
  • 网络Lausanne;Rothamsted;EHL;Lausane;Laussane
  1. 此后,这批生物学家又与瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院(FederalPolytechnicInstituteinLausanne)的工程师合作,制造出蟑螂一般大小的带轮机器人。

    The biologists then collaborated with engineers at the Federal Polytechnic Institute in Lausanne to make wheeled cockroach-sized robots .

  2. STS总部设在瑞士的洛桑,是专门从事开发项目管理培训产品。

    Based in Lausanne , Switzerland , STS is specialising in developing project-management training products .

  3. 瑞士洛桑国际管理发展学院(IMD)的教师队伍国际化程度最高,而俄罗斯圣彼得堡国立大学管理学院(St.PetersburgStateUniversity,GraduateSchoolofManagement)的教师则全部为俄罗斯人。

    IMd , also in Switzerland , has the most internationally diverse faculty , while St Petersburg Graduate School of Management 's faculty is all Russian .

  4. 瑞士洛桑国际管理发展学院(IMD)在连续4年排名第三后攀升到了第二位,把法国巴黎高等商学院(HECParis)挤到第三位。

    Swiss school IMD climbs to second place after coming third for four years , relegating HEC Paris into third .

  5. 据瑞士新闻机构ATS报道,韩素音的葬礼本周四在洛桑举行。

    Swiss news agency ATS reported that a funeral service for Dr. Comber was token place on Thursday in Lausanne .

  6. 在他们两人合作的论文中,洛桑国际管理学院的学生被称作面具之后(BehindtheMask),即一个不仅因为杰出的成就和才华,还因为其脆弱性而被挑选出来的群体。

    IMD students are , they write in a joint paper , called Behind the Mask , a select group not just for their superior achievements and talent , but also for their fragility .

  7. 瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院(EcolePolytechniqueFederaleofLausanne)位列第二,随后是另一家亚洲新星--韩国科学技术学院(KoreaAdvancedInstituteofScienceandTechnology)。

    Switzerland 's Ecole Polytechnique Federale of Lausanne ranked second , followed by another rising Asian star , the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology .

  8. MicheleTavella是洛桑联邦高等工业学院的研究员。

    Mr. Tavella is a researcher at the Federal Polytechnic School in Lausanne , Switzerland .

  9. 商学院MBA课程今年招收的女性学员比例越来越高,洛桑国际管理发展学院正是其中之一,但它绝非个例。

    IMD is one of the schools that has enrolled an increasing proportion of women on its MBA programme this year , but it is by no means alone .

  10. 同样位于瑞士的洛桑国际管理发展学院(IMD)和西班牙的IESE商学院(IESEBusinessSchool)则保住了开放招生课程和定制课程两份榜单的榜首位置。

    IMD , also in Switzerland , and Iese Business School in Spain keep their top positions in the executive education rankings for open-enrolment and custom programmes .

  11. 瑞士洛桑国际管理发展学院(IMD)创新管理学教授比尔费舍尔(BillFischer)与人合著了关于海尔模式的《颠覆巨人》(ReinventingGiants)一书,并于2013年出版。

    Bill Fischer , a professor of innovation management at IMD business school in Lausanne , co-wrote Giants about the Haier model , published in 2013 .

  12. 1948年,在瑞士洛桑召开了第一次UIA代表大会。

    The first National Congress of Architects is held in Lausanne , Switzerland , in 1948 .

  13. 瑞士洛桑国际管理学院(imd)院长约翰沃尔什(johnwalsh)表示,学习emba课程的人比传统的mba学生更加成熟,工作经验也更加丰富。

    Those studying on an EMBA programme are more mature and have greater work experience than traditional MBA students , says John Walsh , Dean of faculty and staff at IMD .

  14. 今年,沃顿将成为美国第一家引入小组面试程序的顶级商学院&瑞士洛桑国际管理发展学院(IMD)已经采取了这种做法。

    Wharton will become the first top US school to introduce a group interview process this year – IMD in Switzerland already does this .

  15. 今年,沃顿将成为美国第一家引入小组面试程序的顶级商学院——瑞士洛桑国际管理发展学院(IMD)已经采取了这种做法。

    Wharton will become the first top US school to introduce a group interview process this year - IMD in Switzerland already does this .

  16. 瑞士洛桑国际管理发展学院(IMD)总裁多米尼克•图尔平(DominiqueTurpin)称,其他采取类似行动的咨询机构包括光辉国际(KornFerry)和普华永道(PwC)。

    Other consultancies making similar moves include Korn Ferry and PwC , says Dominique Turpin , president of IMD , the Swiss business school .

  17. 西班牙Iese商学院(IeseBusinessSchool)和瑞士洛桑国际管理发展学院(IMD)分别在定制和开放注册高管教育课程上夺魁。伦敦商学院在所有这5项排名上表现强劲。

    Iese of Spain and IMD of Switzerland were ranked number one for customised and open-enrolment executive education programmes respectively . London Business School ( LBS ) performed strongly across all five rankings .

