
  • 网络Mobile vendors;street vendor
  1. 呼吁社会以宽容的态度对待流动摊贩这一弱势群体。

    Appeal to the community with tolerance attitude towards mobile vendors that vulnerable groups .

  2. 作为一种非正规就业的方式,流动摊贩的数量与日俱增。

    As one kind of non-regular employments , the number of mobile vendors keeps increasing .

  3. 其中第一章对流动摊贩基本问题作出概述。

    The first chapter summarizes the basic issue of street vendors .

  4. 其中第三章对我国现阶段流动摊贩存在的必要性进行论证。

    The third chapter expounds the vendors ' existence necessity at present .

  5. 当权力遭遇弱者:城市流动摊贩治理中的行为逻辑

    When the Power Encountered the Weak : The Logic in the Vendors Administration

  6. 请勿购买流动摊贩之东西。

    Do not purchase from street vendors .

  7. 高校周边地区一般都是城市人流量比较大的区域,很多流动摊贩会很自然地聚集到这里。

    Many mobile vendors will naturally gather university surrounding areas where city person is larger .

  8. 第二章介绍和分析了不同国家及地区流动摊贩的法律制度。

    The second chapter introduces the legal systems of street vendors from other areas and countries .

  9. 流动摊贩问题是一个长期困扰我国城市发展、城市管理的难题。

    City peddler problem is a long plagued the country urban development , urban management problems .

  10. 从短期效应来看,流动摊贩的存在会给城市居民带来生活上的便利。

    On short-term effect , the existence of mobile vendors will make life convenience for city residents .

  11. 而目前仅仅依靠严禁、严管以及采取缺乏人性化的管理手段并不能从根本上解决流动摊贩问题。

    And now shall rely only on strictly , and lack of humanized management means taken not fundamentally solved .

  12. 即通过解决流动摊贩这一弱势群体的生计问题,达到城市流动摊贩的和谐治理。

    The livelihoods of vulnerable groups through the solution of street vendors , harmonious governance to achieve the city street vendors .

  13. 但与此同时,南宁市高校周边流动摊贩给城市管理带来许多的负面影响。

    However , mobile vendors around the colleges and universities in Nanning City brought many negative influences on the city management .

  14. 然而由于缺乏相应的解禁模式下的管理经验、治理方法和技术,解禁后的流动摊贩问题并没有得到明显改观。

    However , these phenomena persisted with little change because of lacking corresponding arrangement experiences governed methods and techniques under unlocked patterns .

  15. 而流动摊贩大部分属于社会弱势群体,在满足基本生活需求时频频遭遇生存困境。

    Most of the street vendors belong to socially · vulnerable groups , frequently encountered in meeting the basic needs of life survival predicament .

  16. 流动摊贩问题是几十年来一直困扰我国城市管理、城市发展的难题。

    The issue of mobile vendors has been a tough problem which obsessing urban management and urban development of our country in recent years .

  17. 本部分分为两个小节,第一小节对我国城市流动摊贩管理的发展历程进行了回顾。

    This section is divided into two sections , the first section of the development process of the management of urban street vendors were reviewed .

  18. 城市流动摊贩管理:治理模式的转型与实现条件城市特定地段中流动商贩相关问题的探究

    Peddlery Administration : Transformation of Governance Mode , Realization and Path Choice ; Research on Questions Related to Ambulatory Vendors in the City Particular Location

  19. 城管和流动摊贩之间的暴力事件已引起社会各界的广泛关注,也是社会公众讨论的热点问题。

    The violence incidents between urban managers and mobile vendors have aroused wide attention of all society and become the hot issue that social public discussed .

  20. 但流动摊贩的问题,并非能够通过单纯的行政管理加以解决的,其重要的原因之一就是流动摊贩面临着主体上的争议及其资格取得上的困境。

    However , mere management can not solve the issue of street vendors . Street vendors are confronting with the trouble of acquiring their subject qualification .

  21. 本文第二部分回顾了我国流动摊贩法律地位的演变及治理面临的困境,提出了问题所在。

    Part II of this paper reviews the evolving of legal status of Floating Vendors in our city , and points out the dilemma in management .

  22. 从长远发展来看,流动摊贩的存在可以在一定程度上缓解我国严峻的就业形势,有利于维护社会的稳定。

    From long-term development , the existence of mobile vendors will relief severe employment situation in China to some extent and maintain the stability of the society .

  23. 从政治学、法学、新制度经济学、公共管理理论和福利经济学几方面,论证了流动摊贩治理机制的创新。

    From a political science , law , new institutional economics , public management theory and the welfare economics aspects , demonstrates the vendors governance mechanism innovation .

  24. 并从规划用地、增添公共设施,提供经营和生活方面的咨询,建立和完善流动摊贩的诉求机制等方面,为他们提供良好的公共服务。

    And from the land use planning , increase public facilities , provide operation and life of consulting , establishing and perfecting the vendors claim mechanism , provide good service for them .

  25. 在这种执法环境下,假设将流动摊贩这一职能交给其他执法部门进行管理,笔者认为仍然有可能发生冲突。

    Given that the mobile vendor management is transferred to other law enforcement department in such an enforcement environment , the author holds that it will still leave open the possibility of conflicts .

  26. 要实现管理目标&取缔流动摊贩,无论执法人员素质有多高,如果遇到不服从管理者也只能借助强制手段。

    To achieve the management objective & to ban mobile vendors , the enforcement officers can only resort to the forcible means in case of disobedience however high the officers ' quality is .

  27. 解禁的呼声随之高涨,很多城市纷纷对流动摊贩采取疏导为主的管理方式,允许流动摊贩在城市的一些规定场地经营。

    As the voices of desterilization is heightening , many cites mainly used persuasion to the mobile vendors such as allowing their business scope in the regulated places in somewhere of the city .

  28. 比如,尝试在政府和流动摊贩之间建立信息沟通渠道、寻求利益平衡点,以缓解城管和流动摊贩之间日益严重的矛盾冲突。

    For example , try in government and the flow of information communication channels between the vendors in building and seek interests balance to relieve urban and flow between vendors increasingly serious conflicts .

  29. 另外,本研究还在流动摊贩的管理方面为政府提出了一些建设性意见,为今后更加合理完善的政策导向提供参考。

    In addition , this research also provides some constructive advices to the government in how to administrate street vendors , and provides useful reference for more comprehensive policy orientation in the future .

  30. 本文为以江苏省宿迁市为例,通过问卷调查和深入访谈的方法对中小城市流动摊贩治理的现状、存在的问题和原因等方面进行了实证分析。

    By using questionnaires and in-depth interviews , we have done some empirical analysis in the aspects of status , problems and reasons of the mobile vendors governance in small and medium sized cities .