
  1. 黄河小浪底水库防洪作用大的原因分析

    Analysis on the Large Flood Control Capacity of the Xiaolangdi Reservoir

  2. 上犹江水库防洪作用分析

    Flood - Control Function Analysis of Shangyou Reservoir

  3. 根据该水库的作用和具体情况,主坝坝基需重点进行抗液化处理,副坝坝基需重点进行防渗处理。

    According to the action and specific conditions of the reservoir , the main dam foundation mainly needs anti-liquefaction treatment and the auxiliary dam foundation mainly needs seepage treatment .

  4. 储水灌溉是利用土壤水库调蓄作用,把地面水以较大灌水定额通过灌溉储存在土壤中的一种灌水方法。

    The water storing irrigation is an irrigation method that the surface water is stored in soil , through irrigating , by augmenting the irrigation water quota for use when the water is not sufficient to meet irrigation demands .

  5. 杂鱼在养鱼水库中的作用及其种群控制

    Role of minnows ! N fish-farming reservoirs and control of their populations

  6. 用水体位移有限元分析拱坝与水库的相互作用

    The fluid displacement finite elements method for arch dam reservoir interaction analysis

  7. 同时还考虑边坡上游面的水库水压力作用。

    And the effect of water pressure of the reservoir is also considered .

  8. 水库的典型作用就是蓄水,因此库水位和地下水位的变化是库岸边坡的主要特征。

    As a result , the main characteristic of Reservoir slope is the change of reservoir water level and ground water level .

  9. 分析了中小型水利设施对大型水库的补充作用,并对塘堰的灌溉作用做了较深入的研究。

    The roles of the middle and small water facilities in irrigation are analyzed , and the irrigation function of ponds is studied deeply .

  10. 主要原因是丹江口水库的调节作用,对汉江中下游径流量的影响枯水期远远大于汛期。

    The main reason was that the operation effect of Danjiangkou reservoir for runoff was more in the low water period than in the flood period .

  11. 但梯级枢纽间河段通航水流条件又常常受到很多因素的影响,如水库的调节作用,产生的水流波动却对上、下游航道内水流产生很大的影响。

    But , navigation flow condition of the reach between cascade hydraulic projects are frequently affected by many factors . For instance , the fluent fluctuating caused by the reservoir regulation has very tremendous influence to water flow in upstream and in downstream .

  12. 水在水库地震中的作用

    Effect s of water in the generation of reservoir earthquakes

  13. ⑸红层地区长期蓄水的水库水-岩作用会降低其库岸边坡的稳定性。

    ⑸ Long-term storage of water in the reservoir area-rock slope will reduce the stability of reservoir banks .

  14. 河流携带的泥沙进入水库后,由于河流水体与水库水体的共同作用而在河口区产生沉降。

    The sediment , which is taken by rivers , will subside in the corporate action of river and reservoir on the estuarine area , when it enters into the reservoir .

  15. 根据黄河下游防洪工程体系现状,拟定了小浪底水库投入运行后的干支流水库调洪方式,分析了小浪底水库的防洪作用。

    According to the present status of flood control engineering system in the lower Yellow River , flood control methods for reservoir on the trunk and tributaries are worked out and the function of flood control of the Xiaolangdi Reservoir is analysed after the Xiaolangdi Reservoir putting into operation .

  16. 此外,在单位线计算之前串联一个水库蓄滞单元,有效地模拟洪水在河道演进过程中沿途径流式水库的滞洪作用。

    A detention unit was used to simulate the flood detention of small reservoirs along river courses .