
hé wài xīng xì
  • extragalactic system;extragalactic nebula;external galaxy;anagalactic nebula
河外星系[hé wài xīng xì]
  1. CCD用于建立惯性坐标系(Ⅰ)测定河外星系与定标星的相对位置

    To Build Up the Inertial Coordinate System With A CCD (ⅰ) Measuring the Relative Position of An Extragalactic System with Respect to the Reference Stars

  2. 以河外星系为参考系的恒星自行测定现状

    Present Situation on Determinations of Stellar Proper Motions with Respect to Extragalactic System

  3. 对河外星系OH超脉泽的观测和研究,是探测和研究其所成协的活动星系核、星暴星系的中央源和拱核盘的有效工具。

    The observations and studies of the OH megamasers associated with AGN and starburst galaxies are the very efficient tools to investigate characteristics of their central sources an .

  4. 明亮的OH脉泽是探测银河系中各类天体甚至河外星系的极好工具,但是对OH脉泽的抽运机制的鉴别和模拟上的困难使得这个极好工具一直没有得到极好的发挥。

    The bright OH masers are excellent probes of different kinds of astronomical objects in the Galaxy and even of distant galaxies , but the difficulties in identifying the pumping mechanisms of these OH masers and modeling them have hindered the application of this excellent probe .

  5. 第四宇宙速度(V4)宇宙速度的一级,预计物体具有110~120km/s的速度时,就可以脱离银河系而进入河外星系,这个速度叫做第四宇宙速度。

    The fourth speed of the universe ( V4 ) of a speed of the universe , objects are expected to have 110 ~ 120km / s speed , you can enter Hewaixingxi out of the Milky Way , known as the pace of the fourth rate of the universe .

  6. 离散时空和河外星系红移

    Discrete space-time and red-shifts of galaxies

  7. 本文据此说明:河外星系红移是光子在其特征力场作用下的离散运动的直接结果。

    This result suggests that the red-shifts of galaxies are direct results of photon motion in the discrete space-time under photon 's own force field .

  8. 宇宙线是一种高能带电粒子流,来自于宇宙空间,是我们得到的来自银河系和河外星系的唯一物质样品。

    Cosmic rays ( CRs ) are the high energy particles coming from in and beyond Milky Way , which is the only sample for human to study the universe .

  9. 本文详细讨论了在测定河外星系与定标星的相对位置中的误差累积效应,并给出了相应的数值估计。

    In this paper , the effects of error accumulation in determining the relative positions of galaxies with respect to the reference stars are discussed in detail and the corresponding numerical estimates are also made .

  10. 天文学研究行星及其它卫星,研究彗星和流星,研究太阳、恒星和星团,研究星际气体和尘埃,还研究银河系和其他河外星系。

    Astronomy deals with planets and their satellites , with comets and meteors , with the sun , the stars and clusters of stars , with the interstellar gas and dust , with the system of the Milky way and the other galaxies beyond the Milky way .

  11. 较详细地叙述了几何学方法,即以河外星系作为不动的定标点,形成参考框架,测定若干恒星的绝对自行,导出基本星表系统的岁差旋转。

    And the geometrical method is described in detail , namely , when extragalactic systems are used as the fixed reference points to form a reference frame , the precessional rotation of the fundamental catalogue system is derived through the determination of the absolute proper motions of some stars .