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dà yì
  • righteous cause;cardinal principles of righteousness;principle of right and wrong;gist;Women's marriage
大义 [dà yì]
  • (1) [righteous cause;cardinal principles of righteousness]∶代表正义的道理

  • 孤不度德量力,欲信大义于天下。--《三国志.诸葛亮传》

  • 深明大义

  • (2) [Women's marriage]∶夫妇之义,谓婚姻

  • 既欲结大义,故遣来贵门。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  • (3) [gist]∶文章、论著或理论的精要之处

大义[dà yì]
  1. 在三国时期,君臣之义属于“大义”的范畴,这是人们所公认的。

    During the Three Kingdoms , it was generally acknowledged that righteousness between the monarch and his ministers belonged to the category of cardinal principles of righteousness .

  2. 抗战文化是以民族大义为前提的反抗日本帝国主义侵略的文化。

    The Anti-Japanese War Culture is the culture based on the Chinese national righteous cause of resistance against Japan 's imperialist invasion .

  3. 安倍晋三首相背叛了黑田东彦和日本银行,选择了胜利而非大义,周三,著名政治评论家和记者田原总一朗(SoichiroTahara)在发表于《朝日周刊》(AsahiWeekly)网站上的一篇文章中说。

    Prime Minister Abe has betrayed Kuroda and the Bank of Japan and chosen victory over scruples , Soichiro Tahara , a prominent political commentator and journalist , wrote on Wednesday in a piece posted on the website of the Asahi Weekly magazine .

  4. 可恶,你这不顾民族大义的小人,准备受死吧!

    Damned ! You unpatriotic flunky , get ready for your death !

  5. 大义山地区硼矿地球化学特征及找矿方向

    Geochemical Feature of Boron Ore and Its Prospecting Direction

  6. 他们为了国家大义甘冒生命危险。

    They ventured their lives for the national cause .

  7. 其自杀本身具有深刻的政治动机,为国家殉身,为民族大义而殉身。

    The suicide actions had political reasons for their country and the Han nationality .

  8. 争大义而不争小利,这是为了表示战争的正义性。

    They contend for righteousness and not for profit , thereby showing what is righteousness .

  9. 为何不为大义而死?

    Why not for a good cause ?

  10. 他们已经行进在意大义的平原上了。

    In four days they were marching on the plain of the plain of italy .

  11. 咱们这种人,万万不可以贪小利而忘大义。

    People like us must never seek petty advantages at the expense of justice and righteousness .

  12. 阿:所以为了大义那些人就全都该死啰?

    Alistair : So it 's all right to let some people die for the greater good ?

  13. 为人仁义,但在大义面前,可以或许放下小我私交。

    Human righteousness , but in the righteous cause of the front , to put aside personal affair .

  14. 大义·大利·大爱&墨子核心价值体系析论

    Righteousness , public profit , universal love : A comment on the confucianists and Mohists core value system

  15. 目的:探讨羊膜粘敷联合超大义眼衬在结膜成形术中的技巧及术后效果。

    Objective : To explore the skill and effect of amnion combined with prosthesis padlcover in conjunctienal sac plasty .

  16. 对那些和我们密切相关的重大事实,人们总是半吞半吐,欲说还休;不过倘细加留意,我们还是能洞彻微言,悟其大义。

    The very truths that concern us most are only half spoken , but with attention we can grasp the whole meaning .

  17. 天堂是神的居所,是上帝统治万有的地方。在大义堂感化一个儿童一年耗费一万二。

    Heaven is where God lives , where he rules everything . It costs $ 12,000 a year rehabilitate a kid at Daytop .

  18. 七要发展有助于确立民族意识、民族自豪感,有助于明辨民族大义、民族气节的文学。

    Seventh on literature contributing to establish national consciousness and national pride , and to have cognizance of national righteousness and national integrity .

  19. 论到全能者,我们不能测度。他大有能力,有公平和大义,必不苦待人。

    The Almighty is beyond our reach and exalted in power ; in his justice and great righteousness , he does not oppress .

  20. 说《诗》而为全篇立大义者,自汉儒始,及至历史前进,屡见不鲜。

    Say " poem " and made the righteousness for total since the beginning , Confucian scholars for historical progress , when creditors .

  21. 若能结合语文教学,适时地向学生进行这些传统美德的教育,这既是对自己民族精神、民族大义、国格、信念的推崇,也是让学生的心灵与历史接通的契机。

    The teaching of these virtues not only carries forward patriotism but also offers students a chance to learn more about the Chinese history .

  22. 本文试图理解周辅成有关正义、实践、人民以及价值与理想等伦理思想的大义。

    This paper attempts to outline the mainspring of his ethical thoughts , concerning justice , practice , the people , value and ideal .

  23. 进而指出中国古代对历史有一三分法,即史事、史文、史义,认为史义即为中国的历史哲学,同时史义又包含有历史之大义与吾心之精义两部分内容。

    It also concluded that ancient China divided history into historical facts , historical text and historical justice , the latter being Chinese historical philosophy .

  24. 也许他们以后都会有各自的归宿,也许不再有曾经的年少疯狂,但谁能抹灭曾经的那份深情大义呢?

    Perhaps they will have their own home , may not have had the young crazy , but who can wipe out of the affectionate justice ?

  25. 四种见解都言之成理,却都没有找到这种矛盾或寓意的深层现实原因,因此也就不能发现作者寓学术中的经世救国大义。

    Though these four are all somewhat reasonable , they do not find the deep-seated practical reasons of the contradiction yet , and thus cannot discover the deep meanings .

  26. 近代福州三巨人的林纾与林则徐、严复,都是心系国家,深明民族大义的名家。

    Lin Shu and other two great persons of modern Fuzhou , Lin Zexu and Yan Fu , all love their motherland with deep awareness of the nation 's interests .

  27. 悲剧英雄在巨大的磨难和强烈的痛苦中,为了民族的大义、生命的尊严而义无反顾地抗争着,把慷慨牺牲视为一种光荣。

    During great crucifixion and pain , the tragedy hero fight of their own for the ethic morality and dignity of life , and regard bounteous sacrifice as a kind of glory .

  28. “孤岛”时期的《文汇报》,是应“抗日救亡”的时代潮流和“孤岛”社会环境的需要而产生的坚持民族大义、坚持抗日宣传的民办爱国报纸。

    The Standard in Shanghai during the period of Gudao was published for the need of the " anti-Japanese and national salvation " trend of the times and the occupied Shanghais social environment .

  29. 事关国家存亡,当然非同小可;所以这些天翻阅报章,总见关心国家前途者发微言以成大义,认真地分析年轻人不结婚生子之因。

    As the issues have to do with the survival of the nation , the press has been running articles penned by concerned citizens on why young people are not getting married and reproducing themselves .

  30. 并结合历史人物论述了君子人格的践行,更进一步的阐述了无数仁人志士在伟大的君子人格的感召下,舍生取义、杀身成仁,为成就国家民族的大义而舍身忘我的大无畏精神。

    Combining practice of character of gentleman with historical personage , it further expounds fearless spirits of countless superior person who was impelled by lofty character of gentleman to be self-sacrifice for profit of country and nationality .