
Mastering the railway passenger transportation demands is the premise for studying passenger transportation .
Passenger transport demand is the basis for transport organization and operation of PDL .
Research of Passenger Transport Demand among Cities
Analysis and forecast of passenger transportation demand generation mechanism is the base of passenger transportation stratagem study .
Moreover , in fact , the implementation of the policy about golden week for tourism does not significantly have an effect on transportation performance .
With the rapid economic development , in order to meet the rapid growth for demand of passenger transport , The high-speed railway has a good development .
On this basic , set forth forecast for the highway passenger transportation demand , adopting linear regression method , elasticity coefficient method and time sequence method .
With the development of diversification on railway passenger transportation demand and supply , the matching problem between passengers and trains becomes more complex in the line planning .
From the analysis of metropolitan regions passenger transportation demand characters and connecting with the problems mentioned above paragraph , the request of passenger transportation integration could be educed .
I hope the researches can arrive certain directive significance not only to the passenger transportation demand but also to the plan and development about comprehensive transport network in western region .
Development of urban agglomeration , the acceleration of urbanization , particularly on the transport needs of passenger transport demand is a great role in promoting the surge in passenger traffic , closer exchanges between cities .
Secondly , the reginal economy of South Sichuan urban agglomeration has been analysed . The passenger transport demand has been analysed , including the analysis of inter-city passenger flow and the prediction of the passenger flow .
According to the transport quantity of passenger flow from 1999 to 2003 , the computing results of satisfaction rates of railway for the overall passenger transport demand and inter-city transport demand are 18.8 % and 72.7 % respectively .
Based on an analysis and fore-cast to passenger flow , by employing advanced passenger train dis-patching plan simulation system , it designs the passenger train dis-patching plan that is in constant with passenger transport demandsand that best matches the transport capacity and traffic demands .
In order to alleviate the status of tight transport capacity and meet the fast-growing demand on railroad passenger transportation , large-scale development and construction of passenger dedicated line has been carried on in our country to improve our comprehensive traffic transportation system and the traffic transportation quality .
As the passenger transport demand in recent years , China has many models of mobile vehicles or group put into operational testing .
The road passenger transportation enterprises should use effective method to deal with the challenge , and make them have more competitive advantages .
This article has analyzed the demand and development trend of the market of passenger transport in China , and discussed the influence of economic development and urbanization process on the total demand of passenger transport and passenger transport market .
Catered to the new demand of the passenger transport market and got masses of passenger approve , highway passenger transport with the characteristic service of safety and high-quality , have gotten fast development in short period .
Due to the intense capacity of railway transport , the railway passenger transportation organization focuses to meet the demand quantity of passenger travel , while the demand quality of passenger travel can not be satisfied in our country for long time .
The passenger train plan directly influences the railway passenger travel cost , thus it affects railway passenger transport demand .
It is pointed that the technical and economic characteristics of transport modes and passenger transport demand characteristics and their changes are basic factors influencing passenger transport system evolution , national condition is an essential factor forming the discriminations .