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  • Hebei Province;Beijing;QINHUANGDAO;Heibei
  1. 目的分析研究河北省花蝇科昆虫的种类及其分布。

    Objective To study the faunistic distribution of the Anthomyiidae in Hebei province of China .

  2. 河北省张北县旅游局周二(5月10日)表示,5月1日起实施的每人次50元的门票收费合理合法。

    The tourism bureau in Zhangbei county , Hebei province , said on Tuesday that the 50 yuan ( $ 7.70 ) per-person charge introduced on May 1 is both reasonable and lawful1 .

  3. 在中国的河北省,一些购物中心都设立了女性停车位。这些停车位空间都较大,并用不同的颜色明显标出。

    In the Chinese province of Hebei , women 's parking spaces have been established in shopping centers . These are wider and are clearly marked in different colors .

  4. 加入WTO后河北省畜牧业生产经营风险防范对策研究

    Study on Countermeasures of Preventing Risk in Livestock Production Management in Hebei Province after Joining WTO

  5. WTO后时代河北省钢铁产品出口态势与应对措施

    Export situation of iron and steel products of Hebei Province at post-WTO times and Its Counter-measures

  6. 河北省高校基于Web的网络教学系统的建设思路与选择研究

    The Construction Way and Choice Research of Webteaching : the Web-based Network Education System for the Institutions of Higher Education in Hebei Province

  7. 河北省献血员HCV感染状况调查及筛查效果分析

    Investigation on the Status of HCV Infection in Blood Donors and the Effect of anti-HCV Screening

  8. 在LM和SEM下对河北省丛藓科13属28种植物的孢蒴、蒴齿和孢子的形态及孢子和蒴齿的超微结构作了观察。

    The capsules , peristome and spores of 28 species of Pottiaceae in Hebei province have been observed under LM and SEM .

  9. 根据国际种子检验规程,采用吸水纸培养法(blottermethod)对来自河北省各地的高梁种子样品进行了种子带菌分析。本文报道了已鉴定出的种子携带真菌,共计17属21种。

    Using blotter method , the mycoflora of Sorghum seeds in Hebei province were examined Twenty one fungal species belong to seventeen genera have been identified .

  10. 结论河北省存在发生肠出血性大肠杆菌O157∶H7感染暴发或流行的潜在危险

    Conclusion There was a potential risk of outbreak of E. coli O157 ∶ H7 infection

  11. 加入WTO后我们面临的一个突出的问题就是人才竞争加剧,河北省乃至全国将面临全面的人才危机。

    After entering the WTO , we will face a prominent problem that the talents compete severely ; not only Hebei Province but also the whole country will face the all-around talents crisis .

  12. 通过对河北省安平猪场两种猪舍内不同环境控制条件下的实验研究,对模型进行了验证,并对pH值、温度、地面风速、热压四因素进行了灵敏度分析。

    Through a serial of experiments in Anping farm in North China , the model is verified , and sensitivities of major factors as pH value , temperature , air velocity and thematic pressure are analyzed .

  13. 其他序列同源性相对远些。7基因分型及系统进化树分析表明,河北省是典型的SEO型疫区。

    Other sequences have far distance . 7 Genotype and phylogenetic tree analysis showed that Hebei Province is a typical SEO-type epidemic area .

  14. 在此基础上,引入人均GDP,万元GDP生态足迹等指标定量评估了河北省生态经济系统的发展能力,找出生态与经济发展失衡主要原因。

    Then , the development capacity of Hebei was qualitatively analyzed with GDP per capita and ecological footprint per ten thousands GDP to find out the major factor which affect the imbalance development between ecologic and economic .

  15. Spot-5遥感数据在北方农牧交错带景观结构特征研究中的应用&以河北省沽源县为例

    Character of Landscape Structure in the Ecotone between Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in Northern China Using Spot-5 Remote Sensing Data

  16. 根据中科院栾城农业生态系统综合试验站和栾城县气象站的常规观测资料,运用SWAP软件对太行山山前平原-河北省栾城县田间土壤水分运动进行了数值模拟。

    Based on the data from Luancheng Agriculture Experimental Station of CAS and Luancheng Weather Station , numerical simulation of soil water movement of farmland in the piedmont plain of the Taihang Mountains is conducted using SWAP model as an analysis tool .

  17. 报道了河北省丛藓科藓类植物新分布记录8种:石灰藓Barbulaehrenbergii(Lor.)

    Eight species of Pottiaceae from Hebei province : Barbula ehrenbergii ( Lor . )

  18. 本方法还具有算法稳定、对初值要求不高及收敛速度快、过量性质影响小等特点.河北省盐生植物特有现象无。1977.13.No.除白内障手术固有的并发症外,未见CTR引起的其他并发症。

    More-over , this method had a variety of distinguishing features such as good convergence , no special requirement for initial values and little influence caused by neglecting the excess properties during calculation .

  19. 基于DEA(数据包络分析)方法,对河北省科技资源配置进行了横向和纵向对比评价,并指出了河北省科技资源配置优化的方向与重点。

    Based on DEA ( Data Envelope Analysis ), the evaluations was compared in the horizontal direction and the vertical direction for the allocation of science and technology resources in Hebei Province , and the direction and focus of optimal distribution of resources was proposed .

  20. 采用RUSLE模型,从建立的河北省农业资源环境数据库中提取相关数据,对河北省土壤侵蚀风险进行定量化评价。

    The correlative data was selected from the established database of agricultural resources and environment , and the soil erosion risk was quantified by using RUSLE model .

  21. 对河北省N38°冲积海积平原内地下水水位、水质及贮存条件,河流、水库水质的空间变异以及这些变异给生态环境造成的影响等进行了调查研究。

    Based on the investigation along N38 ° transitional belt of alluvial and coast plain in Hebei Province , the diversity of ground water level , water quality of ground water , water quality of rivers and reservoir were analyzed .

  22. 1966年3月8日和22日河北省南部邢台地区发生了M6.8和M7.2大地震,之后,与其相邻的一些地区及由邢台地震引起的各烈度异常区也相继发生了小震活动。

    After two strong earthquakes , which occurred on Mar.8 and 22,1966 at Xingtai , north Hebei , with magnitudes of 6.8 and 7.2 respectively , some small earthquakes followed at its adjacent areas as well as some abnormal seismic intensity regions caused by two strong earthquakes .

  23. 河北省一个重要的国家湿地公园已经开放。

    A major national wetland park has opened in Hebei province .

  24. 电子政务中快速反应与资源整合的案例研究&以河北省为例

    Rapid Reaction and Resource Integration in E-Government : A Case Study

  25. 河北省工业企业推行工业工程情况的介绍

    Introduction to the Application of IE in Enterprises in Hebei Province

  26. 技术创新&河北省农业所面临的重要课题

    Technology Innovation : An Important Issue on Agricultural Production of Hebei

  27. 农用地分等定级与估价关系初探&以河北省栾城县农用地分等定级估价成果为例

    On Relation Between Grading and Classification and Appraisal of Arable Land

  28. 农民专业合作社如何做大做强&河北省灵寿县烟叶合作社的成功实践与探索

    How to make the farmers ' specialistic cooperative larger and stronger

  29. 河北省燕山区板栗害虫调查初报

    Investigation report of chestnut pests in Yanshan mountain regions of Hebei

  30. 河北省石家庄地区布鲁氏菌病流行学调查

    An Epidemiologic Survey of Brucelliasis in Shijiazhuang Region of Hebei Province