
  • 网络Never Left;Never leave
  1. 整晚都没离开过房间?

    So you never left this room all night ?

  2. 然后你又会突然出现就好像没离开过一样

    and then you would suddenly reappear as if you 'd never left .

  3. 以至于一连三天没离开过我的山洞。

    And I did not leave my cave for three days .

  4. 她的眼睛没离开过我身上。

    Ava wasn 't looking anywhere but in my eyes .

  5. 13岁以前我都没离开过纽约

    At 13 , I 'd never been out of New York ,

  6. 我跟你保证她没离开过医院病房。

    I guarantee you she has not leftthe hospital room .

  7. 他一到这眼睛就没离开过你。

    He 's had his eye on you since he got here .

  8. 一个没离开过迈阿密的呆子。

    I 'm the dipshit who 's never been out of miami .

  9. 足足一个月,他都没离开过谷歌总部半步。

    The dude didn 't leave Google headquarters for a month straight .

  10. 我和你几乎都没离开过办公室嘛?

    You and I have barely left the building ?

  11. 那晚我没离开过酒店

    I didn 't leave the hotel that night .

  12. 你怎么办到的,你双手都没离开过我的后背

    How did you do that ? Your hands never left my back .

  13. 在古代,诵读从来就没离开过诗书教化。

    In ancient times , chanting had never fall beyond the scope of poetry .

  14. 我两天没离开过这屋子。

    Haven 't left the housein two days .

  15. 从那以后,那红字就再也没离开过她的胸前。

    Never afterwards did it quit her bosom .

  16. 好象她从来没离开过似的。

    As if she 'd never been away .

  17. 你从来没离开过波士顿。

    You 've never been out of Boston .

  18. 我们从来还没离开过这儿。

    We ain 't ever getting off here .

  19. 他已经两天没离开过那张椅子了。

    Ross : He hasn 't gotten out of that chair in two days .

  20. 我一直没离开过酒店房间。

    I never left the hotel room .

  21. 他出生在他的这个农场,一辈子都没离开过。

    He was born on his farm and had lived on it all his life .

  22. 我非常兴奋,因为我还没离开过美国呢!

    I 'm really excited because I 've never even been outside the country before !

  23. 自他发现安德鲁不是A后他几乎没离开过我

    Em , he 's barely left my side ever since he found out Andrew isn 't A.

  24. 从那之后我就再也没离开过这座城市,而且…我也没再交过任何女朋友。

    Since then I 've never left the city , and ... I 've never had another girlfriend .

  25. 我坐上出租车到了布鲁克林的母亲家里就再也没离开过。

    I took a cab to my mom 's apartment in Brooklyn and I haven 't left since .

  26. 我们在加勒比度假的时候,每天超级热,我们都没离开过泳池边。

    On our vacation to the Caribbean it was hotter than blazes everyday so we never left the poolside .

  27. 可是,岛上独自生活了十五年后,我还是害怕,以至于一连三天没离开过我的山洞。

    But , after fifteen years alone on the island , I was afraid , and I did not leave my cave for three days .

  28. 一名巴勒斯坦边境警察将穆罕默德.汉斯的护照盖了章。汉斯是加沙居民,他说他已经有四年没离开过这块飞地了。

    A Palestinian border policeman puts a stamp on the passport of Mahmoud al-Hams , a Gaza resident who says he has not left the enclave for years .

  29. 家里的狗自从大水开始就没离开过家,它不太明白到底发生了什么,还在等着它的家人回来。

    The family 's dog hasn 't left the house since the flood and doesn 't quite understand what happened . He 's still waiting for his family to come home .

  30. 莉齐说:“昨天(周三)晚上,我一直没离开过笔记本电脑,贴照片的页面一直需要更新!”

    She said : ' Last night ( Wednesday ) I couldn 't move from my laptop because the page was just going crazy and I had to keep up with it all ! "