
xǐ fā lù
  • shampoo
  1. 跟所有油性头发的护理一样,必须要先用洗发露。

    As with all oily hair treatments , shampoo needs to be applied first .

  2. 孩子们沐浴时间的程序包括:泡泡浴、无泪配方的洗发露和塑料玩具鸭。

    The bath time routine – bubble bath , no-tear shampoo , plastic duck .

  3. 洁诺牙膏,雕牌洗洁精,潘婷、风影和海飞丝洗发露对大肠杆菌抑制作用明显,抑菌圈直径大于20mm;

    Coli with inhibition diameters larger than 20 mm .

  4. 某营养洗发露致头发打结的原因分析

    Analysing the Cause of Some Nutritional Treatment Shampoo Getting the Hair Entangled

  5. 如果染发剂中含有氯,用除氯洗发露可能有帮助。

    A chlorine removal shampoo may help if the color was chlorine-enhanced .

  6. 制造商正在制造一种新型的营养洗发露。

    The makers are fetching out a new kind of treatment shampoo .

  7. 洗发露去屑效果检测评价方法的建立及应用研究

    Study on the anti-dandruff performance test method of hair shampoo

  8. 去屑洗发露是一款常常被滥用的产品。为什么这么说呢?

    Dandruff shampoo is an oft-abused product . Why ?

  9. 去屑洗发露是一款常常被滥用的产品。

    Dandruff shampoo is an oft-abused product .

  10. 去屑洗发露对此没有作用。

    Dandruff shampoo can 't treat that .

  11. 这种洗发露含有草本精华。

    This shampoo contains herbal essence .

  12. 全效合一洗发露

    All in 1 Shampoo

  13. 自从用了潘婷营养洗发露,头发变得健康、亮泽。

    But from the time I began to use Pantene Pro-V Treatment Shampoo , it has become healthy and shiny .

  14. 浴室需要一些小的修理,而且竟然连装沐浴露和洗发露的架子都没有。

    Bathroom needed some minor repairs , not to mention a place holder in a shower for your shampoo and soap .

  15. 而那些使用了清洁产品的男性,许多人都只用一块普通的沐浴皂、洗发露或他们能在浴室找到的其他什么东西。

    Of men who do use a cleanser , many use a bar of regular body soap , shampoo or whatever else they can find in the shower .

  16. 一个是消费类市场业务,也就是你刚刚指的那些消费产品,这其中包括许多婴儿用品,如婴儿洗发露、婴儿爽身粉等;

    One is the consumer business , which you alluded to , and it is a lot of the baby products , baby shampoo , baby powder , band - aids .

  17. 这个化合物及其他化学类似物也存在于化妆品、乳膏、唇膏、洗发露、香皂、洗剂和婴儿润肤露中,虽然我们对它们的作用机制还不了解。

    This compound , as well as other chemically similar ones , are also found in cosmetics , creams , lipsticks , shampoos , soaps , and baby lotions , although the way they work is not yet understood .

  18. 想要一头光泽秀发,怎能少了五花八门的护发产品、洗发露、还有深层滋养护发素……如果你的现在头发毛躁分叉或打结易断,那可真要好好呵护啦!

    The road to healthy hair is paved with products , potions , and deep conditioners ... oh my ! If your hair is fried or suffers from split ends , tangles , and broken brittle pieces , it 's time to take charge of your hair 's health .