
  1. 试论自然地理环境对历史上河湟多民族文化的影响

    Expounding the Influence of Natural Environment Culture in History

  2. 试论明清时期河湟文化的特质与功能

    Features and Functions of He Huang Culture of the Ming - Qing Period

  3. 受命不迁,生发河湟&民族研究所成立25周年之回顾

    Retrospection of the 25th Anniversary of the Founding of Institute of Research for Nationalities

  4. 从可持续发展论河湟地区的开发及其战略意义

    Region Exploitation and Strategy Significance with Sustainable Development

  5. 河湟地区回汉、回藏的交往主要体现在经济、政治、文化等方面。

    He Hang Hui minority society exchange characteristic mainly manifested in politics , economy and culture .

  6. 河湟汉族答谢歌是一组程式化特征鲜明的婚礼仪式歌。

    Han nation 's thanks songs in Hehuang is a set of formula features distinctive wedding ceremony songs .

  7. 青海河湟谷地气候及干旱变化研究

    Research on Variations of Climate and Its Aridity in the Valley of Yellow River and Huangshui River within Qinghai Province

  8. 河湟谷地的城镇发展具有明显的优势,但也存在一些亟待解决的问题。

    The urban development in hehuang valley has obvious advantages , but there are also some problems to be solved .

  9. 以寿龄为人名是明清河湟地区各民族中流行着一种非常独特的习俗。

    Using the age status as one 's name is the unique and prevailing customs in minorities of Hehuang region in the Ming and Qing dynasties .

  10. 文章从三个方面就发展河湟教育问题进行了理论思考:建构河湟现代教育发展的文化环境与氛围;

    This article makes theoretical thoughts on developing Hehuang education from three aspects : constructing the cultural environment and atmosphere of modern education in the Hehuang areas ;

  11. 依据地区可分为河湟花儿和洮岷花儿,所以青海“花儿”又叫做“河湟花儿”。

    Based on the area , it can be divided into Hehuang Flower and Tao-Min Flower , Qinghai " flower " also called " Hehuang Flower " .

  12. 河湟回汉藏在经济方面的交往特点是互补共荣,互补就是生产方式、经济结构的相互补充,互通有无,共荣就是合作赢利,利益均沾。

    The economic characteristic of He Hang Hui minority society exchange is complementarity and prosperity , which mean complementary and prosperous in creative mode , economical structure .

  13. 河湟回汉藏在政治方面的交往特点是:政教分离,其实就是理顺政教的关系,即宗教与国家的关系问题。

    In He Han region the political exchange characteristic of Hui , Han and Zang minority are the separating between politics and religions which is to deal with the relations of religions and politics .