- 名Derived Requirements;derived demand

Shipbuilding market demand is a kind of derived demand with great fluctuation .
Based on the theory of derived demand in Labor Economics , the paper examines the influences of wage changes on employment in four aspects .
Trade in transportation services which is derivative demand as trade in goods is also increasingly active .
The Third Party Logistics is a new form of logistics developing in the process of the global integration of economy .
At every level of the hierarchy , we would use functional analysis to derive requirements and engineering methods to derive measures of effectiveness .
With the development of economy , both in China and in the world , passenger transportation by bus has been becoming the " century problem ", which Chinese big cities have to face in order to keep economy develop steadily .
As other cargo transporting market , the international dry bulk cargo shipping market which is engendered by the world 's economy and international trade , is influenced by world political event , economic fluctuation and natural factors , it increases the business risks of shipping enterprises .
We formalize the rules of deriving domain functional requirements models from product functional requirements models using model transformation languages .