
tānɡ sè
  • colour of tea
  1. 茶饮料中所含EGC、EC、EGCG和儿茶素总量越低,ECG、C的含量越高,茶饮料的汤色稳定性越好。

    Tea beverage contained in the EGC , EC , EGCG and total catechins lower , the better the stability of tea beverages liquor color .

  2. 当绿茶按1:50的茶水比90℃浸提10min后,添加0.05%(w/v)的单宁酶酶解30min可以得到滋味醇厚,汤色明亮的茶汤。

    Adding 0.05 % ( w / v ) tannase to green tea infusion which was extracted for 10 minutes at 90 ℃ with ratio of tea to water 1:50 and then mixing for 30 minutes could create bitterless good taste and clear tea drinks .

  3. 汤色浅绿微黄,清澈明亮。

    Soup color light green micro yellow , limpid bright .

  4. 引起汤色劣变的物质主要分布在正丁醇相和水相。

    Substances leading to color degradation were mainly in N-Butanol phase and aqueous phase .

  5. 绿茶汤色分析

    Analysis of Liquor Color of Green Tea

  6. 祁红多酚类物质氧化程度对茶汤加奶后汤色的影响

    Influences of Oxidized Extent of Polyphenols in Qimen Black Tea on the Infusion Added Milk

  7. 香气高纯,汤色杏黄清澈明亮,滋味甜醇。

    Aroma of high-purity , clear liquor color armeniacum bright , sweet taste of alcohol .

  8. 其香气清新,汤色淡黄,滋味鲜爽,是白茶中的极品。

    It 's aroma refreshing , light yellow liquor color , taste comfortable it is best in white tea .

  9. 品质感官表现汤色橙红明亮,香气陈香浓郁。

    Sensory quality show that liquor color is orange-red and bright and aroma is rich and aging . 2 .

  10. 几种压制黑茶汤色和滋味与化学成分间关系的初探

    A study on the relations between the colour and taste of the tea liquors and chemical substances in brick tea

  11. 他的药膳鸡汤,汤色如同清澈的茶水,滋味却不逊于我妈妈做的任何一道菜。

    His Herbal Chicken Soup looked like clear tea but was as tasty as anything my mother would have made .

  12. 每种颜色的设计,以配合汤色面的某些标准的食品项目,如番茄酱或拉面。

    Each color was designed to match the color of certain standard food items , such as tomato sauce or ramen noodle soup .

  13. 结果表明,多酚类下降率与滋味、汤色、香气得分的下降率基本一致;

    The results showed that the testing scores on infusion color , taste and aroma were accordingly declined with the decrease of polyphenol content .

  14. 鲜茶浓缩液:浓缩液按1:100用纯净水稀释后,汤色黄亮,滋味纯正,香气浓郁。

    Fresh tea concentrated juice : after diluted with purified water in proportion of 1:100 , the concentrate shows yellow-bright infusion , pure flavor and dense scent .

  15. 绿茶汤色极易受到光照、温度、湿度和氧气等因素影响而发生劣变,从而对绿茶的品质带来不良影响。

    Green tea is vulnerable to various influencing factors , such as light , temperature , humidity and oxygen , which will exert negative influence on its quality .

  16. 冲泡后汤色金黄浓艳似琥珀,有天然馥郁的兰花香,滋味醇厚甘鲜,回甘悠久,俗称有“音韵”。

    Brew like amber after golden steeping gaudy , have natural fragrant orchid sweet , taste mellow pleasant delicacy , back to Kennedy , commonly known as " a rhyme " .

  17. 65℃处理的茶样在存放过程中A值由负值变为正值,即茶样汤色在红-绿轴上以红色为主,且逐渐加深。

    The A value of teas at 65 ℃ processing during storage from negative to positive , that is , the red - green axis was red-based , and gradually deepened .

  18. 对茶饮料加工过程中的汤色、香气和风味的变化及机理作了深入的分析探讨,提出了解决这些问题的方法。

    The paper dwelled on the changes of the color , fragrance , taste and their mechanism in the manufacture of tea beverage , and produced some advice to solve above-mentioned difficulties .

  19. 并通过分析茶多酚、咖啡碱、氨基酸、蛋白质、儿茶素等主要生化成分的变化规律,探索茶饮料汤色稳定性与主要生化成分之间的关系。

    Through analysing the change of the contents of tea polyphenols , caffeine , amino acids , protein and catechins , discuss the relationship of the tea liquor color stability and the major biochemical components .

  20. 其基本工艺为:杀青-闷黄-揉捻-干燥,关键工序为闷黄,因此具有独特的三黄品质:干茶金黄、汤色杏黄、叶底嫩黄。

    The basic process : Fixing-boring yellow-rolled-dry , the key process of boring yellow , and therefore has a unique " yellow " quality : dry tea golden , liquor color bright yellow , the bottom yellow .

  21. 蒸馏水、纯净水的茶饮料汤色较稳定,变化较小;矿泉水、自来水的绿纯茶储藏一段时间后出现沉淀。

    The colors of tea beverages made from distilled water and purified water stay fairly steady , with a minor change . Green tea beverages made from mineral water and tap water precipitate after a period of time .

  22. 采用色差分析和感官审评的方法对10种绿茶汤色进行分析,结果显示,品茶师间对绿茶评分与评价呈现较高度一致,差异性较小。

    The liquor colors of ten green teas were analyzed by color difference and sensory evaluation . The results showed that there were high coherence and less discrepancy between taster score and remark of liquor color of green tea .

  23. 应用逐步回归对色差的衍生指标色相(a/b)进行绿茶汤色感官评分表征,相关性均达极显著,其决定系数均可达80%以上。

    By applying the stepwise regression , taster score were represented as a ~ / b ~ value in liquor color of green tea , the correlation was positive and significant , the coefficient of determination was more than 80 % .

  24. 在理条机中加理条棒辅助理条,干茶外形紧直,并改善了香气和汤色,且提高了工效,生产效率是传统工艺的2.6倍。

    Sticks were applied in the band-forming procedure , and the shape of dry tea was tight . The procedure ameliorated the aroma and liquor color , and enhanced the work efficiency . Its producing efficiency was 2.6 times of traditional technology .