  18. 例如,洛桑国际管理发展学院(IMD)驻校高管纳丁哈克(NadineHack)坚信,企业应因为更多参与社会事务而得到赞扬。

    Nadine Hack , executive-in-residence at IMD business school in Lausanne , for example , firmly believes that companies should be applauded for being more socially engaged .

  19. 瑞士洛桑国际管理发展学院(IMD)的教师队伍国际化程度最高,94%来自海外,米兰理工大学MIP管理学院的教师则均为意大利人。

    Switzerland 's IMD has the most international faculty , with 94 per cent of them from overseas , while faculty at Politecnico di Milano School of Management are all Italian .

  20. 从近几年瑞士洛桑国际管理学院(IMD)发表的全球竞争力报告中看,我国的科技竞争力,尤其是企业科技创新能力一直处于中等偏下的水平。

    From the viewpoint of the IMD Global Competitiveness Report , our national scientific and technological competitiveness , especially enterprises science and technology innovation ability has been the lower-middle-level .

  21. 另一方面,洛桑国际管理发展学院mba市场总监珍妮特沙纳(janetshaner)表示,在洛桑针对女性学员进行的调查研究表明,她们并不想要专门针对女性的市场推广。

    On the other hand at IMD , Janet Shaner , director for MBA Marketing , says that research among women students in Lausanne showed that they did not want women-specific marketing .

  22. 举例来说,瑞士洛桑国际管理学院(imd)会在开放式学员结束课程后两周,给他们发电子邮件,以保持与学员的联系。

    At IMD in Switzerland , for example , open enrolment participants are sent an e-mail two weeks after they finish the programme to retain the contact between school and student .

  23. 在同一期《自然》杂志上的一篇评论文章中,瑞士洛桑大学的IanSanders说,发现产生根瘤菌的基因能够有助于癌症研究者开发出新的药物。

    Identifying the genes that make rhizoxin could help cancer researchers develop new drugs , says Ian Sanders of the University of Lausanne , Switzerland , in a commentary in the same issue of Nature .

  24. 根据自己团队的研究,洛桑大学(UniversityofLausanne)组织行为学教授约翰褠东纳基斯(JohnAntonakis)说,学习了12种个人魅力特质——例如讲话声音生动活泼或者表达道德信念——的领导者变得“更具影响力、更值得信赖、更具有领袖气质”。

    Drawing from his team 's study , John Antonakis , professor of organisational behaviour at the University of Lausanne , says that leaders who learn 12 charismatic traits - such as using an animated voice or expressing moral conviction - become more " influential , trustworthy and leaderlike . "

  25. 本文主要从世界经济论坛(WEF)和洛桑国际管理开发学院(IMD)的研究角度入手,对国际竞争力的概念作者作了自己的概括。

    This article mainly starts with the point of view of the World Economic Forum ( WEF ) and International Management Development ( IMD ), on that basis , I generalized my own definition of International Competitiveness .

  26. 伦敦以北约40公里(25英里)处有个洛桑农场,1.6公顷(4英亩)的broadbalk试验田就位于其中部。

    The 1.6-hectare ( 4-acre ) Broadbalk field lies in the centre of Rothamsted farm , about 40km ( 25 miles ) north of London .

  27. 最后,在EMBA榜单上,若剔除与非欧洲商学院的合办课程,瑞士洛桑国际管理发展学院(IMD)的毕业生的平均薪资为26.1397万美元,远远领先于排名第二的萨伊德商学院和排名第三的西班牙企业商学院。

    Finally , in the EMBA ranking , excluding joint programmes delivered with non-European schools , IMD of Switzerland , with an average salary of $ 261397 , is well ahead of Business School in second and IE Business School in third place .

  28. 教育部组团参加在瑞士洛桑举行的第三届世界计算机教育应用会议(WCCE)。

    The Ministry of Education groups participated the Third World Conference on Computers in Education ( WCCE ), which was held in Switzerland Lausanne .

  29. 俄罗斯政府控股的俄罗斯石油公司(Rosneft)董事长伊戈尔•谢欣(IgorSechin)在洛桑会议上表示,“所有人都期待我们(在多哈)的工作取得成功的结果。”他这样想未免太一厢情愿了。

    But when Igor Sechin , chairman of the Russian state-controlled oil group Rosneft , told the FT conference that " everyone is expecting the successful outcome of our work " in Doha , he was indulging in wishful thinking .

  30. 但是瑞士洛桑大学的生物学家AndrijaFinka表达了一些担忧,即发展中国家的农民可能无法种植这些高技术植物。

    But Andrija Finka , a biologist at the University of Lausanne , Switzerland , expressed concerns that farmers in developing countries would not be able to grow the high-tech plants .