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jí qǔ
  • draw;absorb;dip;derive;draft
汲取 [jí qǔ]
  • (1) [derive;draw]∶吸取

  • 汲取教训

  • (2) [absorb]∶吸收

  • 汲取养分

汲取[jí qǔ]
  1. 我从数百万成功面对这种挑战的女性身上汲取力量。

    I draw strength from the millions of women who have faced this challenge successfully

  2. 汲取他人经验。

    Draw on the experience of other people .

  3. 植物从空气中吸收二氧化碳并从土壤中汲取水分。

    Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and moisture from the soil

  4. 电视正从广播节目中汲取灵感。

    TV is using radio as a seedbed for ideas

  5. 大家也只能希冀球队教练从中汲取教训。

    One can only pray that the team 's manager learns something from it

  6. 学习必须积极,而且要汲取经验。

    Learning has got to be active and experiential .

  7. 她从在海滩上捡到的贝壳和石子中汲取灵感。

    She takes her inspiration from shells and stones she finds on the seashore .

  8. 优秀的作家从他们眼中的世界汲取体验,然后在纸上重塑自己的天地。

    Good writers suck in what they see of the world , recreating their own universe on the page

  9. 正如他们所说,黑暗中总有一线光明,我们已从所作的决定中汲取了教训。

    As they say , every cloud has a silver lining . We have drawn lessons from the decisions taken .

  10. 全世界的室内设计师都希望从英国乡村花园汲取美妙的灵感,这并非没有道理。

    It 's not for nothing that interior decorators the world over look to the English country garden for glorious inspiration .

  11. 读者从书中汲取知识。

    Readers absorb knowledge from books .

  12. 我希望大家能从自己的错误中汲取教训。

    I wish that people actually learn from their mistakes .

  13. 有了互联网,现在人们可以轻松地从其他文化中汲取灵感,让自己脱颖而出。

    With the help of the Internet , people are now able to easily borrow ideas from other cultures to help them stand out .

  14. 你若懂得从他人的不幸中汲取教训,就能获得幸福。

    Oh , I took a lesson from the ass. " Happy is he who learns from the misfortunes of others .

  15. 如果你陷入困境,那不是你父母的过错,所以不要抱怨错误,要从中汲取教训。

    If you mess up , it " s not your parents " fault , so don " t whine3 about our mistakes , learn from them .

  16. 有些工蜂负责在蜂窝中建造许多六角形的蜡室,另外一些则穿梭在花丛之中,汲取甜美的花蜜并填充到蜡室之中。

    Some of these build a great many little six-sided wax cells within the hive ; while others visit flowers and suck out their sweet juices , or honey , and fill the cells with it .

  17. 个别邦急于满足本邦居民的需求,从印度国家电网(nationalgrid)汲取了超出其配额的电量。

    In the rush to satisfy their citizens , individual states drew more than their share from the national grid .

  18. 呈现的Web页面看起来很傻,所以它将从CSS样式规则中汲取一些优点。

    The rendered Web page is looking pretty dull , so it would benefit from some CSS styling rules .

  19. 并且通过国际创业板IPO制度比较,汲取对创业板IPO制度改革有益的经验。

    And through the international comparison of the gem IPO system , drawing onthe gem IPO system reform experience .

  20. 在g20峰会于戛纳召开之际,我们能从过去三年的经历中汲取什么教训?

    What can be learned from the past three years as the G20 gathers in Cannes ?

  21. 换句话说,作为Web设计人员,我们应该汲取用户已经觉得不错、有价值并且直观的知识体系,将这些知识应用到我们的应用程序中。

    In other words , as Web designers , we should take the body of knowledge that already feels good , worthwhile , and intuitive to users , and apply that body of knowledge to our applications .

  22. 我们最好希望中国人不断从金融历史书籍中汲取正确的教训,如果他们未能汲取教训,日本官员可能很快就得翻译这个短语了:Wetoldyouso(我们告诉过你了)。

    Better just hope that the Chinese keep learning the right lessons from the financial history books ; if not , Japanese officials may soon need to translate the phrase : We told you so .

  23. 如果公司能够快速行动硅谷企业家埃里克•莱斯曾在2011年出版的著作《精益创业》(TheLeanStartup)一书中介绍过这种方法那么只要你能汲取教训,改正错误,失败就是可以被接受的。

    If the company moves quickly , an approach Valley entrepreneur Eric ries explained in the 2011 book the lean startup , failure is acceptable so long as you learn and can fix your mistakes .

  24. 技术落后是目前制约我国产业发展的瓶颈,获取先进技术成为提高我国产业竞争力的迫切需要,而技术学习型FDI是汲取国际最新技术的理想途径。

    Lag in technology is the bottleneck of China 's industrial development . We are in dire need of obtaining advanced technology to enhance our industrial competitiveness , and the best way we can adopt is to conduct technology-learning FDI .

  25. 通过吸收GATT争端解决机制的合理内核并汲取其经验教训,WTO在争端解决机制中增加了许多新的内容,这些内容充分体现了WTO争端解决机制的“司法化”取向。

    WTO have enhanced a lot of new spirits into the dispute settlement mechanism , by absorbing the reasonable core of GATT dispute settlement mechanism and deriving its experiences , which materialize the judicial tropism of WTO dispute settlement mechanism .

  26. 技术学习型FDI可以通过对发达国家进行投资,充分利用反向技术外溢效应汲取国外最新技术,源源不断地输往国内,从而,打破产业发展的技术瓶颈约束,快速提高产业竞争力。

    Through investment in developed countries , technology-learning FDI can make full use of reverse technology overflow effect to obtain foreign advanced technology and transmit to domestic industries . Thus , we can break the technological bottleneck and enhance our industrial competitiveness rapidly .

  27. 借助位于亚洲心脏的良好地理位置,DBS充分汲取着亚洲充沛的精力,并且通过位于整个区域内的网络为其用户和商户构建完善的市场桥梁。

    Well-positioned at the heart of a growing Asia , DBS embraces the dynamism of Asia , and bridges Asian markets for consumers and businesses through our extensive network in the region .

  28. 挺有品。在宣布即将关闭Secret应用的博客文章中,拜陶承诺,他将“把事后反思写出来,让其他人可以从我们独特的错误和面临过的挑战中吸取教训,从我们这难以置信的16个月经历中汲取智慧。”

    A classy touch . In the blog post in which he announced that he was shutting down the Secret app , Byttow promised that he would " publish postmortems so that others can learn from the unique mistakes and challenges we faced and the wisdom gained from such an incredible 16 months . "

  29. 汲取理性主义精华提高民族科技素质

    Deriving Cream of Rationalism and Improving National Science and Technological Quality

  30. 我从怯懦中汲取了在关键时刻没有抛弃我的力量。

    From my weakness I drew strength that never left me .