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  1. 海洋油气立管系统是油气开发系统中最薄弱的构件之一,也是海洋石油开发的瓶颈问题。

    Offshore oil and gas development risers system is one of the weakest component in the offshore oil and gas development system , also regarded as a " bottleneck " problem .

  2. 在隔离活门的左边,APU引气管道立连接着左交输管道;

    On the left side of the isolation valve , the APU bleed air duct joins the left side crossover duct ;

  3. 大直径厚壁管气电立焊焊接技术研究

    Study of electrogas arc welding technique for major diameter thick-walled pipe

  4. 高炉炉体立缝高效气电立焊技术及应用

    Technology and application of the high efficient electrogas welding in the blast furnace body

  5. 气电立焊工艺在5万m~3油罐组焊中的应用

    Applications of Technologies of Vertical Position Gas-electric Welding at Oil Tank of Fifty Thousand Cube Meter

  6. 再把炉子转回直立位置。气电立焊在高炉炉壳立缝焊接的应用

    Then the converter is put upright again . Application of the electrogas welding for the blast furnace jacket

  7. 气电立焊在高炉炉壳立缝焊接的应用外套与输出轴的径向有一个插销孔。

    Application of the electrogas welding for the blast furnace jacket There is a pin hole between outside shell and output axis .

  8. 气电立焊是由普通熔化极气体保护焊和电渣焊发展而形成的一种熔化极气体保护电弧焊方法。

    Electrogas welding is development from a common MIG welding and electroslag welding , and which is one of MIG arc welding methods .

  9. 围绕热辐射、噪声和扩散详述了天然气放空立管的基本设计原则和方法。

    Centred on thermal radiation , noise and diffusion , the basic design principle and method of gas blowdown sound pipe are described in derail .

  10. 目前气电立焊焊接材料主要采用(金属芯)药芯焊丝,其特点是:生产效率高、成本低。

    Now , materials of the electrogas welding are mainly ( metal core ) flux-cored wire , its features are : high efficiency and low cost .

  11. 根据该储罐对所用高强度钢板的特殊技术要求,进行了手工电弧焊、埋弧自动焊、气电立焊焊接试验,确定出合适的焊接工艺。

    Manual arc welding , automatic submerged arc welding and the electrogas vertical welding methods have been tested according to the special technique requirement and the appropriate welding process determined .

  12. 本文应用线性波理论,通过波浪迭加法,探讨了海洋平台油气生产立管系统的动力性质。

    In light of linear wave theory , the article explores the dynamic properties of the oil and gas production vertical pipe system on off-shore platform by means of wave repetition .

  13. 气电立焊属于窄间隙焊,与其它窄间隙焊的主要区别是焊缝一次成型,而不是多道多层焊。

    Electrogas welding for vertical is a narrow-gap welding , which is mainly different from other narrow-gap welding , the mainly difference is that a shape rather than the multi-channel multi-pass welding .

  14. 经初步测算,气电立焊的焊接速度约是药芯焊丝自保护自动立焊的1.5倍,约是手工电弧焊的15倍,提高了焊接效率。

    After measuring calculates , the welding speed of vertical position gas-electric welding is 1.5 times of core welding wire protective automatic vertical position welding & 15 times of handwork electric arc welding . It has raised welding efficiency .

  15. 最后,本文利用所提出的新的组合模型,对高浓度气固两相立管流动进行了数值模拟;对稀相和密相气固两相射流进行了数值模拟;

    Finally , the thesis employed the new combined model to simulate the dense gas-solid two-phase vertical flows , to simulate the dilute or dense gas-solid two-phase jet flows , and both of them got a satisfied numerical solution .

  16. 因此,它取代了传统的柔性立管和顶张力立管,成为深水油气开发的首选立管,被认为是深水立管系统的成本有效的解决方案。

    SCR is considered over both flexible riser and TTRs in deepwater development and is a cost effective solution to deepwater oil and gas production .