首页 / 词典 / good

  • channel;trench;ditch;groove;gutter;furrow;dyke
  • 流水道:水~。山~。~渠。壕~。~壑。~谷。深~高垒。

  • 像沟的东西:车~。瓦~。交通~。


(挖掘的水道或工事) channel; ditch; gutter; trench:

  • 交通沟

    communication trench;

  • 排水沟

    drainage ditch; drain;

  • 阴沟

    drain; sewer;

  • 挖一道沟

    dig a ditch;

  • 沟里的水不很清洁。

    The water in the ditch is not very clean.


(浅槽; 似沟的洼处) groove; rut; furrow:

  • 车道沟

    ruts on the road;

  • 开沟播种

    make furrows for sowing


(水道) gully; ravine:

  • 山沟

    mountain valley; ravine; gully;

  • 七沟八梁

    seven gullies and eight ridges; full of gullies and ridges;

  • 集水沟


  1. 沟道的底要平。

    The channel must have a flat bottom .

  2. MonteCarlo法研究短沟道MOS晶体管VT的敏感度

    Monte Carlo Study of Sensitivity of V_T in Short Channel MOSFET

  3. 汽车打滑冲出公路跌进沟里。

    The car went skidding off the road into a ditch .

  4. 汽车猛地开出路面,掉进沟里。

    The car ran off the road into a ditch .

  5. 他把狗拴在了沟旁的一棵树上。

    He had tied the dog to one of the trees near the canal

  6. 我们仅能依稀辨出桥下一条杂草丛生的窄沟。

    Below the bridge we could just discern a narrow , weedy ditch .

  7. 越野摩托车的轮迹纵横交错地布满条条草沟。

    Dirt bike trails crisscrossed the grassy furrows .

  8. 当地居民举报闻到恶臭气味后,他们被叫来清理排水沟。

    They had been called in to clear drains after local people reported a foul smell

  9. 铺砌的大路两旁的排水沟在汩汩作响,甚至漫出水来。

    The gutters either side of the paved high road were gurgling and even flooding .

  10. 他能清理堵塞的排水沟。

    He can clear blocked drains .

  11. 在深约0.5英寸,间隔12英寸的条播沟里播种。

    Sow the seeds in drills about 1 / 2in . deep and 12in . apart .

  12. “我掉进沟里了”,他一边说着,一边揉着手上的擦伤。

    ' I fell in a ditch ' , he said , rubbing at a scrape on his hand .

  13. 黑暗中他掉进了沟里。

    He fell into the ditch in the dark .

  14. 路边的沟里积了些雨水。

    There is some rainwater in the ditch along the side of the road .

  15. 一辆卡车滑进了沟里。

    A truck slid into the ditch .

  16. 一条沟把溪水引到田间。

    A ditch diverted water from the stream into the fields .

  17. 沟里的水不很清洁。

    The water in the ditch is not very clean .

  18. 滑动门在槽沟中移动。

    Sliding doors move in grooves .

  19. 如果低地必须用于种植豆类作物,就必须把地整成交替的垄和沟。

    If low lands must be used for the bean crop , they should be ridged .

  20. 过去这里是荒凉的穷山沟。

    This used to be a bleak and barren gully .

  21. 如果外行指导外行的话,那么两方肯定会掉到沟里边。

    If the blind lead the blind , both shall fall into the ditch .

  22. 汽车翻到沟里去了。

    The car went over into a ditch .

  23. 葡萄沟所在的山场周围,为碣石山中的名胜古迹又一荟萃之地。

    Grape Valley where the mountain field around the monuments for the Jieshi Shan another meet .

  24. 这个农民挖了好几条沟以灌溉稻田。

    The farmer dug several trenches to irrigate the rice fields .

  25. 一只羊跳过沟,其余的羊也跟着跳。

    If one sheep leap over the dyke , all the rest will follow .

  26. 如果瞎子替瞎子带路的话,那么两方肯定会掉到沟里。

    With the blind leading the blind , both shall fall into the ditch .

  27. 他又注意地巡视着那些梁和峁,还有沟和壑

    He carefully surveyed the ridges and knolls once more , and also the ravines and gullies .

  28. 黄土丘陵沟壑区治沟骨干工程泥沙淤积来源于坡面侵蚀、沟道侵蚀和库区岸坡坍塌

    Sediments check dam in small watersheds in loess hilly gully area come from three proportion , i.

  29. 2020欧洲杯赛事总监马丁·凯伦称,欧足联已经“就此事和参赛球队沟通过”。

    Euro 2020 tournament director Martin Kallen said UEFA has “ communicated with the teams regarding this matter . ”

  30. 一般情况下,正式修建的道路绕远、路中间有沟,或者压根没有正式道路的地方就会出现“心选小路”。

    Desire paths emerge as shortcuts where constructed ways take a circuitous route , have gaps , or are non-existent .