
  • 网络legal thinking;legal thought;legal reasoning;law thinking
  1. 第二部分为法律思维的主要内容。

    The second part is about the content of legal thinking .

  2. 司法公正与法官的法律思维之间存在着密切的联系。

    There is close connection between Judicial justice and judges ' legal thinking .

  3. 国际法律思维的特点与方法

    The Characteristics and the Method of the Thought of International Law

  4. 该部分运用法律思维,对全文进行了总结。

    This part makes a total conclusion by legal methodologies .

  5. 法官法律思维能力的现实性思考

    The Realistic Thoughts on the Judges ' Legal Thinking Ability

  6. 当前我国公民法律思维存在的问题与对策

    Problems Existing in Chinese Citizens ' Law Thinking at Present and Countermeasures

  7. 这实际上是从逻辑学的角度论证了法律思维的可能性。

    In fact , this proves that legal logic is possible in logic .

  8. 法学教育对学生法律思维能力的培养

    Cultivating Legal Ideation of Students In The Undergraduate Course

  9. 这构成了日常思维与法律思维的根本区别。

    This makes up the ultimate difference between daily thought and legal thought .

  10. 就前者而言,当属典型的法律思维。

    The former is a typical legal thinking .

  11. 研究法律思维,就是要容忍不同的思维方式的存在。

    To study the legal thinking , different modes of thinking should be tolerated .

  12. 法律思维的三个视角

    Three Angles of Views of the Law Thought

  13. 法律思维:一种思维方式上的检讨

    Legal Thinking : A self-criticism of thinking mode

  14. 虚构:法律思维的必要之维&朗·富勒《法律的虚构》译后

    Fiction : an Indispensable Angle of Legal Thinking

  15. 就此,法律思维呈现出形式主义和实质主义两种进路。

    In this connection , the legal thinking shows two tendencies , formalism and substantive .

  16. 这场危机的实质是我们固有法律思维的危机。

    The essence of the crisis is the intrinsic crisis of our sense of law .

  17. 当原告沿用法律思维对被告进行指控时,往往会引发抄袭之争。

    The dispute of plagiarism will be triggered when the plaintiff accuses the defendant of plagiarism .

  18. 人们选择权利作为法律思维的工具,成功地实现了对人与人之间的利益分配。

    People choose " right " as law thought tool and realize the benefit assignment successfully .

  19. 法律思维的逻辑基础

    Logical Basis of Legal Thinking

  20. 论法律思维的不矛盾性

    Consistency of Legal Thinking

  21. 特别是行政执法人员法律思维的培养须引起法律界乃至全社会的重视。

    Especially we should pay much attention to their developing into the way of thinking according to law .

  22. 本文尝试在形式主义和实质主义的两种进路和框架下展开法律思维的研究,并坚持将两种进路贯彻本文的始终。

    This dissertation attempts to carry out the research on two frameworks , that is , formalism and substantive .

  23. 当事人申请再审模式在人们惯常法律思维下,至今仍然举步维艰;

    The pattern of applying by the parties is still of great difficulties in the normal mode of thinking .

  24. 论清末礼教派保守主义法律思维模式的合理性儒家思想与礼制&兼议中国古代传统法律思想的礼法结合

    On the Rationality of Conservative Confucian Thoughts about Law in the Late Qing Dynasty Confucian Thoughts and Ritual System

  25. 价值衡量是司法裁判中的一种法律思维模式,同时也是一种法律解释方法。

    Value measurement is the administration of justice in a legal mode of thinking , but also a legal interpretation .

  26. 对法律思维的研究需要运用综合性的方法,这是因为即使是通过法律的治理也是多途径的。

    Comprehensive approaches are needed to study legal thinking , because even governance through the law is also of multi-approach .

  27. 第五部分为以养成法律思维为目标的法律教育改革。

    The fifth part is about reforming present law education and making it be nurture source of formulating legal thinking .

  28. 与其他思维相比较,法律思维具有法律性、工具性、保守性、确定性和缜密性的特征。

    Compared with other thinking , legal thinking has the characteristics of law , tool , conservation , care and uncertainty .

  29. 人民法院法官法律思维能力的强弱,在一定程度上决定了司法能力和司法水平的高低。

    Both judicial ability and judicial quality are , to some extent , determined by the judges ' legal thinking ability .

  30. 这种意义上的法律思维的内容主要由法律专业知识、职业操作方法、法律思维模式和法律技巧构成。

    The legal thinking mainly concludes the legal expertise , legal professional operation , mode of legal thinking and legal skills .