
  • 网络Lung lavage
  1. 用洗肺鼠探讨肺表面活性物质补充量

    Effects of amounts of surfactant replacement on respiratory failure induced by lung lavage in rats

  2. 我这周要去厦门来个洗肺游,我实在受不了这雾霾了。

    I am leaving for a lung-clearing tour in Xiamen this week , the smog is killing1 me .

  3. 这些旅游线路在宣传中被称为“洗肺游”,受雾霾困扰地区的游客到了这些地方可以吸入更多干净的空气。

    These tours are advertised as lung-clearing tours where people from smog-hit regions can feed their lungs with more clean air . For example :

  4. 如果你想要呼吸新鲜空气来个“洗肺”之旅,那么这里无疑是理想去处。

    It 's an ideal place to give your lungs a vocation .

  5. 如果污染达到“爆表”水平(北方城市石家庄在这个冬天有好几天出现这样的情况),保单持有人有机会获取海南“洗肺”旅游。

    If pollution exceeds the charts , as happened this winter in the northern city of Shijiazhuang for several days , policy holders can compete for a free trip to the subtropical island of Hainan to " clear their lungs . "