
  • 网络without your love
  1. 没有你的爱我该怎么办、幸福的时光总是那么短暂。

    Without your love I do , happy time always so fleeting .

  2. 没有你的爱,我依然会好好的活。

    I will still living very well without your love .

  3. 没有你的爱,我不能想象未来。

    I can 't fathom out where they 've got to .

  4. 因为没有你的爱就没有生命…

    And there 's no livin ' Without your loving

  5. 没有你的爱,我现在就不可能在这儿和你分享我真挚的感受。

    Without your love , I could not stand here sharing my sincere feelings with you .

  6. 没有你的爱,我依然会好好的活。可是,好好活又能怎么样呢?

    In dearth of your love , I still live fine , but it is in futility .

  7. 她有没有报答你的爱?

    Did she requite your love ?

  8. 不要把我以这种方式丢下。没有你甜美的爱我无法生存。哦,宝贝,不要把我以这种方式丢下。

    Don 't leave me this way . I can 't survive without your sweet love . oh , baby , don 't leave me this way .

  9. 没有你,我的爱来到尽头,因为我爱你。

    Without you , my love end of the road because I loved you .

  10. 没有!没有你的爱,死样脸,冷心肠,残酷的皇帝佬儿。

    No ! NO * not for you , frozen-faced , cold-minded , cruel Emperor .

  11. 没有用你的方式爱你。

    Not loving you in your way .

  12. 难道没有谁能够得到你的爱并愿意为你而死?

    Who wouldn 't stand inside your love and die for ?

  13. 一个人没有以你希望的方式爱你,并不代表他们没有用倾其所有的去爱。

    Just because someone doesn 't love you the way you want them to , doesn 't mean they don 't love you with all they have .