
liú dòng
  • flow;on the move;stream;circulate;run;flux;wash;fluidity;drift;going from place to place;swill
流动 [liú dòng]
  • (1) [flow]∶[液体、气体]运动

  • 使油在沼泽上面流动,以杀死孑孓

  • (2) [going from place to place;drift; on the move]∶经常变换位置

  • 流动哨

流动[liú dòng]
  1. 阿司匹林可以稀释血液,使其在变窄的血管里更顺畅地流动。

    Aspirin thins the blood , letting it flow more easily through narrowed blood vessels .

  2. 目前难民的流动尚可控制。

    The present flow of refugees was manageable

  3. 近年来人们的社会流动性越来越大。

    Recent years have witnessed a growing social mobility .

  4. 水在我们脚下哗啦哗啦地流动。

    The water was sloshing around under our feet .

  5. 流动厕所前总排着20码长的队伍。

    There was a permanent 20-yard queue for the portable toilets .

  6. 该公司列明其流动资产为5,690万美元。

    The company lists its current assets at $ 56.9 million .

  7. 我把油画平放以防止未干的颜料流动。

    I lay the painting flat to stop the wet paint running

  8. 该行业的年轻从业者流动率较高。

    The industry has a high turnover of young people .

  9. 这家银行有充足的流动资产来维持经营。

    The bank had sufficient liquid assets to continue operations .

  10. 你怎么解释这家公司高得令人忧虑的人员流动率?

    How do you account for the company 's alarmingly high staff turnover ?

  11. 伊洛卡的克罗地亚小镇就是人口不停流动的典型例子。

    The Croatian town of Ilok is a classic case of shifting populations .

  12. 基层职员的流动率特别高。

    Staff turnover is particularly high among junior grades .

  13. 她父亲是军人,所以全家人随军过着一种流动的生活。

    Her father was in the army and the family led a peripatetic existence .

  14. 凝结的水珠在窗玻璃上流动。

    The window panes were running with condensation .

  15. 我们的社会具有很大的流动性,离婚以后人们就会搬家离开。

    We 're a very mobile society , and people move after they get divorced .

  16. 静坐时动脉血液流动较缓。

    When you 're sitting still , you need less blood coursing through your arteries .

  17. 需要下调利率来推动资金流动以及创造就业机会。

    An interest rate reduction is needed to get more money flowing and create jobs .

  18. 所有能够为公司节省开支、增加流动资金的办法都研究过了。

    Anything that could save the company money and perk up its cash flow was examined .

  19. 冰河是犹如河水般流动的巨大冰体。

    Glaciers are moving rivers of ice

  20. 流动图书馆服务重新作了安排——换句话说,他们去的地方减少了。

    The mobile library services have been reorganised — in other words , they visit fewer places .

  21. 短期合同使得员工流动率增高。

    Short-term contracts increase staff turnover

  22. 我们正努力避免陷入困境,但我们的现金流动情况不太好。

    We are keeping our head above water , but our cash flow position is not too good .

  23. 所有流动的水看似一成不变,但实际上内部分成许多广延的面,或者说层,彼此逆向移动。

    All flowing water , though it appears to be uniform , is actually divided into extensive inner surfaces , or layers , moving against one another

  24. 正电荷朝里流动。

    There is an inward flow of positive charges .

  25. 文工团常年在边防部队流动。

    The art troupe is always on the move in frontier guards .

  26. 河水缓缓地流动。

    The river is flowing slowly .

  27. 空气流动。

    The air is circulating .

  28. 他把货车改成流动小吃店。

    He converted his truck into a mobile snack bar .

  29. 在充气流动中,固体颗粒被气体流化或悬浮起来。

    In aerated flow solids are fluidized or suspended by the gas .

  30. 而现在,资金开始向相反方向流动了。

    Now the money is flowing the other way .