
  1. 汉口租界公共建筑存续关系研究

    Research on the Maintain Relationship of Public Architecture in Wuhan Concession

  2. 租界之界&汉口租界的边界与边界效应

    The Boundary of Foreign Settlement and Its Effect in Hankou

  3. 汉口租界的报刊与传播控制

    The Press and the Control of Mass Communication in Hankow 's Settlements

  4. 汉口租界里分将走向何处&失落的城市公共空间调研

    Where does Lifen in Hankou Concession Move Towards & Survey and Study for the Lost Public Space of City

  5. 近代汉口租界建筑风格演替及保护&兼议名城保护中建筑样本的多样性及空间存续关系

    The Evolution and Protection of Architectural Style of Hankou Concession in Modern Times-About the Diversity and Space Survival Relationship of Construction Sample in City Protection

  6. 汉口租界的里分是中西现代居住建筑文化交流的见证,有很高的保护价值。

    It is Lifen in Hankou that is the witness of inhabitation building cultural exchanges between China and the West and has the higher protection value .

  7. 本文是一篇关于以汉口租界历史建筑资源为例来研究高中美术鉴赏课地域性资源的开发与利用的论文。

    This is a development on the Hankou concession historical building resources as an example to study the high school art appreciation course of regional resources and the use of paper .

  8. 最后一部分是结语,结语总体上概括了本文,并阐明了开发汉口租界历史建筑为高中美术鉴赏课内容的意义。

    The last part is the conclusion , summarizes the conclusion on the whole , and illustrates the development of Hankou concession historic buildings as a high school art appreciation course significance .

  9. 中国的上海法租界、汉口租界、厦门租界的混合法庭均仿上海公共租界混合法庭而设,比较主要在中国上海公共租界混合法庭与埃及混合法庭之间进行。

    The French Mixed Court at shanghai , the Mixed Court at Hankou and the Mixed court of Amoy were all copied with the international Mixed Court so the comparison is to proceed between the Egypt Mixed Court and the international Mixed Court at shanghai .

  10. 收回汉口英租界原因之再认识

    Further Understanding of the Causes of Regaining the British Concession in Hankou

  11. 汉口原租界区城市空间演进解读

    An Understanding of the Urban Evolvement of the Former Leased Area in Hankou

  12. 汉口原租界区内近代产业建筑保护和再利用研究&以日军汽船仓库为例

    Conservation and Reuse of Modern Industrial Buildings in Hankow Concession District & Taking the Japanese Steamboat Warehouse as an Example

  13. 第五部分为对汉口原租界区建筑艺术欣赏课教学资源开发与利用的思考。

    The fifth part of the Hankou Concession District architectural art appreciation thinking about development and utilization of teaching resource class .

  14. 主要谈及高中美术鉴赏课程内容的可开拓性与汉口原租界地区历史建筑的艺术与教育价值。

    About the high school art appreciation course content can be artistic and educational value and Hankou concession area of historic buildings .

  15. 主要内容包括对本研究课题的回顾、研究成效及对汉口原租界区历史建筑资源开发与利用的展望。

    The main contents include the research review , research results and the Hankou Concession District historical building resource development and utilization prospect .

  16. 第二部分为开发汉口原租界区历史建筑为高中美术鉴赏课教学资源的意义。

    The second part is the development of Hankou Concession District historic buildings as teaching resources in high school art appreciation course significance .

  17. 本文以汉口原租界区的公共建筑为研究对象,其中有以宗教金融类建筑为重点研究对象。

    This article mainly studies the public building of the Hankou foreign settlement area , specially studies representational religious and financial buildings in stress .

  18. 这一部分主要包括汉口原租界区历史建筑专题课程的制作、图片采集、授课方式与多媒体资源的利用。

    Use of this part mainly includes production , Hankou original historical building Concession District seminar photo collection , teaching methods and multimedia resources .

  19. 透过立面材质谈保护&汉口原租界区近代建筑立面材质保护研究

    Preservation Research from the View of Material Character of Building Elevation & Preservation Research on the Elevation Material Character of Modern Architecture in Hankow Concession District

  20. 以汉口原租界区的历史街区更新为实例,探讨新世纪旧城保护与更新的模式。

    Through a case study on traditional urban blocks in Hankou 's pre_colonial area , the urban conservation and renewal modes for the new generation of old urban areas are explored .

  21. 本文首先对汉口日本租界开辟的历史背景进行了分析,具体论述了汉口日本租界的开辟、扩界和越界、以及两次收回的具体过程,并对其背景及影响进行了论述。

    First of all , this paper analyzed the background of the opening of Hankow Japanese concession . It discussed the specific process of opening , expanding , boundary crossing and twice retreating of Hankow Japanese concession , and analyzed the background and the influence of these processes .

  22. 开埠以来,外侨与国人在汉口的五国租界里创办了近百种报刊。

    Foreigners and Chinese people established various kinds of newspaper in the five countries'settlements in Hankow .