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  1. 有关靛蓝的发酵还原染色的机理,过去并不清楚,显然这是由于合成靛蓝及其化学还原染色法发展之时,人们对近代酶学知识还很贫乏之故。

    This was evidently attributed to the ignorance about modern theory of enzyme in the course of development of synthetic indigo and its chemical reduction vat dyeing .

  2. 我国《合同法》制定之时有意识地引入英美预期违约制度,但引入之后其便与履行抗辩权制度纠缠不清,引发法律解释适用之难题。

    But after its introduction , it was confused with the system of fulfillment demurring rights , which resulted in the problem of the applicability of legal explanation .

  3. 在中国现行民事诉讼法面临修改之时,有必要对中国传统民事审判的特质以及从中体现出来的、有着深厚历史文化根基的德性进行考察;

    At the time of the amendment of current Chinese Civil Procedural law , it is necessary that we make an observation on the special characters of Chinese traditional civil trails and its inherent dexing with deep root of historical culture .

  4. 首先阐述确定反垄断法应规范之行为时应注意中国的现实国情、加入WTO后市场开放等原则;

    Expound Chinese antitrust lawmakers to pay attention to realistic situation in China and main legislative principles like Market Opening , especially after China becomes a WTO member .