
  1. 所以,搭乘轻轨或出租车到上城区的哈莱姆区(Harlem)去吧——这里是曼哈顿上城区最有活力的社区之一,也是品尝美国经典灵魂食品(soulfood,美国黑人的传统食品——译注)的地方。

    So take the train or a taxi way uptown to Harlem -- one of Manhattan 's most vibrant uptown neighborhoods . It 's the place to go for classic , America soul food .

  2. 最有活力的社区的寿命通常比社区创建者的参与时间长。

    The most vibrant communities often outlive the participation of their founders .

  3. 它既现代,而且得到了积极的开发与维护,围绕它有一个充满活力的社区。

    It 's both modern and actively developed and maintained , with a vibrant surrounding community .

  4. 什么是有活力的社区环境?

    What are Active Community Environments ?

  5. 充满活力的社区需要更好的文档和示例,而且它们会参与完成结尾的详细信息。

    Vibrant communities demand better documentation and examples , and they lend more hands to do the finishing details .

  6. 来自伦敦和布莱顿的家庭搬到我们这里,他们希望生活在一个强大的、充满活力的社区中。

    We get families moving here from London and Brighton who very much want to live in a strong , vibrant community .

  7. 那是一个美丽的、亲密的、小而充满活力的社区,这里人口结构混合多样,但却一个紧密的社区。

    It was a beautiful , close , small , vibrant community of mixed peoples from every demographic that you can think of , but a tight community .

  8. 它们也有许多书供您选择,以便具有一个供探索的物理工件,它们都有充满活力的社区,乐于回答问题。

    Each also has many books should you choose to have a physical artifact to paw through , and both have vibrant communities that are eager to answer questions .

  9. 南昌玮希国际学校将致力于创造一个让老师和学生共同追求学问、施展艺术创意和进行各类体育活动、充满活力的社区。

    Nanchang WES Academy ( NWA ) aims to become a vibrant community consisting of students and staff who strive for excellence in academic pursuits , arts and sports activities .

  10. 但郑健强担忧,由于很难应对不断上涨的房租和其他挑战,这些充满活力的社区将会消失。从伦敦唐人街到旧金山唐人街,这样的担忧普遍存在。

    But Mr Chen is voicing a fear , felt in Chinatowns from London to San Francisco , that the struggle to keep up with rising rents and other challenges will prompt these vibrant communities to disappear .

  11. 谷歌的移动业务高级副总裁安迪罗宾(andyrubin)表示:“谷歌对android作为一个开放平台、对一个富有活力的开源社区仍抱有坚定承诺。”

    Andy Rubin , senior vice-president of mobile at Google , said : " Google remains firmly committed to Android as an open platform and a vibrant open source community . "

  12. 记得一年前Facebook购买照片应用Instagram时,也差不多为每个用户支付了这么多(总计10亿美元)Instagram同样没什么收益,但代表了一个不断成长而且充满活力的网络社区。

    ( Recall a year ago Facebook paid roughly that price per user $ 1-billion in total for the photo app Instagram that also lacked revenue but did represent a growing and passionate community ) .

  13. 只要同心协力我们定能成功地创建一个充满活力的学术社区以推进中国管理研究。

    Together , we will succeed in developing a vibrant community of scholars to advance Chinese management scholarship .

  14. 发现一个亲密的,最先进的西北太平洋温暖的氛围材料和来自西雅图的充满活力的创意社区作品重音。

    Discover an intimate , cutting-edge ambiance warmed by Pacific Northwest materials and accented by works from Seattle 's vibrant creative community .

  15. 本项目以简约现代的风格营造多元化复合功能空间,倾力打造大气时尚、回归自然、充满活力的生活社区。

    This project creates multi-functional spaces in simple modern style , aiming to present a fashioned , natural and dynamic living community .

  16. 每一项业务、每一间商店都将是独具特色的,创造出既动感合谐又高潮叠起,既不同凡响又富有创意,既清新可人又多彩多姿的一个活力十足的社区。

    Every business and location will be unique ; creating a community characterized by vibrant harmony and constant flux that is different , innovative , refreshing , swinging , and vibrant .

  17. 为了使历史性建筑能够胜任新时代中社会所赋予的新职能,必须对它们实施一定的保护、更新和改、扩建计划,使其恢复活力,推动社区和城市文化的发展。

    In order to make the architectural heritage to be competent for the new function entrusted by the society , it is necessary to do some certain conservation , regeneration and revision , extension to it in nowadays .

  18. 在整体规划中:强调建筑与环境的融合,打造“健康、休闲、活力”的亲水社区。

    In this residential planning , we tried to merge building into environment , creating a " healthy , comfortable , vivid " and with water surrounded neighborhood .