloon technique was employed to measure the left ventricular developed pressure ( LVDP ), the maximum rise / fall rate of left ventricular pressure (± dp / dt_ max ), and the left ventricular end-diastolic pressure ( LVEDP ) in Langendorff isolated rat heart .

  3. 高维类别属性数据流离群点快速检测算法

    A Fast Outlier Detection Algorithm for High Dimensional Categorical Data Streams

  4. 两相流离散相浓度测量新方法的研究

    Study on the Discrete Phase Concentration Measurement of Two phase Flow

  5. 你必流离飘荡在地上。

    You will be a restless wanderer on the earth .

  6. 流离生化技术在生活废水处理中的应用

    The application of flow-separating biochemical technique in domestic wastewater treatment

  7. 我们必须阻止工人流离乡村。

    We have to stop the drift of workers from the countryside .

  8. 间隙性点源排放的一维移流离散

    One-dimensional transport and diffusion of intermittent point source discharge

  9. 申言者哈巴谷的祷告,调用流离歌。

    A prayer of Habakkuk the prophet in shigionoth .

  10. 流离在无人的郊外,躯体如行尸走肉般前行。

    Displaced in the absence of the countryside , as the body sa dead ahead .

  11. 由于一九七五年至一九七六年的黎巴嫩内战,许多难民家庭被迫流离。

    As a result of the civil war in Lebanon in1975-1976many refugee families were displaced .

  12. 他在两者之间逡巡,颇有流离之感,于是付诸笔端,词句嶙峋,着意素淡。

    his feeling of displacement between the two places described in lean , simple phrases .

  13. 我冷静地回味过去,一路颠沛,泪水流离,却从未停留。

    I calmly pondering the past , all the way Dianpei , tears displaced , but never stay .

  14. 在这幅景象中,耶稣看到了犹太全国因死不悔改所将要招致的漂泊流离。

    In this scene He saw symbolized the dispersion of the whole Jewish nation for their wickedness and impenitence .

  15. 交给我吧,那些无家可归、颠簸流离的人们;

    Send these , the homeless tempest tossed to me . I lift my lamp beside the golden door .

  16. 李清照的一生以“南渡”为转折点,其生活分为美满幸福和流离困苦前后两个不同的时期。

    Nandu , as a turning point , made her life divide into two periods of happiness and bitterness .

  17. 我们同意政府的观点,难民营不是应对因异种攻击而引起流离失的人最适的方法。

    We share the government 's view that camps are not an appropriate response to displacement caused by xenophobic attacks .

  18. 企业确实大批流离公开市场;但这种情况举世皆然,因此很明显不能归咎于索克斯法案。

    Firms are indeed flooding away from public markets ; but that is happening across the world , so cannot obviously be blamed on Sox .

  19. 马克思的人类学历史现象学则提示了一个人类从古代田园到流离田园再回归田园的历史线索。

    The historical phenomenology in anthropology of Marx suggests a historical clue that human would regress to the fields and gardens when they left it .

  20. 对各种两相流离散相浓度的检测方法、基本原理、应用范围及研究成果进行了论述。

    The measurement of phase concentration is urgently in need due to its importance in the measurement , control and reliable operation of industrial processes .

  21. 本文提出了一种基于流动成像技术测量两相流离散相浓度的新方法。该法以阵列式电容传感器为信息获取手段。

    Based on flow imaging technique , a new method for the discrete phase concentration measurement of two phase flow using capacitance array sensor is proposed .

  22. 你种地,地不再给你效力。你必流离飘荡在地上。

    No longer will the earth give you her fruit as the reward of your work ; you will be a wanderer in flight over the earth .

  23. 对国内外数据流离群数据挖掘研究情况分析可知,以往的挖掘算法还存在诸多问题。

    By analyzing data streams outliers mining situation of foreign and domain , we found that there exist many problems in the previous algorithms for detecting outliers .

  24. 他看见群众,就对他们动了慈心,因为他们困苦流离,如同羊没有牧人一样。

    And seeing the crowds , he was moved with compassion for them , because they were harassed and cast away like sheep not having a shepherd .

  25. 基于流离、多相生物反应原理开发了耦合生物反应器,探讨了耦合生物反应器及其污水处理、污泥减量特性。

    A coupling bioreactor based on the flow separate and multi-phase reaction principle was designed to study on the wastewater treatment effects and the characteristic of the sludge reduction .

  26. 在杜甫流离陇西以及西南时所作诸诗中,经常出现汉末著名隐士“庞公”这一意象。

    Panggong was a well-known hermit in the late Han Dynasty and Panggong image often appeared in the poems written by Du Fu during the period of his exile to west Gansu and southwest China .

  27. 此时期词人由于身处金人入侵,国家濒临灭亡,生活极为动荡的年代,所以备尝战乱之苦和漂泊流离之痛。

    This time period because in gold invasion ci , the country is teetering on the ci perished , life is extremely turbulent times , so prepare war bitter taste the pain of drift displacement and .

  28. 我的羊在诸山间,在各高冈上流离,在全地上分散,无人去寻,无人去找。

    My sheep wandered through all the mountains , and upon every high hill : yea , my flock was scattered upon all the face of the earth , and none did search or seek after them .

  29. 作品有几分滑稽(比如不愿帮妻子收拾房间、试图溜之大吉的主人公),但也是对身份的坚持:既有流离海外的犹太知识分子这一身份,也有秉笔耕耘的作家这一身份。

    It is partly comic the hero trying to slip away from helping his wife arrange the house but it is also an assertion of identity , both as an intellectual of the Jewish diaspora , and as a writer .