
qì wèi
  • smell;odor;scent;odour;flavor;flavour;smack
气味 [qì wèi]
  • (1) [smell;odor;flavor]∶嗅觉所感到的味道

  • 气味浓香

  • 散发出气味

  • (2) [smack]∶比喻人的性格、情调

  • 有点沙文主义气味

气味[qì wèi]
  1. 我首先注意到的是这屋子里的气味。

    The first thing I noticed about the room was the smell .

  2. 他呼吸中的酒精气味让我恶心。

    I was repelled by the smell of drink on his breath .

  3. 博物馆利用气味和烟雾发生器制造气氛。

    The museum uses smells and smoke generators to create atmosphere .

  4. 这房子坐落在工厂的上风处,闻不到工厂的气味。

    The house was upwind of the factory and its smells .

  5. 这个动物身上发出难闻的气味。

    An awful smell exuded from the creature 's body .

  6. 大海的气味使他回想起孩提时代。

    The smell of the sea took him back to his childhood .

  7. 房间里传来令人恶心的气味。

    There was a vile smell coming from the room .

  8. 她闻到那气味,恶心地皱起了鼻子。

    She wrinkled her nose in disgust at the smell .

  9. 住在面包店附近的人都很熟悉这种气味。

    The smell is very familiar to everyone who lives near a bakery .

  10. 空气中弥漫着橡胶燃烧的气味。

    The smell of burning rubber filled the air .

  11. 猎犬追踪着狐狸的气味。

    The hounds were following the fox 's trail .

  12. 满屋子都是从厨房飘来的气味。

    The smells from the kitchen filled the room .

  13. 屋子里弥漫着皮革的气味。

    The smell of leather permeated the room .

  14. 狗准是闻不到她的气味了。

    The dogs must have lost her scent .

  15. 这地方有一股污浊腐朽的气味。

    The place smelled of decay and neglect .

  16. 那气味使得她想要吐。

    The smell made her want to vomit .

  17. 这种可怕的气味让我恶心。

    I was repulsed by the horrible smell .

  18. 这种气味让我恶心。

    I was repelled by the smell .

  19. 四周的物象、气味和声音纷至沓来,使她晕头转向。

    The mixture of sights , smells and sounds around her made her senses reel .

  20. 空中飘来一阵阵辛辣的气味。

    Spicy smells wafted through the air .

  21. 那个房间里散发着浓浓的上光剂的气味。

    The room smelt strongly of polish .

  22. 这股气味使我想起了法国。

    That smell reminds me of France .

  23. 这气味让她恶心。

    The smell made her retch .

  24. 哎哟!多难闻的气味!

    Yuk ! What a smell !

  25. 几乎没有什么气味。

    There was barely any smell .

  26. 这儿有一股难闻的气味。

    It smells in here .

  27. 厨房内充斥着烘干制服的难闻气味。

    The kitchen was rank with the smell of drying uniforms .

  28. 有潮湿的木料和机油的气味。

    There was a smell of damp wood and machine oil .

  29. 森林里那种馥郁芬芳的迷人气味围绕着我们。

    That lovely , rich fragrant smell of the forest enveloped us

  30. 熏香发霉的气味令她感到头晕。

    The musty aroma of incense made her head swim .