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hé zhōu
  • Sandbar or islet in a river
  1. 河州砖雕&临夏民间艺术奇葩

    Brick Carving in Hezhou ─ Wonderful Folk Art in Linxia

  2. 河州少数民族宴席曲

    Feast Music of Minority Nationalities in Hezhou

  3. 当时兰州府辖管狄道、河州二州;

    Maryland House at the time of the Didao jurisdiction , the river , two states ;

  4. 第一章首先对《河州志》的版本及流传进行了分析。

    The first chapter will be a basic analysis of editions and circulation of He Zhou Annals .

  5. 清代河州度量衡制钱地亩计算单位及方法

    Weights and Measures , Copper Coin Striking and Farmland Measures and Calculating Ways in Hezhou in Qing Dynasty

  6. 巴西北大河州联邦大学民间舞团的《彩带飘飘》,是非常典型的农耕文化节日庆典舞蹈。

    Flying Colorful Ribbons by Group Folkloric from UFRN of Brazil was a typical festive dance of the agricultural civilization .

  7. 其次,本文通过田野调查,对河州回族脚户的生活进行了重现。脚户们的生活辛苦而富有智慧,在长期的贩运生活中,他们积累了很多宝贵的经验,形成了许多独特文化。

    The driving-man accumulated a lot of precious experience in their driving life in long time , formed lots of unique convention .

  8. 河州商人作为陕西商帮的一个支派,也活跃在我国的西部边陲。

    And the Hezhou businessman be the branch of the Shanxi businessman , which also active western region backland in our country .

  9. 在此基础上,本章运用语言接触等语言学理论,分析了河州括形成的原因,并将其定性为混合语。

    On this base , adopting Language Contact theory , this section analyzes and explains how the dialect emerges , thereby confirming it is a mixed language .

  10. 西北回族军阀集团是对来自河州马姓回族三大家族的军阀的总称,三大家族分别立足甘、宁、青,各系之间泾渭分明。

    Warlords Bloc of Hui Nationality in northwest China is the general reference to the landlords of three big clans with the family name of Ma in Hezhou .

  11. 最后对于花儿研究的目的和方向提出自己的看法,期望对河州花儿的传承与发展有所裨益。

    Finally , for the purpose and direction of flowers to present their views , expectations of the flowers on the river heritage and development of the state benefit .

  12. 在此基础上,笔者力图总结明清时期河州地区农牧业经济开发所带来的经济社会效益和生态效应。

    The thesis summarizes that developing agriculture and animal husbandry brought to Hezhou district social economic effects and ecological effects within this period time of the Ming and Qing dynasties .

  13. 它为我们展现了清代河州土地买卖、土地典当的价格、交易规模等方面的历史原貌,反映出同治回族起义前后河州土地买卖呈现出极不相同的两个时期。

    It showed us historical original appearance of land transaction , land price , and transaction scale , which reflected the two different periods before and after the revolt of Hui nationality .

  14. 河州是甘肃省临夏回族自治州的古称,因黄河而得名,位於甘肃省中部西南,自古以来便是多民族聚居之地。

    Hezhou is the ancient name of Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture of Gansu Province , and the name derives from the Yellow River . It locates in the central southwest of Gansu , being a multi-ethnic areas since ancient times .

  15. 是因为希望,年轻的海军上尉才会在湄公河三角州勇敢的巡逻放哨,是因为希望,出身工人家庭的孩子才会敢于挑战自己的命运;

    the hope of a young naval lieutenant bravely patrolling the Mekong Delta ; the hope of a millworker 's son who dares to defy the odds ;

  16. 现在,哥伦比亚河是华盛顿州和俄勒冈州的分界线。

    The Columbia River now separates the states of Washington and Oregon .

  17. 命名密西西比河西部的州。

    Name the states west of the Mississippi !

  18. 自然界图片。细致优雅的红叶构成清淡的叶子和一个反映在韦纳奇河,华盛顿州。

    Delicate red leaves frame lighter foliage and a reflection on the Wenatchee River , Washington .

  19. 密西西比河在密西西比州的维克斯堡等地设置了记录。

    The river has been setting records in places like Vicksburg in the state of Mississippi .

  20. 1967年的越南战争中:美国和南越的军人,与越共军队在湄公河的三角州交战。

    1967-Vietnam War : US and South Vietnamese forces engage Viet Cong troops in the Mekong Delta .

  21. 从圣路易斯驾车往东不远,越过密西西比河进入伊利诺伊州,就到了美国的第一座城市。

    Just a short drive east of Saint Louis , and across the Mississippi into Illinois , is America 's first city .

  22. 密西西比三角洲区中死亡率最高的是沿着密西西比河的阿肯色州、田纳西州、路易斯安那州和密西西比。

    The highest mortality rates in the Mississippi Delta were found in counties clustered along the river in Arkansas , Tennessee , Louisiana and Mississippi .

  23. 唐分属河北道怀州河内郡、河阳三城使孟州、河南道河南府河南郡、郑州荥阳郡。

    Tang belong to Hanoi , pregnant Road Hebei county , III Heyang make Mengzhou City , Henan Province House Road , County of Henan , Zhengzhou Yang Ying County .

  24. 帕拉河流域亚马逊州的大型露天矿山设备,通往大西洋各港口的铁路线路和铁矿石运输船,简直是中巴两国间的巨大运输带。

    The installations at giant open-pit mines in the Amazon state of Par á, railway lines to Atlantic ports and the ore carriers that ship the metal constitute nothing less than a giant conveyor belt between Brazil and China .

  25. 许多年来,绿色环保组织一直努力说服美国环保署在那些有密西西比河支流的州设置氮磷使用上限,但收效甚微。

    For years green groups have been trying to persuade the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) to set a limit for the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus allowed in the states whose rivers feed the Mississippi . Little has happened .

  26. 他们沿着一条滚烫的柏油路开过了河,来到新罕布什尔州。

    They drove across the river to New Hampshire on a hot tar road .

  27. 该船经过莫农加希拉,然后沿着俄亥俄河行驶到伊利诺伊州的凯罗,在这里它进入密西西比河。

    The boat navigated the Monongahela , then followed the Ohio to Cairo , Illinois , where it joins the Mississippi .

  28. 女友问我:“你现在知道人们为什么称这条河为威斯康辛的州河吗?”

    My girlfriend asked me : " Have you found the reason why people call the river the river of Wisconsin ?"

  29. 然而英军没有乘胜追击,华盛顿和他的大陆军得以逃往新泽西,后来又穿过特拉华河,抵达宾夕法尼亚州。

    However , the British failed to push their advantage , and Washington and his men were able to escape to New Jersey and across the Delaware River to Pennsylvania .

  30. 那个时候,我的父亲居然在纽约这个“大苹果”里迷路了若干小时,而我们还在哈得逊河彼岸的新泽西州,也就是在纽约人所说的另一个国家。

    At that time we were " trapped " in New Jersey , on the other side of the Hudson River ( in another country ), because our father could not find his way into the " Big Apple " for several hours .