
xí shǒu jiān
  • toilet;washroom;lavatory;rest room;loo;cloakroom
洗手间 [xǐ shǒu jiān]
  • [toilet;lavatory] 有盥洗设备的房间

  1. 我得去趟洗手间。

    I need to go to the toilet .

  2. 你需要用洗手间吗?

    Do you need the toilet ?

  3. 飞机前后舱都有洗手间。

    There are toilets at both front and rear of the plane .

  4. 我得上洗手间。

    I have to go to the bathroom .

  5. 我得马上去洗手间。

    I 'm bursting !

  6. 楼下女洗手间旁边有个消防出口。

    There 's a fire exit by the downstairs ladies room .

  7. 抱歉我要去趟洗手间。

    I 'm afraid I have to answer a call of nature .

  8. 有谁知道洗手间在哪里吗?

    Does anybody know the way to the bathroom ?

  9. 他走进洗手间去洗漱。

    He headed to the bathroom to wash up .

  10. 她去洗手间了。

    She had gone in to use the bathroom .

  11. 安妮特跑向洗手间,把自己锁在里面。

    Annette ran and locked herself in the toilet

  12. 他去男洗手间清洗衬衫上的斑斑血迹。

    He went to the men 's room to wash flecks of blood from his shirt

  13. 去洗手间要穿过门厅。

    Access to the restrooms is through the hall .

  14. 对不起,走之前我得先去一下洗手间。

    Excuse me for a minute & I must pay a call of nature before we leave .

  15. 威利回忆起在今年年初,当他被要求朗读时,克里斯总会找借口去洗手间。

    Whaley recalls how at the beginning of the year , when called upon to read , Chris would excuse himself to go to the bathroom .

  16. 请问,先生,这里有洗手间吗?

    Excuse me , sir , is there a commode ?

  17. 那家伙霸占着洗手间25分钟了

    This guy has been 5 hogging the bathroom for 25 minutes !

  18. 但事实是:楼上什么人也没有,那里只有一间空房,一个洗手间,此外,在上面还有一些不大的储藏间。

    There was just a spare room , a bathroom and some small storage spaces up there .

  19. 于是,他冲进洗手间,换了一套衣服,戴上了墨镜,又一次走到电脑称前。

    Then he rushed to the men 's room , changed his clothes and put on dark glasses . He went to the machine again .

  20. 女洗手间有扇门能通到院子里,但那门的钥匙我们始终没找到。

    Now , in the ladies toilets there was a door that opened up into a courtyard , however no one had ever found the key .

  21. 而这个洗手间却是又小又窄,所以我摇摇头,将这种感觉挥散。然后我又回去和朋友们会合一起回图森市。

    I shook off the feeling since the bathroom was small and cramped2 , and met back with my friends and we drove back to Tucson .

  22. 我上洗手间时,会听到敲门声,但当我大声的问是谁时,却没人回答。有几次我从洗手间出来,却发现二楼只有我一个人。

    When I was in the bathroom there would be knocks on the door . I would call out but get no answer , and sometimes find there had been no one upstairs but me .

  23. 女招待给他们讲了摩根.厄普在餐馆房顶上被枪杀,从那之后女洗手间开始闹鬼的故事,但只有靠左手边的那个房间才闹鬼。

    The waitress had told them how Morgan Earp had been shot on the roof of the building and that … the women ’ s bathroom was haunted . But not both of them , just the one on the left .

  24. 灰水(Greywater)系统使各家公司能从洗手间的水池或水槽中取水,并把这些水用于冲厕所或浇花园。

    Grey water systems allow companies to take water from washroom sinks or from gutters and use it to flush toilets or water gardens .

  25. 怎么样空军长官John你想回到洗手间而不休息吗

    Be or not Air Marshall John , You wanna get back in that restroom and not rest ,

  26. 我们VIP休息室里设有洗手间。

    We have lavatory inside the VIP lounge .

  27. Wackosearch.com则以不合理性定义合理性:搜索“超现实主义”,得到国际洗手间礼仪中心(theInternationalCenterforBathroomEtiquette),还有,一个线上怀孕测试;

    Wackosearch.com determines pertinence by impertinence : Search for " surrealism , " and get sites for the I.C.B.E. ( the International Center for Bathroom Etiquette ) and an online pregnancy test ;

  28. 英语学习笔记:welcomeaboard欢迎乘机我可以问一下36a/洗手间在哪吗?只是在安置行李,不过还是谢谢你。

    May I know where 36a / lavatory is ? Just managing my bags , thank you anyway .

  29. 车载移动电视、电梯广告、户外广告、洗手间广告、户外大型LED媒体、电影贴片广告、卖场体验式广告、网络广告、电子邮件广告、手机广告等等。

    Vehicle-mounted mobile TV , elevator ads , outdoor ads , toilets , outdoor large LED advertising media , movie previews , experiential ads , online ads , E-mail ads , mobile phone and so on .

  30. 巴西当局告诉ABC新闻,案发当晚,一名“美国游泳运动员”砸坏了某加油站洗手间的一扇门,还和保安打了一架。

    Brazilian authorities tell ABC that a " US swimmer " broke down a gas station restroom door and fought with a security guard on the night in question .