
  • 网络persepolis;Perspolis
  1. 波斯波利斯,约2500年前由国王大流士(KingDariustheGreat)大帝建造,是阿契美尼德王朝的都城,被世人称为“天底下最富有的城市”。

    Built some 2500 years ago by King Darius the Great , Persepolis was known as " the richest city under the sun " and the capital of the Achaemenid Empire .

  2. 奥地利和伊朗合作重建伊朗古城波斯波利斯。

    Austria and Iran cooperate to restore ancient capital of Persepolis .

  3. 波斯波利斯幸存的帝国宫殿

    Perspolis : The surviving Imperial Palace

  4. 伊朗中西南部一城市;古代波斯波利斯城的遗址就在附近。

    Beacon Sites at the Yumen Pass and along the Great Wall a city in central southwestern Iran ; ruins of ancient Persepolis are nearby .

  5. 但在波斯波利斯,阿切曼尼王朝的中心地带的雕刻品上,法拉瓦哈达到最精致的地步,细微的地方也被雕刻得完美。

    But it is in the carvings of Persepolis , center of the Achaemenid dynasty , that the Faravahar reaches its most elaborate and finely wrought perfection .

  6. 阿婆陀那大殿(Apadana),是波斯波利斯的正殿,也是整个宫殿建筑群的核心,它是帝王用来接见朝贡团的地方。

    The Apadana , the centerpiece of the entire palace complex , was the chamber in which the emperor received envoys and ambassadors from all corners of his realm .

  7. 波斯波利斯这座城市如今已成了一片废墟,公元前330年被亚历山大大帝掠夺并烧毁,但在其鼎盛时期这个大都市远比其他城市繁荣富足。

    The city of Persepolis currently lies in ruins , pillaged and burnt down by Alexander the Great in 330 BC , but back in its heyday this metropolis was like no other .