
  • 【水】zone of reservoir inundation
  1. 一种基于3DGIS的计算水库淹没区范围的算法研究

    Algorithm Study on Calculation of Reservoir Submerged Area Based on 3D GIS

  2. 水库淹没区面积对渔获量影响的分析

    Analysis on Influence of Reservoir Submerged Area on Yield of Fishery

  3. 丹江口水库淹没区乡土建筑研究

    A Study on Vernacular Architecture in Danjiangkou Reservoir Zone

  4. 届时,水库淹没区范围内大量的乡土建筑将被淹没。

    Then , abundant vernacular architectures would be submerged .

  5. 江垭水库淹没区古大树内部构造及生长状况

    Xylotomic Structure and Development of the Big Old Tree in the Drown Areas of Jiangya Reservoir

  6. 三峡水库淹没区农业人口安置问题的几点意见

    Development of agriculture in the Three Gorges region for the resettlement of farming population in the projected reservoir

  7. 黄河小浪底水库淹没区小窑水防治技术

    The Technique for the Prevention of the Hazards of Water Inrush from the Small Coal Mines Distributed in the Area to be Inundated by the Xiaolangdi Reservoir on the Yellow River

  8. 丹江口水利枢纽工程是新中国水利建设史上的一大壮举,涉及水库淹没区移民38万人。

    The Danjiangkou Water Conservancy Hinge Project was a great exploit in China 's history , involving migration of 380,000 local people who used to live where the reservoir is now located .

  9. 针对糯扎渡水电站水库淹没区特点,介绍了水库淹没和农村移民安置情况,分析了水库淹没对农村的影响和移民安置规划的可行性。

    This paper introduced the situation of rural resettlement , also analyzed the influence of reservoir inundation of the rural areas and the feasibility of the resettlement plan based on the characteristics of reservoir inundation .

  10. 本文的目的在于通过对太平湾水库淹没区农业生态系统现状结构组成特点的分析,以便为该地区进一步构建合理的农业生态系统结构提供理论依据。

    By the analysis of constitutional features in agricultural ecosystem structural status quo Of Taiping Bay Reservoir inundated zone , the text aims to provide theoretical bases for further rational agri - ecosystem structural construction of that area .

  11. 近十年来,配合三峡工程建设,考古工作者对该县三峡水库淹没区地下文物进行了大规模的调查和发掘,取得了一系列的研究成果。

    In the recent ten years , archaeological researchers have investigated and excavated the underground cultural relics in the area to be submerged of the Three Gorges Reservoir in Fengjie county with large scale and a great deal of achievements have been made .

  12. 水库淹没影响区公路路线设计要点及方法

    Cruxes and Methods of Highway Alignment Design in Up-Stream Area of Reservoir

  13. 本文通过对瀑布沟水库主要淹没区汉源县淹没损失以及土地后备资源的分析,提出了汉源县移民安置的初步意见和建议。

    The authors study the inundation loss and reserve land resource in the main inundated area of Hanyuan County in Pubugou reservoir region and give the preliminary opinions and suggestions on Hanyuan migration settlement .

  14. 三峡水库位于长江上游下段,受回水影响的水库淹没区和移民安置涉及的县市称为库区。

    Lying on the lower section of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River , the Three Gorges Reservoir Area consists of submerged portions and resettlement related counties and cities .