
ní bā
  • mud;mire
泥巴 [ní bā]
  • (1) [mud] 〈方〉∶和着水的土

  • (2) [mire]∶粘稠、往往很厚的泥浆

泥巴[ní bā]
  1. 那几个孩子往墙上抹了泥巴。

    The children had smeared the walls with mud .

  2. 泥巴干了容易刷掉。

    Mud brushes off easily when it is dry .

  3. 那几个孩子往墙上抹了泥巴。

    The children had smeared mud on the walls .

  4. 我的双手、靴子和裤子上都沾满了泥巴。

    My hands , boots and trousers were plastered with mud .

  5. 他们只好挣扎着穿过厚厚的泥巴去找建筑工人。

    They had to battle through thick mud to reach construction workers

  6. 他新买的灰色夹克被撕破了,还弄上了泥巴。

    His new grey jacket was torn and muddied .

  7. 泥巴被积雪盖住了。

    The mud disappeared under a blanket of snow

  8. 他腿上结着干泥巴。

    His legs were caked with dried mud

  9. 离开营地前,我和孪生弟弟用泥巴做了一把椅子。

    Before we left the camp , my twin brother and I moulded a chair out of mud .

  10. 雨后,田野里满是泥巴。

    After raining , the field was caked with mud .

  11. 上帝用泥巴捏成了人。

    God formed man of the dust of the ground .

  12. 四川遂宁大英县,一处度假胜地,人们把黑色的泥巴抹在身上,用来防暑降温。

    People take a dip in a black mud pool at a tourist resort to escape the summer heat in Daying County of suining , sichuan province , china .

  13. 挖成vi.刮掉;刮出刺耳声那男孩刮掉双鞋上的泥巴。

    scrape The boy scraped the mud from his shoes .

  14. 这种时候,Mila就会洗一个泥巴澡,在身上涂抹一层厚厚的混合桉树油精的法国绿泥。

    This is when Mila relies upon taking a mud bath and spreading a nice thick coat of French green clay mixed with water and essential oil of eucalyptus .

  15. 他在特兰斯凯(Transkei)的一个小村子里长大,村房用泥巴制成,茅草覆顶,屋里的地板是抹着牛粪的土地。

    He grew up in a village of mud huts and grass rooftops , the floors made of earth smeared with cow dung , in the land known as the Transkei .

  16. 回到实验室后,科学家培养了从泥巴里找到的细菌。

    Back in the lab , they cultured from that mud .

  17. 定是被孩子气的神灵用泥巴塑造。

    Shaped out of great lumps of muck by childish gods .

  18. 或者,黎明的微光会照见她脚下的那条泥巴路。

    Either way , dawn showed a puddle between her feet .

  19. 如果我让你吃泥巴,你会吃吗?我说。

    Eat dirt if I told you to , I said .

  20. 而你对她的感恩回报,就是扑通一声摔进旁边一堆泥巴里。

    You thanked her by into the nearest pile of mud .

  21. 所有的颜色都跑一块儿,变成泥巴一般的棕色了。

    All the colors were running together and becoming mud brown !

  22. 习惯性思考规律就像一条泥巴路上的深车轮印。

    Habitual thought patterns are like ruts in a dirt road .

  23. 反叛者们往旗上扔泥巴以示侮辱。

    The rebels insulted the flag by throwing mud on it .

  24. 为何不周日来?把所有泥巴洗干净。

    Come over Sunday and you can wash all the mud off .

  25. 你报答她是__扑通一声摔进旁边一堆泥巴里。

    You thanked her by plopping into the nearest pile of mud .

  26. 如果你去玩泥巴,手会弄脏。

    You 'll dirty your hand if you play in the dirt .

  27. 我会要那个泥巴种好看,记住我的话吧。

    I 'm gonna get that jumped-up mudblood ! Mark my words .

  28. 泥巴,困在没有生气的肉体中,困在物质中。

    Mud , entrapped in a dead body , trapped in materiality .

  29. 他们乘船,骑摩托,趟泥巴。

    They travel by boats and motorcycles , and wade through mud .

  30. 他追赶神穿越印度,泥巴及胫,

    who chased God through India , shin-deep in mud ,