
  • 网络communication system
  1. 其次,从DT西安分公司员工沟通体系的现状入手,分析其目前存在的问题及问题的成因,最后,提出DT西安分公司员工沟通体系的优化方案。

    Secondly , it analyzes the present problems and the reasons of Xi ' an Branch of DT which bases on present the communication system . And finally , an optimization scheme of is Xi ' an Branch of DT communication system is proposed .

  2. 施工项目管理中沟通体系的构建探讨

    To Discuss on the Constructing of Communication System in Construction Managing

  3. 沟通体系及其模式:新生儿囊性纤维化筛查结果阳性时,麻省的患儿父母对推荐的特殊诊疗的依从性

    Communications systems and their models : Massachusetts parent compliance with recommended specialty care after positive cystic fibrosis newborn screening result

  4. 不断地变革电子商务战略中最关键的因素,完全取决于机构的沟通体系。

    Continuous innovation , a critical of e-business strategy , is at the mercy of an organization 's communication stricture .

  5. 建立有效的鼓舞员工士气和服务意识的内部沟通体系。

    Set up internal communication system in department , which would give tremendous boost to staff morale and customer service .

  6. 我认为我们有很好的沟通体系,大部分管理层都感觉这个体系很好。

    I think we 've got a good communication system in place now most of the managers feel that 's working fairly well .

  7. 建立起由现代化技术支撑的、完备通畅的管理沟通体系已经成为建立现代企业制度不可缺少的组成部分。

    Established by modern technology , perfect the management system of communication flow to establish a modern enterprise system has become the indispensable part .

  8. 分析项目沟通体系建立的必要条件和过程,提出了分阶段逐步建立项目沟通管理体系的理论和方法。

    Analyze the necessary conditions and process to establish the project communication system , put forward the way to establish the theory and methods of project communication management step by step .

  9. 在持续创新的需求下,合资已经成为企业创新求变的重要策略,合资企业各种社会活动的有序进行都依赖于良好的沟通体系。

    Under the demand for continuous innovation , the joint venture has become an important strategy for enterprises reform , and joint ventures in various social activities in an orderly manner are all dependent on good communication system .

  10. 本文借鉴信息科学、组织学、博弈论等学科知识,对企业内部沟通体系、企业内部沟通中的信息传递过程、信息传递的不确定性、信息传递的组织特性进行了研究。

    In this paper , information science , organization theory and game theory etc. are employed to study the communication system architecture within the enterprises , the process of information transmission in the enterprises ' interior communication , the uncertainty of information transmission and the organizational feature of information transmission .

  11. HPCMS致力于在项目管理领域建立一套有效的管理方法,能够适应和面对挑战,其中面向电信行业的软件项目沟通管理体系是其中一项重点。

    HP CMS is devoted to a series of effective management methods which can be challenged in project management area , in chich communication management system of software project is an important item .

  12. 管理沟通模态体系下学生干部集体沟通问题研究

    Research on the Student Leaders Communication Based on the Communication Model Diagram System

  13. 开发、维护并沟通质量体系的相关要素,满足所有客户的要求。

    Develop , maintain and communicate quality system elements to meet all customer requirements .

  14. 有效沟通的体系架构使得决定和权衡能够被争论,促进了回顾,并且最终取得共识。

    An architecture that is effectively communicated allows decisions and tradeoffs to be debated , facilitates reviews , and allows agreement to be reached .

  15. 国际发展援助项目的复杂性和跨文化性更要求一套科学、畅通的项目沟通管理体系,才能实现项目目标。

    Complexity and cross-culture of international development assistance projects require a scientific and unimpeded system of project communication management so as to realize project objectives .

  16. 最后,结合昆电一期2×300MW火电机组建设项目,对建立的沟通绩效指标体系进行实际应用分析,以验证该体系的实用性和有效性。

    Finally , based on the electric-Kun 2 × 300MW thermal power construction projects , we established a performance indicator system in order to verify the practicality and effectiveness of the system .

  17. 设计出了软件项目沟通管理的体系架构;

    The paper gives out the project of above problems and the software communication management architecture .

  18. 大力发展职业教育和职业培训,建立职业教育与普通教育相互沟通的教育体系。

    Great efforts have to be made to develop vocational education and training and to establish an education system featuring the integration of vocational education with general education .

  19. 诺基亚公司致力于建立一种强有力的内部沟通文化和实践体系。

    Nokia is committed to a strong internal communications culture and practice .

  20. 第六章在前人关于营销绩效的研究基础上,选择了合适的指标,构建了基于精准营销的顾客沟通效果评价指标体系。

    The sixth chapter based its evaluation index system on the previous studies .

  21. 建立标准沟通计划表是整个沟通管理体系的基础。

    Establish the standard communication schedule is the basis of the project communication system .

  22. 一个数字图书馆体系的互操作性将决定它横向发展的能力,因为这种互操作能力也就是它与外界的沟通能力,它包括不同格式资源间的沟通以及不同体系资源间的交互。

    Interoperability , including the communication between format-heterogeneous as well as the communication between architecture-heterogeneous resources , is the ability to communicate with the world outside . Therefore , the extensibility of a digital library is dependent on its interoperability .

  23. 在案例和实证的基础上论文最终充分论证了沟通是设计组织走向成功的手段,拥有有效的沟通体系和完善的沟通思路才会产生出优秀的设计作品。

    By the cases and the practice , the paper prove that communication is the best way of the design organization to the success finally . The designers do not produce the excellent works unless they own the effective communication system and perfect communication ideas .

  24. 在对我国实施ERP项目存在问题分析的过程中,笔者认识到导致ERP项目失败率这么高的原因之一是ERP项目实施中沟通风险防范还不尽完善,缺乏有效的沟通风险防范体系。

    On the analysis of existing problems in ERP implementation process , the author realizes that one of the reasons for the failure of ERP project is the lack of effective communication and risk prevention system .

  25. 进一步在案例部分,以前后两年某知名跨国企业参与人数超过800人次的雇员满意度调查数据为基础,通过对沟通满意度进行全面分析,成功构建了该企业的内部管理沟通体系。

    Then in the case study part of this dissertation , the author analyzes the employee communication satisfaction thoroughly based on the survey data in an international company , and works out a managerial communication system to improve communication in the company .

  26. 在此基础上,对该项目沟通管理进行了设计,具体包括目的、依据、原则、沟通管理体系、沟通形式与渠道及沟通管理策略。

    Therefore , the communication management of the Zhaodong Natural Gas Project is designed , including the aims , the basis , the principles , the communication management system , the communication forms and channels , and the communication management strategies .

  27. 政治沟通与政治制度、政治文化、政府绩效等密切相关,因此建立健全政治沟通体系是一项复杂的系统工程,需要制度保障和文化支持。

    Political communication relates itself closely with political system , political culture and governmental effectiveness , so it is a complicated project to build and improve political communication system , requiring institution protection and cultural support .

  28. 最后,还需要将这些沟通管理的过程和结果进行规范化和制度化,才能使所建立的跨国沟通管理体系得到重视和落实。

    Finally , those procedures as well as the results should be standardized and institutionalized , which means this management system of transnational communication will then be executed and valued .