
  1. 法庭论辩还是进行法制宣传教育的一种好形式。

    Court debate is also a better way of law propaganda .

  2. 以和谐文化理念统领法制宣传教育工作

    Guiding the Work of Legal Publicity with the Concept of Harmonious Culture

  3. 媒体在法制宣传教育中存在的问题及解决对策

    The problem of media in the legal system publicity education

  4. 法制宣传教育的对象是一切有接受能力的公民。

    Legal publicity and education is for all citizens with the receptivity .

  5. 关于对国家四个法制宣传教育五年规划的比照分析

    Comparative Analysis to the Four National " Five-year Plans of Legal Popularization "

  6. 法制宣传教育的性质、价值及创新初探

    Rudimentary Exploration on the Nature , Value and Innovation of Legal Publicity and Education

  7. 第五,加强生态环境法制宣传教育。

    Fifthly , strengthen the publicity and education of legal system of ecological environmental .

  8. 试论改进和加强高校法制宣传教育

    On Promoting and Strengthening the Publicity and Education of Legal System in Higher Learning Institutions

  9. 正确把握和处理法制宣传教育工作十个方面的关系

    Correctly Controlling and Handling the Relationships from Ten Perspectives of the Legal Publicity and Education

  10. 强化法制宣传教育,增强教师法制观念;

    Constructing teacher s ' law notions .

  11. 加强农村法制宣传教育与法律服务;

    Strengthen the countryside , rule by law , propagate and educate , serve with law ;

  12. 二是加强法制宣传教育,促使经营单位业主依法规范经营。

    The second is to strengthen legal education , to promote business unit owners according to the law and regulations .

  13. 第三,强化法制宣传教育,增强体育教师与学生的法制观念。

    Thirdly , strengthen the propaganda and education of the legal system and enhance the legal knowledge of PE teachers and students .

  14. 深入开展法制宣传教育,弘扬法治精神,形成自觉学法守法用法的社会氛围。

    In-depth law publicity and education , promote the rule of law , law abiding people conscientiously study the usage of social atmosphere .

  15. 统计法制宣传教育必须转变传统普法教育观念,提高公民统计法律素质,增强教育有效性。

    Statistics legal education must change the traditional concept of legal education , and enhance efficiency , improve quality of citizenship statistical laws .

  16. 主要包括加强法制宣传教育,加强法院内部建设,完善相关法律制度建设。

    Including strengthening the legal publicity and education , strengthen the construction of the inner court , perfect the relevant legal system construction .

  17. 不断创新方法手段,增强法制宣传教育的时代感、吸引力和感染力。

    They have continued to innovate means and measures designed to render legal publicity and education more up-to-date , more interesting and more appealing .

  18. 因此应当,(一)加强法制宣传教育,提高官民法律意识;

    Therefore , we should ( 1 ) strengthen the spreading and education of legality to increase the sense of law among officials and civilians ;

  19. 创新和丰富法制宣传教育形式,强化大众传播媒体和新闻通讯单位的社会责任。

    V.Intensifying the organization and leadership over legal publicity and education , and mobilizing all forces of the whole society to participate in this work .

  20. 要进一步完善法制宣传教育考核评估机制,加强年度考核、阶段性检查。

    We shall further improve the mechanism for the examination and appraisal of legal publicity and education , and strengthen annual examination and stage inspection .

  21. 坚持以科学发展观指导法制宣传教育为构建社会主义和谐社会营造良好法治环境

    Guiding the Legal Publicity and Education with the Conception of Scientific Development to Create a Favorable Legal Environment for the Construction of a Socialist Harmonious Society

  22. 要充分发挥互联网媒体、移动媒体等新兴媒体的特点和优势,积极开展法制宣传教育。

    We shall give full play to the features and advantages of such emerging media as Internet and mobile phones to actively carry out legal publicity and education .

  23. 要进一步加大基层法制宣传教育各项投入,努力为基层深入开展法制宣传教育创造条件。

    They shall make more investments in grassroots legal publicity and education and endeavor to create conditions for the profound implementation of legal publicity and education at grassroots .

  24. 在肯定怀宁县法制宣传教育取得的成绩的同时,也发现了一些阻碍法制宣传效果进一步提高的问题。

    While the achievements of legal publicity education have received recognition , some problems that hinder the further improvement of the legal publicity effect have also been found .

  25. 各部门、各单位要结合实际,统筹安排,保证法制宣传教育工作正常开展。

    All departments and entities shall , in light of the actualities , make overall arrangements to ensure the normal implementation of the legal publicity and education work .

  26. 中央宣传部、司法部关于在公民中开展法制宣传教育的第五个五年规划

    The Fifth Five-year Plan of Legal Publication and Education among the Public by the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and the Ministry of Justice

  27. 加强各种法制宣传教育园地、阵地建设,鼓励、引导和规范法制宣传教育志愿活动。

    We should strengthen the construction of various platforms and forums for legal publicity and education , encourage , guide and regulate the volunteering activities of legal publicity and education .

  28. 中国重视在军队开展法制宣传教育,把法制宣传教育纳入部队教育训练的轨道。

    China attaches importance to promoting publicity and education in the law in the armed forces , bringing it into the orbit of the army 's regular education and training .

  29. 要在继续做好全体公民法制宣传教育的基础上,重点做好公务员的法制宣传教育。

    We should , on the basis of continuing the legal publicity and education amongst all citizens , pay special attention to the legal publicity and education among the public servants .

  30. 结合第五个五年普法教育活动,深入开展法制宣传教育,提高官兵法律素质。

    In the context of the fifth five-year program on law education , legal publicity and education have been enhanced , and the legal awareness of officers and men has been raised .