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  • 网络luoyang peony
  1. 关于洛阳牡丹来历的两则错误说法

    Two Wrong Statements on the Origin of Luoyang Peony

  2. 论洛阳牡丹花会发展中牡丹文化的开发

    The Explication of the Peony Culture Exploitation in the Development of Luoyang Peony Festival Celebration

  3. 对98洛阳牡丹书市的思考与建议

    Recommendations of Luoyang Book Fair in 1998

  4. 洛阳牡丹产业化发展战略

    Development strategy of Luoyang peony industrialization

  5. 试论节庆活动对城市发展的影响&以洛阳牡丹花会为例

    The Influence of Large-scale Festival on City Development with a Case Study of Luoyang Peony Festival

  6. 文化是旅游业发展的灵魂,牡丹文化是洛阳牡丹花会的特色和魅力之所在。

    Culture is the soul of tourism and peony culture is the main character and charm of Luoyang festival celebration .

  7. 洛阳牡丹产业化进程中存在的问题及对策紫牡丹、黄牡丹、大花黄牡丹引种与迁地保护研究

    Discussion on the Problem in Luoyang Peony Industrialization and its Countermeasure ; Introduction and Ex-situ Conservation of Paeonia Delavayi 、 Paeonia Lutea 、 Paeonia Ludlowii

  8. 本文首先对国际和国内牡丹产业化发展的现状作了概述,并对洛阳牡丹产业在全国的地位作了评估。

    Firstly , The dissertation summarizes the current situation of international and domestic development of peony industrialization , and evaluates the station of Luoyang peony industry .

  9. 经过二十多年的发展,洛阳牡丹花会由创办之初的赏花娱乐节会逐渐演变为活力四射的节会经济;

    Through 20 cultivation for one year , from being only a festival of admiring the beauty of flowers amusement , Luoyang peony festival has become into dynamic festival and meeting economic gradually ;

  10. 以洛阳牡丹、苏杭花卉、成都海棠以及扬州芍药的文献为代表,论述其花卉文献形成的内容和特点。

    The formation and features of ancient literatures on plants and flowers were discussed based on the examples such as peony in Luoyang , Chinese flowering crabapple in Chengdu , common peony in Yangzhou , and others in Hangzhou and Suzhou .

  11. 从洛阳牡丹花会政府运作过程中的政府失灵与洛阳牡丹花会运作结构模型的构建与分析两个角度对洛阳牡丹花会引入市场化机制做了理论解析。

    This paper following analyzes from two perspectives : government failure in the process of government operations of Luoyang Peony Fair Construction and the operation of structural model analysis on the Luoyang Peony Fair to introduce theoretical analysis about market mechanisms .

  12. 洛阳地区牡丹病害研究概况

    General situation of study on peony diseases about Luoyang area

  13. 实施洛阳市牡丹产品整体营销策略;

    Product Feature implement the wholesale of Luoyang peony industry ;

  14. 洛阳市牡丹产业化发展的配套措施。

    Form a complete set of measures for the development of Luoyang peony industrialization .

  15. 洛阳市牡丹产品创新研究

    Innovation Research of Moutan Peony in Luoyang

  16. 洛阳的牡丹不仅丰姿绰绝,而且具有很大的药用价值。

    The beauty of Luoyang Peony Chuo must not only , but also of great medicinal value .

  17. 本文运用产业经济理论和经济管理理论,采取理论研究和实证分析相结合的方法,对洛阳市牡丹产业化发展进行了研究。

    The dissertation conducts a research on the development of Luoyang peony industrialization using the system theory and practice analysis in accordance with the industry economy theory and economy management theory .

  18. 为此,结合洛阳市牡丹大道路基使用强夯处理的实例,简要介绍强夯处理杂填土路基的方法。

    Therefore , in combination with the example of using strong ram to treat the subgrade of Mudan Avenue in Luoyang City , the paper briefly introduces the method for treating foreign fill subgrade by strong ram .

  19. 不同开放阶段‘洛阳红’牡丹切花对乙烯及1-MCP处理的响应

    The Responses of ' Luo Yang Hong ' Tree Peony Cut Flowers at Different Opening Stages to Ethylene and 1-MCP

  20. ‘洛阳红’牡丹切花ACS1基因的原核表达及转化烟草的研究

    Prokaryotic Expression and Tobacco Transformation of ACC Synthase Gene in Cut Flower of ' Luo Yang Hong ' Tree Peony

  21. 乙烯对‘洛阳红’牡丹切花开放和衰老进程及内源乙烯生物合成的影响

    Effect of Ethylene on Cut Flowers of Tree Peony ' Luoyang Hong ' Opening and Senescence Process and Endogenous Ethylene Biosynthesis

  22. 洛阳城的牡丹热最早可追溯到唐朝。唐朝的皇帝们均喜爱牡丹,并将其视为一种文化符号,其中又以唐玄宗最为突出。

    Peony fever in Luoyang dates back to the Tang Dynasty , when emperors , especially Emperor Xuanzong , favored the flowers and promoted them as cultural icons .

  23. 基本上,洛阳仍然是中国牡丹的市场源头,当地有着1500多年的牡丹种植历史。

    Ultimately , Chinese peonies still derive from trade sources in Luoyang , where they have had a superb history for more than 1500 years .