
yóu kǒng
  • Oil hole;oilhole
油孔[yóu kǒng]
  1. 曲轴斜油孔钻削头设计

    Design of the Drilling Head Using in Oblique Oilhole of Crank

  2. FANUC数控系统在曲轴油孔钻削机床中的应用

    The Application of FANUC CNC on Drilling Machine for the Crankshaft Oil Hole

  3. 一汽丰田(长春)发动机有限公司曲轴生产线采用硬质合金钻头并配合半干式加工(MQL)技术加工曲轴油孔。

    FAW TOYOTA engine company crankshaft product line uses carbide tool and MQL technique to process crankshaft oil holes .

  4. 以排出率(S)为目标函数,研究了出油孔数目(N)和孔距半径(R)对粘性指进的影响。

    In this paper , Keeping discharge rate ( S ) as the targer function , studies have been carried out on effects of the oil exit pore number ( N ) and the radius of pore pitch ( R ) on the viscous fingering phenomenon .

  5. 采取的措施有:①在推力瓦盖上增加12个直径为40mm的通油孔,使油流畅通,增加推力瓦面的油流速度,增大热交换量;

    Some measures are taken to deal with the above problems , including adding of 12 pores with the diameter of 40 ? mm on the bearing pad to make the oil stream flow more smoothly and rapidly and to increase the amount of heat exchange ;

  6. 采煤机调高油缸活塞-活塞杆组件的结构分析带螺旋活塞杆的液压缸(制动主缸内)活塞出油孔

    Structural Analysis for Piston-Piston Rod Sets of Steering Cylinder of Shearer

  7. 泄油孔合理长度和数量的确定

    A method determining length and numbers of drain holes to be drilled

  8. 埋地输油管道盗油孔防腐蚀方法研究

    Anti-corrosion methods of oil - stolen orifice in underground oil - pipeline

  9. 介绍了对盗油孔可用的防腐蚀方法,对各种方法的优缺点和适应性进行了分析。

    Several anti-corrosion methods of oil-stolen orifice in underground oil-pipeline are introduced .

  10. 曲轴润滑油孔及连接法兰孔专用钻床的研制

    Special Drill Press for Drilling Lubricating Hole and Flange Hole of Crankshaft

  11. (制动主缸内)活塞出油孔移动制动汽缸里的活塞作用。

    Moves a piston in the master brake cylinder .

  12. 曲轴斜油孔加工的规范化工艺计算

    Normalized Technological Calculation for Crankshaft Oblique Oil Hole Machining

  13. 用压缩空气吹净内部油孔和通道。

    Internal fuel hole and passange must be claned by using shop air .

  14. 油孔淬裂的主要原因是油孔加工后的α值偏小;

    The cracks in oil hole are caused by less a value after machining .

  15. 曲轴油孔的柔性自动加工线

    Flexible Automatic Line of Crankshaft oil & hole

  16. 介绍了油孔螺塞拼接式热锻模具的设计及其应用效果。

    Finally the design and application achievement of this hot forging die are described .

  17. 轧机万向接轴叉头中贯通油孔对其强度的影响

    Influence of Through Oil Holes on Strength of Universal Spindle Forked Joint in Rolling Mill

  18. 钻曲轴斜油孔工装工艺参数的实用算法研究

    Research on functional algorithm of process parameter for drilling the inclined hole on a crankshaft

  19. 标准品无油孔(标示★处),若有需要请事先告知业务人员。

    The standard type is without Q , if required , please advise in advance .

  20. 发动机机体通大侧面斜油孔加工工艺研究

    Research on Processing Technique of Slant Oil - hole through Big-side in the Body of Engine

  21. (制动主缸内)活塞出油孔双作用单活塞杆式油缸

    Double-acting single piston rod oil cylinder

  22. 曲轴油孔电化学倒角去毛刺专机设计构思

    The design of a specific machine for chamfering and deburring oil holes of crankshafts by electrochemistry

  23. 结果表明,变油孔设计能够明显改善飞机滑行的动态性能。

    Comparing the two cases showed that the latter obviously improves the dynamic response performances of aircraft .

  24. 回油孔出口处油气体积比随润滑油进口流量增加而增大;

    The scavenge oil volume ratio to air increases with the increase of oil inlet flow rate .

  25. 当泄油孔数达到一定值后,泄油孔长度较短的油井与较长油井的预测产量比值为一常数;

    The results show that crude production rate is increased as more length of drain holes is drilled .

  26. 主机轴伸处设计了带回油孔的轴封,防止了润滑油的渗漏;

    Host shaft had stretched place design of the oil hole back to the shaft sealing , prevent the leakage of oil ;

  27. 标准型抽油泵柱塞上阀罩的工作缺陷是出油孔壁磨损断裂。

    The shortcoming of top valve housing for standard type oil well pump plunger is wear and rupture of oil flow pore wall .

  28. 为了满足安装的要求,对国产齿轮泵的旋向、内油孔位置和花键轴等进行了改造。

    The revolving direction , internal oil hole position and spline shaft of the domestic pump are modified to meet the installation requirement .

  29. 最后,以飞机缓冲支柱主油孔半径为设计参数,研究了油孔半径的变化对飞机起落架系统缓冲性能的影响。

    At last , the parametric analysis is made to research how the radius of oil orifices influences the efficiency of landing gear .

  30. 主要介绍在加工发动机曲轴斜油孔时,用解析法计算曲轴装夹时所倾斜的角度。

    This article introduces mainly calculation of a slanting angle of crankshaft clamping with the analysis method in machining crankshaft oblique oil hole .