- 网络flashover

Explore of Forecast for Flashover through BP Neural-network Modeling Based on Meteorology Factor
The intrinsic mode energy ratio , the intrinsic mode energy entropy and the frequency band energy based on Hilbert spectrum during the whole flashover process are analyzed .
Synthetical Evaluation the Tendency of Insulators ' Flashover Based on Multi-layer Fuzzy Factor
The influences of salt density and dust density on the polluted flashover voltages of various types of insulators are different and can be characterized with the exponents c and d respectively .
The Pollution and Hydrophobicity Properties of RTV Coating
500 kV Transmission Line Pollution Flash over , Its Reason and Preventive Measures
Analysis and countermeasures of 220 kV substation pollution flashover
Cause Analysis of Pollution Flashover of 500 kV Line in Zhejiang Electric Power Network
Along with the increase of pollution degree , the increase percentage of pollution flashover voltage of V-shape arrangement and the decrease percentage of pollution flashover voltage of II-shape arrangement in comparison with I-shape arrangement are enlarged .
DC Flashover Performance of ± 800 kV Composite Post Insulator in High Altitude Area
The Accident and Countermeasure of 110 ~ 500 kV Transmission Line of Fushan Power Grid
Analysis on Flashover Shutdown of Porcelain Insulator of Tension Pole of 10 kV Daxin line
Some Discussion on Prevention and Control of Pollution Flashover Caused by Post Insulator in 500 kV Step-up Substation
Room Temperature Vulcanized ( RTV ) silicone rubber coating can prevent pollution flashover accident from happening , and it has been widely used in China .
Aiming at this series of pollution flashover accidents relevant anti-failure countermeasures were put forward and the destination of anti-pollution work for 500 kV lines was discussed .
Through analyzing large area pollution flashover in February , 2001 in Hebei Southern power grid , composite insulators , RTV coating , and silicone rubber umbrella petticoats are defined as effective measures for preventing insulators from flashover .
Test results show that the components of nonsoluble contaminations have influence on the AC flashover voltage of polluted XP-160 insulators .
The room temperature vulcahized ( RTV ) coating regarded as one kind of new technology of flashover protection of insulators has been applied to both transmission and distribution facilities in our province , and gives a good result .
This article indicates some relative flash decontamination measurements for us to discuss together , which are derived from the accident of Shanxi 500 kV Yu Lin transmission line pollution flash trip-off power cut and from the recently analysis of our province flash decontamination measurements .
In view of the pollution-flashover-caused tripping operation of 220 kV Nanbei Line of Foshan Power Supply Bureau , a performance estimation test on insulators removed from the line was conducted , the results of which showed the favorable operation characteristics and reliability of porcelain insulators .
By means of investigation on flashover shutdown accident of 110 kV Daxin line , it is analyzed that flashover shutdown causes occurred in the tension pole double bunch dope porcelain insulator . According to the actual practice , countermeasures of the anti-flashover technology is raised .
Tempe-rature of the arc core reached about 12500K . It is just the temperature of complete joni - : zation of sodium atom . The results of our experiment should be aimed at the research on the mechanism of pollution flashover .
A research into anti pollution flashover property of HVDC transmission composite
Analysis of the Flashover Criterion of Polluted Insulator under DC Voltage
Causes of Pollution Tripping of Shenyang District Lines and the Countermeasures
The Mechanism of Contamination Flashover of Overhead Lines and Anti-contamination Measures
DC Pollution Flashover Process for Insulator String at Low Air Pressure
Application of Statistical Method in Evaluating Pollution Flashover Risk of Insulators
Influence Factors of Hydrophobicity and DC Flashover Performance for Composite Insulators
Reason Analysis of Trip Caused by Pollution Flashover in Weinan Power Network