
ní shuǐ jiàng
  • plasterer;mason;bricklayer;tiler
泥水匠 [ní shuǐ jiàng]
  • [bricklayer;mason;plasterer;tiler] 即泥瓦匠

泥水匠[ní shuǐ jiàng]
  1. 他白天是个泥水匠,但他作为歌手的声望正在迅速提高。

    Day he was a bricklayer , but his reputation as a singer was growing fast .

  2. 他可是全伊斯坦布尔最好的泥水匠哩!

    He 's the best plasterer in the city of Istanbul !

  3. n.技工;精于一门工艺的匠人要盖一间房子,你必须请木工,泥水匠,水管工人,电工、还有许多其他专门的技工。

    craftsmen To build a house , you need the services of carpenters , bricklayers , plumbers , electricians , and several other craftsmen .

  4. 要干好那活,你需要请个泥水匠来。

    You need a plasterer to do that job properly .

  5. 一对泥水匠父子坐在咖啡馆里。

    Afather and son are sitting in a cafe .

  6. 他学泥水匠这一行。

    He learned the mason 's craft .

  7. 你是泥水匠梅森吗?

    Are You a Mason ?

  8. 一个被步枪打死的泥水匠的尸体躺在珍珠街。

    The body of a mason who had been killed by a gun-shot lay in the Rue de la Perle .

  9. 要盖一间房子,你必须请木匠、泥水匠、水管工人、电匠,还有许多其他专门的技工。

    To build a house , you need the services of carpenters , bricklayers , plumbers , electricians , and several other craftsmen .